For any of our clients that are planning to travel with their dog to the USA after August 1, 2024 the CDC has changed the requirements for entry for dogs. The CVMA has reached out and is seeking guidance/exceptions for Canadian dogs due to the large number that routinely cross the border, however at this time the following rules are in place:
1. Dogs must be 6 months of age or older
2. Dogs must be microchipped with an ISO compatible chip
3. Dogs must have a valid rabies vaccine or serology certificate
4. A veterinarian must fill out a Certificate of Dog Arriving form to a government vet 30 days prior to travel which needs to be approved
- This form may be good for up to 3 years if it contains information about the rabies vaccine administered
5. The past 6 months of veterinary records must be obtained
6. Two to ten days prior to travel, take a picture of the dog and fill out the CDC dog import form.
Our recommendations for our clients are to call and see if your pets are microchipped, if they are not they will need to be and then they will need a rabies vaccine booster. We urge clients not to put off starting this process as the requirement for an official (CFIA) veterinarian to approve the paperwork is going to cause significant backlog, which may delay your travel.
For more information please see:
Animal Importation, importation of animals, importation of animal products, Traveling with Pets