The Waters are having a wild and crazy evening play. Sound on to hear the noisy little gremlins 😝
The Waters are having a wild and crazy evening play. Sound on to hear the noisy little gremlins 😝
Morning Playtime with the Waters. Such a fun bunch ❤️
Morning Playtime with the Waters. Such a fun bunch ❤️
Lake 5 weeks old (another busy girl who wouldnt stay still long enough for photos lol)
Lake 5 weeks old (another busy girl who wouldn’t stay still long enough for photos 😝)
Tuesday’s Cuteness. Sasi is showing the Water Litter how to use the wobble board ❤️
Tuesday’s Cuteness. Sasi is showing the Water Litter how to use the wobble board ❤️
Huge Congratulations to Miss Frizzle and Kate for winning all three classes of the Backyard Champions they competed in on the weekend!
Huge Congratulations to Miss Frizzle and Kate for winning all three classes of the Backyard Champions they competed in on the weekend!
Bumpy car ride time!
Bumpy car ride time! Studies have shows that dogs who are exposed to car rides before 6 weeks of age are much less likely to experience car sickness later on in life. I was impressed at how calm the Water Litter was. I thought for sure in a litter this size at least one would be complaining, but they were all relaxed and quiet! 👌
Sasi is entertaining Riptide while River nurses the rest. #coparenting 🥹🥰
Sasi is entertaining Riptide while River nurses the rest. #coparenting 🥹🥰
Happy a Happy Friday 🥰
Happy Friday 🥰
Sasi meets the Water Litter
I let Sasi meet the pups today for the first time. Usually, I bring them out and introduce them in a larger area, but she was pretty insistent that she gets to meet her new housemates RIGHT NOW 😝 It was sort of an impromptu introduction but everyone got along. I think Sasi is going to make an excellent “nanny dog” to the Water Litter! 🥰
Learning to potty and other cuteness!
Some evening cuteness. The Water Litter is starting to figure out where to go potty! Right now the potty trays are close to their bed, as they tend to wake up and not walk far before peeing. I keep their pen very clean except (for now) I leave the trays with some pee on them, as this helps direct them where to go. Eventually the potty spot will be moved further from their sleeping area, and in a couple weeks they will start to go outside (I hope they like snow!). They are also starting to teeth so they will get lots of things to chew on as those little shark teeth start to erupt 🦷
Sunday morning playtime! Their first time seeing Miss Hen and her singing chicks too. 😆
Sunday morning playtime! Their first time seeing Miss Hen and her singing chicks too. 😆
The Water Litter is 3 weeks old today!
The Water Litter is 3 weeks old today! It never ceases to amaze me how much change happens day-to-day at this stage. As part of their socialization, I am introducing them to new sights, sounds, and textures every day. They are discovering how much fun it is to play with their littermates! I also let them sample a tiny bit of food today by licking it off my fingers. I don’t always introduce it this early but with 8 puppies to feed, I want River to get a break from being the sole source of nourishment, and I like to introduce it slowly, so it starts now. They were very eager to lick it off my fingers!