Paws in Motion Canine Rehabilitation

Paws in Motion Canine Rehabilitation Assessment and rehabilitation of dogs in Muskoka after illness or injury, weight loss and conditioning programmes and injury prevention programmes.

I am a Registered Physiotherapist and have been working in private practice treating people with sports injuries, and musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. I am a member of the Animal Rehabilitation Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Paws in Motion Canine Rehabilitation offers assessment and treatment of family pets and canine athletes following illness or injury. Rehabilit

ation can help with the following conditions:
- Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle and ligament strains and tears.
- Joint injuries, including dysplasia, arthritis, and developmental problems.
- Bone injuries, including after fractures or surgeries.
- Spinal injuries, including disc herniations and degenerative changes.
- Neurological problems, including balance disorders.
- Before and after surgical procedures, including fixation of fractures, CCL repair, and other bone or joint surgeries.
- Age related changes, including arthritis, weakness, and changes in balance. Rehabilitation can help in the following ways:
- Reduction of pain and inflammation.
- Improving joint range of motion.
- Improving muscle strength.
- Improving gait pattern.
- Improving balance reactions.
- Improving fitness and endurance.
- Helping to prepare your dog for return to activity. Why you should see a Registered Physiotherapist for your dog's rehabilitation:
- Canine rehabilitation is an unregulated profession, it can be done by anyone, even someone with no training at all.
- A Registered Physiotherapist has had years of training and extensive experience assessing and treating people. They have then gone on to do further, canine specific, training to ensure they are properly qualified to work with you and your dog.
- A Registered Physiotherapist will work with your veterinarian to ensure the best care is being provided for your dogs condition.

Can your dogs spare some treats??  Dogs and puppies at the SPCA need some treats to be donated.

Can your dogs spare some treats?? Dogs and puppies at the SPCA need some treats to be donated.

We appreciate all the support we receive for our animals. 💙

Our dogs and puppies require healthy & nutritious treats for training and enrichment purposes, and we are running low. We are looking for a verity of soft and brittle treats for all ages and sizes.

Thank-you again for your continued support. 💙

Apparently it is National Relaxation Day!!  Show me your relaxed dogs. I’ll get us started, this is Tully asleep after a...

Apparently it is National Relaxation Day!! Show me your relaxed dogs. I’ll get us started, this is Tully asleep after a day at an agility trial!!!!

Interesting reading, it is possible that the gene for yellow coat colour may make yellow labs more likely to suffer CCL ...

Interesting reading, it is possible that the gene for yellow coat colour may make yellow labs more likely to suffer CCL injury.

Laurie Edge Hughes’ blog on Canine Rehab.

First WIMBA brace arrived today!!!!  This is for a dog with a carpal (wrist) injury. Can’t wait to issue it and see it b...

First WIMBA brace arrived today!!!! This is for a dog with a carpal (wrist) injury. Can’t wait to issue it and see it being used!

These are the stories that make it worth it!!!  A year of hard work and handsome Tartan was back in the show ring to fin...

These are the stories that make it worth it!!! A year of hard work and handsome Tartan was back in the show ring to finish his conformation championship in style!!!!


Two days before the Muskoka District Kennel Club show last year Tartan had bad accident while running up a hill only to find the other side was a severe drop into a ditch. He injured the lumbar area of his right side.

After a year of daily rehab exercises at home, under the guidance of Canine Physiotherapist Stella Barnett, he was ready to show his stuff once again.

This week at the MDKC show he did it! With a Group 4th and a Group 2nd, he achieved his Canadian Conformation Championship.

Why did I choose to work with Wimba?  Innovative technology, the hope of better fitting braces that will be better toler...

Why did I choose to work with Wimba? Innovative technology, the hope of better fitting braces that will be better tolerated by my clients, educational support from the company.

It’s going to be a hot and humid weekend and I’m competing at an agility trial with my dogs. It is important to know how...

It’s going to be a hot and humid weekend and I’m competing at an agility trial with my dogs. It is important to know how to recognize and treat heat injury………. the most important thing to remember is to cool the dog down as quickly as possible.

Our veterinarians are at crisis point. There are other professions that are appropriately qualified and can help …… if o...

Our veterinarians are at crisis point. There are other professions that are appropriately qualified and can help …… if only the powers that be would see that and let us!!!!

The current global veterinary crisis calls for a paradigm shift towards a more collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to animal care – the health and welfare of animals and their owners need to be the focus of care. By working together, animal owners, licensed professionals in related fields...

This one is always worth sharing again. We need to allow adequate time for tissue healing, and rehab appropriately to re...

This one is always worth sharing again. We need to allow adequate time for tissue healing, and rehab appropriately to reduce the risk of reinjury.

We love this helpful and handy chart from AARV member clinic River Canine Rehabilitation out of Missouri where AARV member Kara Amstutz, DVM, CCRT, CVPP practices. Any way in which owners can understand the different types of tissue injuries that require different average healing times helps everyone on an animals rehabilitation journey! 🐾👏👩‍⚕️

Always nice when the research begins to back up what canine rehab pro’s are seeing in the real world!

Always nice when the research begins to back up what canine rehab pro’s are seeing in the real world!

Over the past couple of years, some of you may have heard of the Cambridge Vet School non-surgical IVDD study. The results have just been published. It’s a great write-up and quite groundbreaking!

Dogs unable to walk due to disc extrusion (IVDD) were cared for WITHOUT surgery. They had an MRI scan at the start of the study and another MRI scan after 12 weeks. These scans helped to make the diagnosis, and they also showed how compressed (squashed) the spinal cord was in each case.

The big questions were:
❓How many of these dogs would start walking again without having had surgery?
❓How compressed was each dog’s spinal cord at the start of the study?
❓Were they still just as compressed at the end of the study, 12 weeks later?

Results were interesting and included the following:
✅Out of the dogs that had deep pain sensation, NEARLY ALL of them (49 of 51 dogs, 96%) started walking again within 12 weeks. Most of them walked much sooner than this.
✅Out of those with NO deep pain sensation, nearly half of them (10 of 21 dogs, 48%) started walking again within 12 weeks. That’s WITHOUT surgery.
✅Spinal cord compression reduced in some dogs over the 12 week study period. That’s despite not having had surgery to remove the disc material that caused this compression.
✅Many dogs started walking again despite the fact that their spinal cord was still compressed, ie ‘Recovery was not dependent on the resolution of compression’

💛The authors concluded that if spinal surgery isn’t possible as it’s not available in the area or is too expensive, non-surgical management is a valid alternative.

There’s plenty of detail in the write-up, and it’s free for all to read or download via this link:

Many thanks to Jep for this photo

Hey, it’s me!!!!!

Hey, it’s me!!!!!

Finished my training!!! WIMBA

Finished my training!!!



I keep forgetting to share this!!!

TONIGHT! 6pm eastern time! On Zoom! FREE!

Every month, I’ve been hosting a free education session for pet parents on how to prepare for cruciate ligament surgery. It’s an informal but informative session in which we discuss how to prepare your home, your pet, and yourself for your pet’s or the orthopedic surgery. And it’s tonight!

If you’re interested, DM me with your email address and city/state/province/country and I’ll email you a Zoom invite!

This beautiful soul is Ruby who was a long time client of mine. Her owner wanted to be able to help other dogs in Ruby’s...

This beautiful soul is Ruby who was a long time client of mine. Her owner wanted to be able to help other dogs in Ruby’s name and so has donated a large Help Em Up harness and a Walkin Wheels wheelchair to me. This is so that I can loan them out for people to try before investing in purchasing for their own dog. What a great way to remember the lovely girly that Ruby was.


I am collaborating with WIMBA to provide custom braces!! If you know me, you know that I am not the best with technology, and Wimba use the latest technology to digitally scan the dogs leg to ensure the best brace fit. So, I have been practicing with a friends dog! The very perfect Georgia was so patient while I worked out the kinks in the scanning process ……. I’m almost ready to start scanning clients!!

This very sweet boy is making fabulous progress with physio after a traumatic injury.

This very sweet boy is making fabulous progress with physio after a traumatic injury.

When Mother Nature suddenly goes a bit crazy, and no one is used to it, this is how we exercise!!

When Mother Nature suddenly goes a bit crazy, and no one is used to it, this is how we exercise!!


If your dog is getting laser and underwater treadmill, this is NOT rehab. It may be part of a rehab programme, but rehab is so much more - reassessment every time your dog visits by an appropriately qualified professional, adjustment of the treatment plan based on that assessment, a targeted, specific, progressive in clinic and home exercise programme, hands on treatment to improve joint range of motion, normalize muscle tone etc etc. make sure you are getting what you pay for!!!


We are starting to see some studies backing up what we already know. Pain affects behaviour. We’re grumpy when we are in pain, so it’s no sunrise that our dogs are too. Pain should always be considered, especially when there has been a recent change in behaviour.

Our goal is to prevent, treat and effectively manage behavior problems in companion animals to enhanc


Coming soon to Paws in Motion, WIMBA custom braces!!!!

Exciting things are coming to Paws in Motion!!!!!

Exciting things are coming to Paws in Motion!!!!!

If your dog “fluffy” or maybe “chonky”?  Although the names might be cute, a fat dog isn’t.  Seeing fat dogs has become ...

If your dog “fluffy” or maybe “chonky”? Although the names might be cute, a fat dog isn’t. Seeing fat dogs has become normal and dogs that are a lean healthy weight are perceived to be ‘starving’. Do you know how to tell if your dog is the correct weight. ……. Hint: it’s not using weighing scales!

Let’s have a conversation, post a picture of your dog below and let me know if you think they are overweight, underweight or just perfect. There won’t be any fat shaming here, we all want what is best for our dogs 😍

Let’s talk about the #1 killer of dogs: Obesity ⁣

This photo represents what a fit/healthy dog should look like— ⁣
a healthy dog should have a waistline with a clear abdominal tuck just below their ribcage. ⁣

If seeing a corgi like this makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable, you’re not alone. ⁣

We, as a society, have normalized fat dogs. By using phrases like thicc, chonker, and big b***d, we’ve altered our perception of reality. Fat is the new normal and healthy is the new unhealthy. ⁣

We, as a society, have told ourselves that fat dogs are cute. ⁣
But, let me ask you a question. Is that “thicc” dog still cute when they develop life altering heart problems, joint problems, or cancer? ⁣

Yeah I went there. ⁣

Is it a strange coincidence that 56% of dogs are overweight, and 50% of dogs get cancer? OR, is this proof that we are literally killing our dogs with their own food bowls?⁣

We owe it to our dogs to do better. We must do better.⁣

Here’s how you can start changing perceptions:⁣
- Every time you feed your dog, assess their body condition⁣
- Measure your dog’s food for every meal (don’t eyeball it)⁣
- Exercise your dog EVERY day⁣
- Don’t defend your dog’s overweight-ness⁣
- Don’t glorify other people’s overweight dogs⁣
- Don’t use words like chonker, thicc, or big-b***d to describe a dog⁣

Most importantly, DO NOT chastise your vet for mentioning your dog’s weight. ⁣

Matter of fact, you should be discussing your dog’s body condition during every vet visit. If they don’t bring it up, ask them about it. ⁣

It’s important to have an open mind during these conversations. ⁣

Recognize that society has skewed your perception of “healthy” and actively work on being better for your dog. ⁣

Your dog’s health is quite literally in your hands.

This is what good underwater treadmill treatment looks like, the therapists are in the water supporting the dog and ensu...

This is what good underwater treadmill treatment looks like, the therapists are in the water supporting the dog and ensuring correct use of its body and so good quality of movement. If your dog is just walking in the water, this is not rehab!!

There are multiple pitfalls associated with underwater treadmill treatment, including
👉 reaching an early plateau in the ability to provide progressive loading,
👉 the inability to target specific tissue structures,
👉 the possibility of strengthening incorrect gait patterns,
👉 and social and financial pressures.

These pitfalls can be circumnavigated when we understand our modality well, use a multimodal treatment approach, and put the needs of our patients first.

Read more here

Lovely words from Teddy’s owner!  So pleased to be involved in his rehab journey and looking forward to seeing him again...

Lovely words from Teddy’s owner! So pleased to be involved in his rehab journey and looking forward to seeing him again after his surgery.

Interesting design of custom stifle brace!

Interesting design of custom stifle brace!

Secure your spot for today’s Live Webinar! ✅🐾

Beyond Surgery: Exploring the Future of Cruciate Ligament Rupture (CrCLR) Treatment with WIMBA’s Revolutionary Orthotics - that’s the topic of the upcoming led by Dr. .kuba.letek, DVM!

Save the date:
🗓️Date: May 29, 2024
🕗Time: 8:00 PM BST (9:00 PM CEST)

Join us tonight for an exclusive webinar discussing Cruciate Ligament Rupture (CrCLR) treatment and the benefits of the WIMBA Stifle Brace.

🔍 What to Expect:
‣ Understanding CrCLR: Anatomy, biomechanics, and clinical significance
‣ Surgical Options for CrCLR: Overview, benefits, and limitations
‣ Non-Surgical Management Evolution: Historical approaches and introduction to the Stifle Brace
‣ WIMBA Stifle Brace: In-Depth Analysis: Design, functionality, and clinical case studies
‣ Comparing Treatment Options: Surgery vs. Stifle Brace
‣ The Future of CrCLR Treatment: Innovations and patient-centered care
‣ Interactive Q&A session

CrCLR isn’t just another medical issue – it’s a complex puzzle that affects our dogs’ mobility and overall well-being. Traditionally, surgery has been the go-to solution, but what if we told you there’s a game-changing alternative? The WIMBA Stifle Brace is rewriting the rules of CrCLR management. With its custom-fit, 3D-printed technology, this orthotic offers a lifeline to pets in need, providing unparalleled support and adaptability.

Don’t miss out – secure your spot now:
👉 Register: link in bio.


Slow and controlled is so important!


Operating Out Of: Harrow Performance, 171 Hutcheson Beach Road, Unit 3
Huntsville, ON


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