Old Josie is out on winter pasture with the herd. She babysat the weanlings for a month or so but has been getting edgier and edgier about the fact she is confined while the herd got to go out on winter pasture. She is pretty sure they need her and she does pretty much run the show when she is out there. Not really bossy but they all know that she knows where the best place to have lunch is today. It all depends on the snow and the wind direction and how much grass is left in the area. Important knowledge that the old 28 year old mare has gathered over the years. She will soon be back. Although she is sound enough to buck the entire length of the big corral and rear up and race around for as long the weanlings want to, she lacks some teeth and her body condition will wane quite quickly now that we have a fair amount of snow and it is colder. Funny thing is she will be very happy to come back in when the easy times out there end.