Nail maintenance can now be as easy as a quick couple minute session a couple times a week to maintain healthy short nails! Using a scratch board will also help with dogs who have longer quicks as they are much less likely to bleed then traditional nail clipping methods. Your dog will never enjoy nail trimming as much as they do now because, well, who doesn’t love turning the mundane things into a game!
One of my favourite things about seeing dogs using the scratch board is the fact that there is almost 100% no uncertainty involved (unless the cookie delivery plan is erring on the side of chincy😜). They can walk away if they lose interest but you don’t have to have a consent position or anything when using one to see if your dog is okay with it! The enthusiastic scratching says it all!💖 My hope is that more and more dogs who fear traditional nail tools are able to show their owners & others how truly willing they are to have their nails trimmed and participate as long as it’s approached in a non humanized way! As I’ve learned myself over the years, there’s nothing wrong in learning differently🐾💛
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