The peach trees are displaying their fall beauty. Let’s hope this fall isn’t too mild and winter isn’t too harsh so we can enjoy some delicious peaches next year! Chill hours are like REM sleep for the tree, and Glow Haven peaches, like many varieties, need around 800 to 1,000 chill hours to wake up refreshed and ready to work. During the cold winter months, they thrive in that sweet spot between 0 and 7 degrees Celsius, storing up energy to protect themselves from cold spells and prepare to bud in the spring. If those chilling hours aren’t met, the tree may not bloom correctly, impacting fruit production.
(In 2023, the Okanagan Valley experienced a challenging weather pattern, with a mild start to winter followed by a sudden and severe cold snap. Temperatures in late December dropped significantly, reaching as low as -24°C in Kelowna and much lower in other locations. This sharp drop in temperature came after warmer-than-normal conditions earlier in the season, which had prevented crops from fully acclimating. The extreme cold damaged many of the peach and wine grape crops, with some experts predicting up to an 80% crop loss in certain areas due to damage to both primary and secondary buds. The abrupt cold snap was particularly harmful because the plants had not yet fully hardened for winter, leaving them vulnerable.)