Take a Hike -Dog Walkers -Kincardine

Take a Hike -Dog Walkers -Kincardine Ultimate Dog walking service
Walk time! The best time of the day We are here to help! You can book your walk last minute our dedicated staff is always available.

Are you gone most of the day at work and your furry best friend is home all day?

​Our dog walking service is ideal for all dogs including puppies and senior dogs that need a potty break mid day, an active dog that requires a lot of exercise or for busy parents that can't provide regular walks. Going away on holidays? We take care of your pets in your home
Our experienced certified pet care team w

ill come to your home 3 to 4 times a day to look after your pets. We do not spend the night at your house. A typical pet sitting day looks like this:
Early morning 30 minute visit : walk and feed
Mid day visit : 30 minute walk and/or play, whatever is prefered, some dogs like a 20 minute walk and a 10 minute play in their yard! Dinner visit 30 minutes: walk and feed
Bedtime 10-15 mins potty break

Available services are : 10 minute potty break or 30 minute walk. You can book as little or as many visits as your animal requires. (cats are typically 1-2 visits per day, dogs are 2 to 4)

We are available 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

1. Regular Exams are VitalJust like you, your pet can get heart problems, develop arthritis, or have a toothache. The be...

1. Regular Exams are Vital

Just like you, your pet can get heart problems, develop arthritis, or have a toothache. The best way to prevent such problems or catch them early is to see your veterinarian every year.

Regular exams are the single most important way to keep pets healthy. Annual vet visits should touch on nutrition and weight control, as well as cover recommended vaccinations, parasite control, dental exam, and health screenings.

2. Spay and Neuter Your Pets

Eight million to 10 million pets end up in U.S. shelters every year. Some are lost, some have been abandoned, and some are homeless.

Here’s an easy way to avoid adding to that number — spay and neuter your cats and dogs. It’s a procedure that can be performed as early as six to eight weeks of age.

Spaying and neutering doesn’t just cut down on the number of unwanted pets; it has other substantial benefits for your pet. Studies show it also lowers the risk of certain cancers and reduces a pet’s risk of getting lost by decreasing the tendency to roam.

3. Prevent Parasites

Fleas are the most common external parasite that can plague pets, and they can lead to irritated skin, hair loss, hot spots, and infection. Fleas can also introduce other parasites into your cat or dog. All it takes is for your pet to swallow one flea, and it can to end up with tapeworms, the most common internal parasite affecting dogs and cats.

Year-round prevention is key. Regular flea and intestinal parasite control, as well as heartworm prevention in endemic areas is important.

Because some parasite medications made for dogs can be fatal to cats, talk to your vet about keeping your precious pets worm-free, flea-free — and safe.

4. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Many dogs and cats are overweight or obese. And just like people, obesity in pets comes with health risks that include diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.

Overfeeding is the leading cause of obesity, says Douglas, who adds that keeping our pets trim can add years to their lives.

Because pets need far fewer calories than most of us think — as little as 185-370 a day for a small, inactive dog; just 240-350 calories daily for a 10-pound cat — talk to your vet, who can make feeding suggestions based on your pet’s age, weight, and lifestyle.

5. Get Regular Vaccinations

For optimal health, pets need regular vaccinations against diseases such as rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, and canine hepatitis.

How often your dog or cat needs to be immunized depends on their age, lifestyle, health, and risks so talk to your vet about the vaccinations that make sense for your pet.

6. Provide an Enriched Environment

An enriched environment is another key to the long-term health and welfare of your canine and feline friends.

Pets need mental stimulation which may mean daily walks for your pooch, and scratching posts, window perches, and toys for your cat. It means play time with you, which not only keeps your pet’s muscles toned and boredom at bay, it also strengthens your bond with your four-footed companions.

7. Microchip and Tattoo Your Pet

Lack of identification means as few as 14% of pets ever find their way home after getting lost. Fortunately, microchipping and/or tattooing can allow for the pet to be reunited with its.

About the size of a rice grain, a microchip is inserted under the skin in less than a second. It needs no battery and can be scanned by a vet or an animal control officer in seconds.

8. Pets Need Dental Care, Too

Just like you, your pet can suffer from gum disease, tooth loss, and tooth pain. And just like you, regular brushing and oral cleanings help keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy.

Dental disease is one of the most common preventable illnesses in pets yet many people never even look in their pet’s mouths. It’s estimated 80% of dogs and 70% cats show signs of dental disease by age three, leading to abscesses, loose teeth, and chronic pain. In addition to regular dental cleanings by your vet, periodontal disease can be avoided by proper dental care by owners. Owner care includes brushing, oral rinses, and dental treats.

9. Never Give Pets People Medication

Medicines made for humans can kill your pet. As a matter of fact, in 2010 the ASPCA listed human drugs in the top 10 pet toxins.

NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen are the most common pet poisoning culprits, but antidepressants, decongestants, muscle relaxants, and acetaminophen are just a few of the human drugs that pose health risks to pets. Human drugs can cause kidney damage, seizures, and cardiac arrest in a dog or cat.

If you suspect your pet has consumed your medication — or anything toxic — call your veterinarian.

10. Proper Restraint in a Vehicle

You buckle up for safety when you’re in the car, shouldn’t your pet? Unrestrained pets in a car are a distraction to the driver, and can put driver and pet at risk for serious injury. To keep pets safe in transit:

Never allow pets to travel in the front seat, where they’re at risk of severe injury or death if the airbag deploys.
Don’t let dogs ride with their head out the window or untethered in the back of a truck bed. Both practices put them at risk of being thrown from the vehicle in the event of an accident.
To keep pets safe, confine cats to carriers, then secure the carrier with a seatbelt. For dogs, there’s the option of a special harness attached to a seat belt, or a well-secured kennel.
For more information please visit the following link



Here are 10 easy tips to keep your furry-legged friends happy and healthy.
Exercise Daily. ...
Keep a Lid on the Treat Jar. ...
Mind Benders. ...
Schedule Annual Veterinary Visit. ...
Check for Lumps and Bumps. ...
Avoid Exposure to Secondhand Smoke. ...
Play Every Day. ...
Brush Your Dog's Teeth.

We offer  extended care for your four legged children. 😉 Whether you're at work or play we've got you covered! We have N...

We offer extended care for your four legged children. 😉 Whether you're at work or play we've got you covered!
We have No crowds. No cold floors. No waiting on high alert. Just snuggles and walks and one on one fun until they're back home with you!
Do you need someone to come by and check on your cats? We can help with them as well. Located in Point Clark
Message for details or check out the link in the comments!

Waiting for a walk

Waiting for a walk


Take a Hike Dog Walkers offers 30 minute, 45 minute, and 1 hour dog walks in the Kincardine area. We ensure that your dogs have the best walk possible for some of the best prices in the business!

30 min walk -$10
45 min walk =$15
1 hour walk =20$

Proper pet care is the basis of responsible pet ownership. It is important when you adopt a pet to understand it is a li...

Proper pet care is the basis of responsible pet ownership. It is important when you adopt a pet to understand it is a lifetime commitment to a furry family member that depends on you for his or her health and well-being.

Happily, the unconditional love and joy that pets bring to our lives more than makes up for the added responsibility that comes with welcoming adding a furry child to your family. To ensure your pet’s health and happiness, following are the necessities that all responsible pet owners need to provide.


Give your pets 24/7 access to fresh drinking water.

Just like human beings, pets need ready access to water in order to survive. Always provide a clean, fresh bowl of water to all animals in your care. Make it accessible by placing it near their food bowl, and remember to refill your pet’s water bowl at least two times a day. This will keep your pet cool, hydrated, and healthy.

If your pet lives in water, like fish and turtles, clean aquariums at least once a week. Failing to do so could lead to smelly tanks and sick pets!


Dogs at Christmas top tips | Key takeaways

1) Your dog needs their own private space to retreat to when they begin to feel overwhelmed.
2) Swap glass baubles for plastic ones to keep your dog safe around the Christmas tree.
3) Pop presents containing food items in a safe place
4) Overexcited children and dogs can be a difficult mix and accidents can happen, especially when food is involved.
5) Avoid feeding your dog table scraps.

Guests, parties, stress & anxiety
Dogs feel most safe and secure when they know they can escape the situation if they want to. When it comes to Christmas parties and guests visiting throughout the festive period, your dog may not necessarily recognise the difference between humans’ positive over-excitement and negative stress.

To keep your dog feeling comfortable during any Christmas gatherings, create their own private space that they can retreat to when they begin to feel overwhelmed. Here are some simple ways to create a calming place for your dog to relax:

Make a cosy space under a table in a less busy room, or cover a crate with the door open.
Put a warm pad in their cosy hideaway to make it inviting and comfortable
Play soft, calming music in the safe space.
Barking at deliveries & visitors

It’s not uncommon for dogs to start barking every time they hear someone at the door during this busy time of year.

Every time your dog barks at the door this Christmas, follow these three steps. It’s important to be consistent in this approach, remaining patient, as it will work providing you keep at it.

Acknowledge dog barks with a kind word
Take your dog to the room with their cosy, safe space while you answer the door
Prevent your dog from sitting on guard at a window, door, or in the garden
Find out more in our guide to stop a dog barking.

Jumping up at visitors
The excitement of Christmas can get our canine friends equally excited, sometimes resulting in dogs jumping up at visitors.

Here’s how you can say goodbye to muddy pawprints on those festive jumpers:

If your dog jumps up at you, look away, step towards your dog while giving zero attention and your dog will drop their front paws down.
When your dog has all four paws on the ground, call them over and give them attention.
If your dog jumps on a visitor, ask them to completely ignore your dog.
This can be made easier if you pop your dog on a lead, keeping a distance between them and any visitors. It also enables you to guide your dog behind you.
If the jumping up is particularly intense, quietly lead your dog to their quiet safe space.
Caroline’s guide goes into more detail about how to stop your dog from jumping up.

The excitement of Christmas can get our canine friends equally excited, sometimes resulting in dogs jumping up at visitors.

Here’s how you can say goodbye to muddy pawprints on those festive jumpers:

If your dog jumps up at you, look away, step towards your dog while giving zero attention and your dog will drop their front paws down.
When your dog has all four paws on the ground, call them over and give them attention.
If your dog jumps on a visitor, ask them to completely ignore your dog.
This can be made easier if you pop your dog on a lead, keeping a distance between them and any visitors. It also enables you to guide your dog behind you.
If the jumping up is particularly intense, quietly lead your dog to their quiet safe space.
Caroline’s guide goes into more detail about how to stop your dog from jumping up.

Not all dogs understand what the Christmas tree is for, with some seeing it as something to p*e on.

It’s also not uncommon for dogs to enjoy playing with fragile decorations or trying to eat them! Here’s how you can keep your dog safe (and protect the Christmas tree from your dog!):

Swap glass baubles for plastic ones, broken glass shards can damage your dog’s paws.
Guide your dog outside, giving them praise and rewards when they perform in the correct place.
Pen off your tree and keep decorations out of reach of furry paws
Keep doors shut and supervise your pets in decorated rooms.

A wide range of services to provide the best care possible for your pets. Dog Daycare is the perfect solution for your d...

A wide range of services to provide the best care possible for your pets.
Dog Daycare is the perfect solution for your dog during your long days at work, or day trips away from the home.
Our Cagefree Boarding and Pet Visits are the ideal choice for when you are out of town.
Many clients use our Daycare and Boarding for when they are entertaining or renovating and simply can't have their dog at home.
Whether your need is for a day, a month, or a year, we have the perfect solution for all your pet care needs!
If you are NEW to us, and wish to book a Meet and Greet (required before your dog's stay for Daycare, Boarding or before Group Walks), please text or email us for an appointment:

Happy Easter. From our pack to yours

Happy Easter. From our pack to yours



As soon as the snow starts melting and the days get longer, people often have one thought on their mind: SUMMER! Summer is a fun season-for a lot of people it includes going to the lake, hiking, camping, and travelling! The heat of the summer brings more than just flip...

Tips for winter dog walksShorter walks on very cold days. While walking your dog regularly is essential, it's a good ide...

Tips for winter dog walks
Shorter walks on very cold days. While walking your dog regularly is essential, it's a good idea to limit the length of time your dog walks when the weather is especially severe. ...
Always keep your dog on a leash. ...
Bundle up. ...
Keep away from winter puddles. ...
Stay visible.


We are located at 119 Lake Range dr in Point Clark.


We service Lucknow, Point Clark, Tiverton and Kincardine

We Love seeing animals happy

We Love seeing animals happy

Are you gone most of the day at work and your furry best friend is home all day?​Our dog walking service is ideal for al...

Are you gone most of the day at work and your furry best friend is home all day?

​Our dog walking service is ideal for all dogs including puppies and senior dogs that need a potty break mid day, an active dog that requires a lot of exercise or for busy parents that can't provide regular walks. We are here to help! You can book your walk last minute our dedicated staff is always available.

Going away on holidays?

We take care of your pets in your home
Our experienced pet care team will come to your home 3 to 4 times a day to look after your pets. We do not spend the night at your house.

A typical pet sitting day looks like this:
Early morning 30 minute visit : walk and feed
Mid day visit : 30 minute walk and/or play, whatever is preferred, some dogs like a 20 minute walk and a 10 minute play in their yard!
Dinner visit 30 minutes: walk and feed
Bedtime 10-15 mins potty break

Available services are : 10 minute potty break or 30 minute walk.
You can book as little or as many visits as your animal requires. (cats are typically 1-2 visits per day, dogs are 2 to 4)

We are available 7 days a week, 365 days a year!


119 Lake Range Drive
Kincardine, ON





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