Say hello to our friend, Mabel 👋🏼
Used in Britain to swim down the otters that robbed the streams of fish, the Otterhound has been known there since the 13th century. Possessing webbed feet and the ability to swim for hours, they are surely a water dog. The breed became scarce when pollution made otters scarce and they became a protected species in 1978. Determined to keep their breed alive, an association was formed, a standard was drawn up and the Otterhound became a show dog. In North America, they’ve been known to hunt mink, raccoon, mountain lion and bear.
Described as displaying unfailing devotion to their owner, being amiable, boisterous and even-tempered, this active breeds working qualities have always been emphasized. They should be lean and well-muscled, and provided with plenty of outdoor exercise.
The Otterhound is a large dog with strong bone, standing at approximately 27 inches at the withers, and weighing around 115lbs (females slightly smaller). Their coat is dense, rough, coarse and crisp, with an important water-resistant undercoat of short, woolly, oily hair. It is important that they can withstand any amount of immersion in water.
Grooming requirements are not extensive as they are shown in a natural state with no sculpting or shaping allowed. A good going over with a slicker brush will suffice.
Stay tuned to learn more about the unique breeds we share out time with 💙.