Bellrock Stables

Bellrock Stables Welcome to the BellRock Saddlebreds page! We are a small breeding farm specializing in Ame

We are so excited to announce that Alexis Martin-Vegue will be coming to Bellrock Stables June 25th, 26th, and 27th,!  T...

We are so excited to announce that Alexis Martin-Vegue will be coming to Bellrock Stables June 25th, 26th, and 27th,! This comprehensive clinic will include a dismounted theory lesson on June 25th, then mounted or ground work lessons June 26th and 27th.

A Little Bit about Alexis:

Alexis MV is a classical dressage rider and coach who is well educated in both the French and German methodologies of traditional riding. She utilizes the principles of both, along with R+ (clicker training) to create a blended approach of science based, biomechanically sound, ethical training of the horse for any discipline. Having studied extensively with world renowned author and coach, Mary Wanless, Alexis offers riders detailed insight on how to correctly use their position to ride with balance and feel, as well as preserve their own ‘soundness’.

Alexis’ resume is impressive!!! She is a USDF bronze, silver, and gold medalist in self trained horses. A USDF silver freestyle, bar and freestyle competitor at nearly every level, a USDF dressage judge and has multiple USDF Horse of the year top 20 placings!

Pm if you are interested in group theory, auditor, dismounted or a rider spot! They will go quick!!!

Sulley is looking forward to the weekend!A quick note about the clinic this weekend.If you are coming to audit and have ...

Sulley is looking forward to the weekend!

A quick note about the clinic this weekend.

If you are coming to audit and have not reserved your spot, please reach out to confirm which day(s) you are coming.

We will have a light breakfast and lunch available as well as coffee, tea and water for auditors to drink. Auditors need to bring their own mug if they plan to have warm drinks.

Bring a chair, as well as a blanket (in case it is cold); we do have a heated viewing room as well for everyone to warm up in.

If you are entering the arena during someone’s ride, please do so as quietly as possible.

Rides will start at nine and go until approximately 4 o’clock.

There is a large parking lot behind the sand, please do NOT park your vehicle on the grass.

Please do not bring dogs, we have dogs and cats of our own, some of which are more reactive than others. 

Get ready for an epic weekend at the Rider Mechanic - Jennifer Derksen Clinic! Don't forget to bring a chair and blanket...

Get ready for an epic weekend at the Rider Mechanic - Jennifer Derksen Clinic! Don't forget to bring a chair and blanket, and don't worry about getting chilly - we have a heated viewing room. If needed you can fuel up with a light breakfast and lunch, but remember to BYOM (Bring Your Own Mugs)!

Rides will start at 9am and go to approximately 4 both days.

Didn’t commit to an auditor spot, no worries just flip me a message!

Sulley can’t wait!!!!😜


ONTARIO CLINIC UPDATE: One riding spot (both days) has opened up at the Bellrock Stables Clinic. Please contact Lauren if interested.
April 6/7 - Bellrock Stables is hosting this weekend clinic in Kingston, ON. Contact: Lauren Phelan-Rivard
Email: [email protected]

One of the best gifts you can give both yourself and your horse is the gift of becoming a more balanced and effective rider. These Kingston clinics rarely have rider openings available. Don't miss your chance to ride!

All clinics including the Bellrock clinic have auditor spots available. Please pay in advance to clinic hostess to aid in their planning. 35$/day or $50/both days.

Clinic Full - waiting list being held
April 3/4 - Black Horse Biomechanics Riding Simulator is hosting this two weekday clinic in Palmerston, ON. Contact: Shannon Tully South
Email: [email protected]

Clinic Full - waiting list being held
April 8/9 - Stone Ridge Stables is hosting this weekday clinic with evening lessons available in Kingston, Ontario. Contact: Sharon Westendorp
Email: [email protected]

See you there ❤️





Full Board Isn't Full Service

A friend asked me to write this a while ago..and I have been thinking on it for several months. So here is a go.

Full board Isn't full board. The average boarding farm with anywhere from 5 to 40 boarders is so much work. Just the daily grind of getting up, feeding, haying, checking water takes up a significant amount of time. Stalls, another massive chunk, then repeat pm feed.

Then you want the boarding farm to do blankets ( something I refuse to do. I worked for a QH trainer in the 90s and spent hrs every morning and night reblanketing all the horses under lights ...cured me ) , meds, you want night check. You want their weight and physical appearance monitored through their blankets.

Now all the extras : tackroom swept, aisle perfect, walls hosed down, no rodents, cobwebs , working washrack with drain that never clogs...

Then perfectly manacured fields , mowed, fertilized, weedwacking. Fences repairs etc....

Board or bored...when your horse is in the stall more for inclement weather , you need to get there to exercise it and prevent colic ( motion is lotion for guts and joints ! ). Full board doesnt cover checking every single inch of the horse ( though most of us do take a quick look, i have trained myself to look at all 4 legs both side every day ) for bumps, bruises, shoes with sprung heels , mysterious fungus that appears on its flank. Owners need to be present, take responsibility for their own horse, make coming out to groom that retired horse on a schedule....and always always be accessible for emergencies.

When you see something needs done, just do it instead of complaining about it. We have all seen the posts about the costs of boarding and basically, if you are paying less than $1000/ month, someone is subsidizing your board. So pick up a rake, a broom, be present. Run a hose, scrub the tub. Triple check your horse. Check on the horse whose owner is ill ( with their permission ) . Leave things better than they were.
Many barns have a person or 2 that randomly helps with some stalls....I guarantee you the barn owner appreciates that person. I used to have a students father who would clean many stalls while his daughter rode. I know I'll never forget him.

Holidays....most barns have 1 of 2 ways of thinking. 1. Don't come out at all. 2. If you do come out, plan to help with feeding, haying, watering turnout and stalls. I can speak from personal experience...I havent had a holiday off since pre 2001 except for 1 Christmas, an exceptional student did all the work as my gift. I'll never forget that act of kindness. Nurses get double time for major holidays ( and still get to take off a day for Christmas , heck even the local convenience store pays double or time and half on major holidays) , barn owners get nothing, most of the time not even a thank you... I recall a colleague who boarded horses ( and of course taught lessons, trained horses, sold horses and ran shows because boarding doesnt pay the bills ) saying one day she realized her life was like the movie Ground Hog Day....and that she has done the same thing every morning every night for decades. Her farm went up for sale and she now boards her own horses.

Education. Do you know what horses diseases are, understand deworming, know what ailments to watch out for. When should the vet be called ? Can you wrap legs properly, handle an abscess, recognize fungus, spot a colic ? If not, pick up a book, watch some videos. Horse ownership means you love horses and you want to know everything about them.

Anyway...full care isn't day care you drop your "kid " off too and never pick them up from again. Be present. Your horse will appreciate the attention and the barn owner will feel relief that you are watching out for your horse.

3/27/23 update. 212,000 views. 1400 shares. And I have gotten a few nasty comments. I cannot understand the nastiness . Bringing awareness is a good thing. If it doesnt apply to you , then move on. Every barn has boundaries. Apparently some people are mad that I wont do blankets...not sure why, as none of them board with me ! Boundaries are made out of clarity and self respect. Every barn , I hope , has rules and boundaries ! Best wishes to all . Horses are my first and longest love.

( This post was made to bring awareness. At least in my area, boarding barns are becoming fewer to non existent. If we want them to stay, we must change . I have seen mostly positivity come from this...i particularly loved the person who shared it and wrote " I go a bit the other way . I try to help in some way every day that I am at the barn "
I , of course, want all the horses in my care to have good, healthy lives too. I would like to think we all do. )

Come out and audit!!! It’s going to be an incredible clinic!!!!

Come out and audit!!! It’s going to be an incredible clinic!!!!

I can't believe that the Ontario clinics are just over 3 weeks away!!

All clinics have auditor spots available. Please pay in advance to clinic hostess to aid in their planning. 35$/day or $50/both days.

Clinic Full - waiting list being held
April 3/4 - Black Horse Biomechanics Riding Simulator is hosting this two weekday clinic in Palmerston, ON. Contact: Shannon Tully South
Email: [email protected]

Clinic Full - waiting list being held
April 6/7 - Bellrock Stables is hosting this weekend clinic in Kingston, ON. Contact: Lauren Phelan-Rivard
Email: [email protected]

Clinic Full - waiting list being held
April 8/9 - Stone Ridge Stables is hosting this weekday clinic with evening lessons available in Kingston, Ontario. Contact: Sharon Westendorp
Email: [email protected]

See you there ❤️


Lost motivation to share due to a million junk followers. How do I get rid of them?

It’s Christmas Eve!

It’s Christmas Eve!

Haha!!! My favourite clip is on the bottom right!!!

Haha!!! My favourite clip is on the bottom right!!!


Testing testing….

What a great weekend!!! So much transformation!!! The beauty is in the details and the journey.

What a great weekend!!! So much transformation!!! The beauty is in the details and the journey.

Another amazing weekend of learning at Bellrock Stables has come to an end! Thank you to all the riders and auditors for your passion to be the best you can be for your horses!
Thank you to Lauren Phelan-Rivard and her family for always taking such good care of me and treating me like one of their own!
Till next time!❤️

Tomorrow is the start of our clinic with Jennifer Derksen the Rider Mechanic!!! We also have Elizabeth for Touch Changes...

Tomorrow is the start of our clinic with Jennifer Derksen the Rider Mechanic!!! We also have Elizabeth for Touch Changes Bowen Therapies who is working on humans and horses!

Luna is also ready to cuddle 🥰

We still have auditor spots available! Send us a message if you want to join!!!!

Words of wisdom from Jennifer Derksen The Rider Mechanic!  If you’re interested in seeing how rider mechanics influence ...

Words of wisdom from Jennifer Derksen The Rider Mechanic! If you’re interested in seeing how rider mechanics influence how your horse can move, come and check her out this weekend at Bellrock stables for her rider mechanic clinic. We have lots of space for auditors both Saturday and Sunday! $35/day or $50 for the weekend!

“Our horses would be so much better off if we could forget about arriving, and just enjoy the journey”
~ The Rider Mechanic ~ ❤️

We are getting soooo excited to welcome Jennifer Derksen, The Rider Mechanic back to our farm at the end of the month!!!...

We are getting soooo excited to welcome Jennifer Derksen, The Rider Mechanic back to our farm at the end of the month!!! if you have not ever had a chance to audit a clinic like hers, it is not when you want to miss. The slightest changes in your mechanics can make the world of difference to your riding. 

 We will also have the incredible Elizabeth Sleight here from Touch Changes, working on horses and people to help optimize our performance 😉

Details on auditing are below!!

Calling all auditors!!

All of the clinic riding spots are full, but waiting lists are being held for the Kingston clinics.

Many of the students in both of my Kingston clinics have been riding with me for years, so auditors get the rare opportunity to see me work with my riders on the more advanced biomechanics of trot, canter and lateral work.

Auditor fees must be paid in advance for both Kingston clinics.

To audit the Bellrock Stables clinic, September 30/October 1, please etransfer Lauren @ [email protected] 35$/day or $50 for the weekend. In the comments of your E-transfer please specify which day you are attending if only one day.
Don’t forget Elizabeth Sleight of Touch Changes - Bowen and Fascia Release for horses and companion animals. will be there to treat both humans and animals so be sure to send her a message if you’d like to book something with her. I’ve already booked my spot!

I’m am getting super excited to see everyone!!

The many benefits of auditing Clinics:

I often wonder why so few riders audit clinics. While it’s clearly a huge bonus if you get to ride with your favourite coach, auditing can be as much or even more beneficial in my humble opinion.

First off, you don’t have to worry about a horse. Getting to the venue, getting your horse ready, warming up, the stress of riding in front of a big name or even someone you look up to. Then there’s cooling out, water them, put them away, feed them and sometimes truck them home if you’re commuting to the clinic.

Meanwhile, auditors have been sitting comfortably taking copious quantities of notes, observing rider/horse combinations and how the instructors coaching is making a difference, usually while sipping a cup of tea or a drive through pickup of a hot Tim Hortons coffee.

Auditing fees are usually a pittance of what the riders pay for their lessons and you get the stress free benefit of taking it all in, while the riders are up there often so stressed they don’t even remember what the coach has said to them.

Many coaches, myself included, don’t receive any of the fees collected for auditing. They go to the organizer to pay for all the incidentals that many who attend clinics don’t even realize are needing to be paid for. Things like extra insurance, outhouse rental, snacks and beverages, sound equipment rental, bleacher rental, wear and tear on the facilities amongst many others.

Auditing also allows you to determine whether you and your horse could benefit from this type of instruction. If you love it, you can leave your contact info with the organizer for the next one. If you don’t love it, or recognize it’s just not for you, you can walk away knowing you didn’t drop a small fortune to find out.

Networking with like-minded equestrians at breaks and lunch is invaluable. Many a new friendship and connection have been made auditing clinics!

Lastly, many of us take questions from auditors between lessons and at breaks and I will often do many impromptu off horse demo’s that you can take home to try immediately with your horse.

Tips for auditing clinics:


- Bring an open mind
- Support the riders. They are making themselves vulnerable so you can learn.
- Bring a notebook and a pen
- Bring a comfortable chair
- Blankets, hat, mitts and scarf if the weather is cold (Back on Track horse blankets are my favourite to wrap up in)
- Keep conversations with your neighbor to a minimum. People are paying to hear what the clinician has to say and it’s very distracting when fellow auditors are having side discussions.
- Snacks and water, in the event they aren’t included in your auditing fees.
- Questions for the Clinician - I personally LOVE getting questions from my auditors. Don’t be shy!

I’m a firm believer that we can all learn something from everyone and engaged auditors can make or break a clinic.

Drop a note below about your auditing experience and any tips you might offer others.

***pictured is my good friend and colleague, Liz Clemens owner/ operator of Elimay Equine Services and her beautiful mount Luna at one of my many clinics at Green Arrow Stables


189 signatures are still needed! OMAFRA’s request for feedback to the Modernization of the Veterinarians Act, Ontario

Ugh…. Of course… because we have a clinic planned….

Ugh…. Of course… because we have a clinic planned….

Just posted Special Weather Statements for the weekend weather....sorry in advance. I am sure these will change to watches and warnings as the weekend approaches.


To those of you who will be auditing The Rider Mechanic clinic this weekend at the farm a few notes:Auditors will be abl...

To those of you who will be auditing The Rider Mechanic clinic this weekend at the farm a few notes:

Auditors will be able to audit from the spectators area in the arena as well as the viewing room.

Please dress in layers, the forecast is not amazing.

Bring a chair, again we have some in the viewing room, but bring one so you can view from in the arena. Considering bringing a blanket if you want to sit in the arena comfortably ;)

Our Rider Mechanic clinic with Jennifer Derksen The Rider Mechanic is quickly apporaching!!! In order to ensure we have ...

Our Rider Mechanic clinic with Jennifer Derksen The Rider Mechanic is quickly apporaching!!! In order to ensure we have space for auditors, we are asking that all auditors reserve their spot for March 25 and 26 at BellRock Stables in Odessa.

Jenn is an incredible coach and clinician, she is a certified level two Mastery Ride With Your Mind coach, and has years and years of experience helping riders achieve their goals 🙌

I had the pleasure of doing a virtual lesson with her yesterday in prep for the clinic and let me tell you there is nothing quite like a finely tuned eye!!! 👀

Auditing for one day is $35 or $50 for both days! Payment for auditors can be sent to [email protected]. If only planning to attend one day please indicate which day in your email.

Space is limited!!!

Ontario Clinic Announcement:

I am so excited to announce that I will be returning to Ontario at three locations next spring. Rider spots are now full, however there is always the chance of an unexpected cancellation so don’t hesitate to be added to the waiting list.

March 25/26, 2023 at Lauren Phelan-Rivard’s Bellrock Stables in Kingston, for a two day clinic.
Please contact Lauren: [email protected] to be placed on the waiting list. Auditors are welcome at 35$/day or 50$ for the weekend. Auditor spots will be limited so we ask that you send your etransfer to the above email to reserve your spot.

March 27/28, 2023 (Monday/Tuesday) at Sharon Westendorp’s Stone Ridge Stables in Kingston. To be placed on the waiting list, please contact Sharon via Messenger. Limited auditing available for 35$/day or 50$ for both days, paid in advance via e-transfer to [email protected]

April 1/2, 2023 Host is Green Arrow Stables, located just east of Ottawa in Rockland, Ontario. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list to ride in this clinic please email clinic organizer Liz Clemens: [email protected]
Auditors will be welcome and etransfers can be sent to Liz at the email above. 35$/day or 50$/for the weekend.

I look forward to seeing many familiar faces and some new ones in a few short months!!



So excited for this upcoming clinic with the amazing Jennifer Derksen - The Rider Mechanic!!!We have a spot that has bec...

So excited for this upcoming clinic with the amazing Jennifer Derksen - The Rider Mechanic!!!

We have a spot that has become available! If you are interested please reach out!!!

Ontario Clinic Announcement:

I am so excited to announce that I will be returning to Ontario at three locations next spring. Rider spots are now full, however there is always the chance of an unexpected cancellation so don’t hesitate to be added to the waiting list.

March 25/26, 2023 at Lauren Phelan-Rivard’s Bellrock Stables in Kingston, for a two day clinic.
Please contact Lauren: [email protected] to be placed on the waiting list. Auditors are welcome at 35$/day or 50$ for the weekend. Auditor spots will be limited so we ask that you send your etransfer to the above email to reserve your spot.

March 27/28, 2023 (Monday/Tuesday) at Sharon Westendorp’s Stone Ridge Stables in Kingston. To be placed on the waiting list, please contact Sharon via Messenger. Limited auditing available for 35$/day or 50$ for both days, paid in advance via e-transfer to [email protected]

April 1/2, 2023 Host is Green Arrow Stables, located just east of Ottawa in Rockland, Ontario. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list to ride in this clinic please email clinic organizer Liz Clemens: [email protected]
Auditors will be welcome and etransfers can be sent to Liz at the email above. 35$/day or 50$/for the weekend.

I look forward to seeing many familiar faces and some new ones in a few short months!!

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

Haha!!! Ffs

Haha!!! Ffs

The scariest pumpkin ever!!!

The scariest pumpkin ever!!!


Every barn needs this posted!!!!!
Content From: East West Training Stables


Kingston, ON



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