We’ve talked about heartworm, fleas and ticks but we have not shed light on other intestinal parasites. Nexgard Spectra covers a broad spectrum of parasites but did you know some of these parasites can be Zoonotic? What is Zoonotic you might ask? Well zoonotic diseases or zoonoses are terms used to describe an infection or disease that can be transferred from pets to humans, Gross! The most common zoonotic diseases of dogs include Ringworm, leptospirosis, giardia, roundworm, hookworm, mange and rabies. Testing for these parasites is easy! Speak to your vet if you suspect your pet may have a parasite, simple f***l testing will provide answers of what parasite your animal has and what the appropriate treatment will be. Ensuring your pet is properly vaccinated and taking the appropriate protection will reduce your risk of infection.