2025 price list
Price List:
All young birds are sold straight run (unsexed)
Also inquire about breeding pairs and trios available come fall
Standard Ducklings:
Pekin $12
Muscovy $12
Call ducklings (mixed color flock)$35
Exhibition Dewlap African $50
Chicks: straight run
Silkie $12
Mille flues/Calico Bantam Cochin $15
D’uccles (mixed color flock) $15
Barnyard mix/Easter eggers $7
Also available: straight run
Guinea Keets $15/each (mixed colour flock)
Quail chicks $5/each
Beltsville White Turkey Poult’s $15/each
As the incubator fills I may have hatching eggs for any of the above available, if you are interested in eggs let me know!
Duck eggs $4/each
Chicken eggs $2/each
Quail eggs $10/dozen
Guinea eggs $4/each
Turkey eggs $4/each
Farm gate pick up only.
I DO NOT ship live birds.
I can ship hatching eggs but there’s no guarantee once they leave my possession.