I'm only going to address this once because both politics and international trade relations aren't my forte and I have no desire to pretend that I'm an expert in either.
However, as much as I'm a proud Canadian (plaid wearing, maple syrup drinking, and all) I'm a decent person... Or at least I try my best on any given day.
What we've seen over the past decade has been a degredation of our culture, our beliefs and our morals - everythings on the table in 2025 and that's arguably why the world is in the state that it's in. Right and wrong are subjective and a slap on the wrist for one by the judicial system equates to years in prison for another, sometimes merely based on the color of their skin or sexual orientation.
Again, I'm not a political person and watching a pi***ng match between billionaires internationally just.. Well.. Isn't fun.
We have many friends south of the border and there has never been a greater time of connectedness via social media (though often it's skewed for one reason or another). I believe we can affirmatively say that the majority of Canadians and Americans didn't ask for this. Heck, most of what's going on politically I tuned out during C19 becuase I didn't believe the goverment had my best interest at heart.
I've spent time with politicians and heard hope filled platitudes and simultaneously been met with unanswered phone calls and emails where I have been hoping to address real concerns in our community.
At the end of the day and in my experience, the majority of Canadians and Americans (I really can't speak for other cultures, nor recent immigrants) are fantastic people - sure, we all have some nuts - but this trade war is going to hurt both of us. All of us. Heck, we may even be on the verge of a thrid world war if the current psychological warfare isnt counted already.
So, friends, we're all in this together and since the government won't tell you I will:
Grow a garden. Grow a f*cking garden...
Because the more you take control of your own situation on your counter top or in your window sill - heck, even on your desk at work! The more you take control for you, your family and your community. The more we sane people down here not friviously throwing around millions of dollars on useless projects can work together to keep each other safe, fed, happy and healthy.