Road to Serenity Farm

Road to Serenity Farm Lesson/Lease Horses
☆ Heated Indoor Arena ☆ Liberty, Jumping & Obstacles Challenges ☆NW of Saskatoon


Day 1 of tackling the saddle trauma so I don't have to ride ba****ck on my personal horse for the rest of our days together.

I spent a year not bothering with the saddle and got her rideable without it. A year ago, she would have surely bucked as she got quite fresh and spring-feverish today. Even when she got tight a couple of times, she didn't resort to the deeply engrained bucking. Instead, she moved out and forward just as I've been trying to rewire her to be able to do.

Please remember March 2025 prices. The cost to keep and maintain insurance, and lesson and boarder horses keeps going up...

Please remember March 2025 prices. The cost to keep and maintain insurance, and lesson and boarder horses keeps going up & up so we're doing a small increase. We are still more affordable than average, for our facilities and horses - and smaller group sizes too 😊 Please remember 1 month's notice to give up a weekly spot, especially if returning later.

(If we are busy enough, you can talk to me about deals if you have more than one kid riding with us...or if financially struggling, I can assist a couple families each year with lower-cost lessons if the child really benefits from horses)

Cost is often per month, by etransfer, at beginning of month: up to 4-5 lessons per month, 1 guaranteed makeup if you need to miss and you ask for it (sometimes we offer more than 1 makeup such as for weather/roads in winter):

👉Group (2-5 riders - arrive approx. 30 minutes early to tack up so we can start on time)
🐎$210 per month/up to 4-5 lessons
🐎 $189 per month with own horse (includes GST)

🐎$294 per month/up to 4-5 lessons
🐎 $273 per month with own horse
(includes GST)


🐎$462 (includes GST) per month
2 lessons per week + time to practice on the lease horse before/after lessons, and/or on another day of the week + "your horse" to take off property shows, trail rides and events when we go as a barn (as it's not a full-lease, we still get use of the horse 1-2 days a week for the program so practice rides outside of lessons to be coordinated). Great way to advance, start showing and/or more seriously jumping.

Cash per lesson (can't keep track of individual etransfers) - maintain minimum 4 lessons per month
🐎50 per lesson group (40 with own horse)
🐎70 per lesson private (60 with own horse)


🐎340+GST pasture - large group
🐎440+GST paddock - small group, also: we manage heaves or special needs in this pen


Full time training - minimum 20 trainer hours/ sessions a month, includes board and basic feed - 🐎$1000+GST per month

Professional training ride/tune up ride - 🐎$35

👉Coaching at Shows and Hauling to Shows

Coaching for the day at low key shows (gymkhana, obstacles): 🐎$25
Coaching for the day at Hunter/Jumper shows: 🐎$50
Hauling: 🐎$1.50/loaded km ÷ number of people with a horse on a trip - can be adjusted to price of fuel

We have some beginner and other groups hopefully starting in April (can arrange private lessons in March to get started) - 306-202-6737. Text/call again if no reply - regularly get busy or miss a message.

Downsizing a couple lesson horses by spring! Please ask.

Upcoming Events 👉March 22-23 Liberty Clinic in P.A. at RRRR arena, not at our arenaCan put you in touch with the barn ho...

Upcoming Events

👉March 22-23 Liberty Clinic in P.A. at RRRR arena, not at our arena

Can put you in touch with the barn host if you ask!

👉March 29-30 Liberty/Obstacle Clinic here in Borden, SK at our indoor arena!

$260 w/own horse or $320 w/use of lesson horse, deposit of half to reserve spot 9am-4pm Sat+Sun, 1 hour for lunch each day, overnight pens available 306-202-6737

👉 April 13th Schooling Show here with ribbons - let me know your interest (jumps, obstacles...). Will plan one with enough interest.

For this year, please let me know your interest in showing off property (Grasswood Series + H/J shows) if you own or lease a horse from here. Planning or having an idea of how many/what shows to attend coming when we know dates.

Also, planning a 2025 barn camping trip with board or part-boarder horses at Eagle Creek. Cabins and/or tent and pens for horses are there. Need to figure out a good weekend for those interested. If interested, let me know.


What a month (even spread out) of groundwork does to instill calm and confidence in an older horse! This guy was given to us by the last person he was given to, because he was hard to catch and he did buck saddled (last time, before me). Now, he's good to catch and progressing quickly because, in part, I took my time early on.

Not many want to start an older horse. The ideal time is much younger to start a horse, but the older horses are usually ok as long as you give them time to really think things through. For me, initial training is all about building the horse's confidence and "learning how to learn", not just getting it done.


So happy it's warm again so we can get busy continuing on. Now that I've got her rideable, we'll be tackling the saddle again in a few days. This saddle is probably her biggest trigger from the past. As much as I don't mind riding her ba****ck, I'm curious if she'll turn a corner with the saddle too, now that she's come this far.

With -40 mornings, looks like we will resume regular lessons maybe Wed night if it warms up. Even tomorrow morning is so...

With -40 mornings, looks like we will resume regular lessons maybe Wed night if it warms up. Even tomorrow morning is so so cold and the horses are just eating to stay warm (digestion of forage is their main source of warmth).

If you want a make up lesson, just text me for times Thurs, Fri, weekend, or we can get any makeup lessons in next week too. Stay warm and safe!

As for the animals, they are doing well. I know people worry. Remember horses have been surviving in all climates for millions of years and we're keeping a close eye that they drink enough, because colic is the main concern in these temperatures. They seem content with their heads stuck in the hay. Piloerection of the winter coats traps pockets of warm air next to their bodies so they look extra fluffy as millions of hairs stand straight up. Millions of livestock animals survive these temperatures-- or worse--every year. Nature is amazing.

Thoughts on patting horses. In training, often "release" is enough, with maybe a delayed reassurance and meaningful touc...

Thoughts on patting horses. In training, often "release" is enough, with maybe a delayed reassurance and meaningful touch. Don't overdo the touch is what my mentor told me - it took me a while to get it.

It's second nature for us to pet or pat a horse for being good. What is most meaningful and going to sink as the best reward for the horses is not what humans easily understand. Also, this gets into how horses are very different from dogs. Serenity relaxes best when I just sit with her, let her sigh and talk to her gently. Touch is overwhelming, especially at the face. If I had reached out to pet her as soon as she came into me, it would have been too much for her to process and interpret. She was so sensitive. We never would have made it to where we are now with liberty and riding.

Refinement on what makes the best feeling of reward (which largely centers around safety for a prey animal) is how I'm able to do liberty. The horse doesn't seek the physical touch as much as the time and space to go level-headed and release any underlying worry, allowing their nervous system to change even slightly. For a prey animal, that's huge. Petting too much or too soon because of our own overpouring of love and excitement can actually subtract from sanctuary, depending on the horse. Just being still and present is often enough, if thinking from horse's point of view. Good breathing techniques is far more important. Some horses are more desensitized to over-doting.

Horses are not born understanding what a pat, or even our petting, means. They have absolutely no idea that this is to bring them pleasure, or that it means we are pleased with them.

When we humans stop and think about this, it is something of a lightbulb moment.

We pat our horses for our own enjoyment, nothing more. Our love spills over and so, we reach for them. We pat.

I’ve learned that wild—or any highly-reactive—horses will be startled by such a thing and sadly, to get along in this world, they are expected to accept it. To submit. In nature, horses will understand a stroking, a little rub or a neck or tummy scratch, for they do this for themselves and with other horses.

They absolutely understand a little squeeze of comfort along the crest of the neck.

When they are fully relaxed, our horses will simply stand with their heads in a level position, exhaling with a sigh and then, breathing evenly. Knowing this, I’d venture to say that when we want to show our horses that we are pleased with their response to our demands, probably the kindest and sanest thing to do is to simply relieve them of the burden of our asking!

We might also relax, sigh and breathe evenly, ourselves to show the level of our relationship and understanding.

A little rub on the neck or a scratch, along with a kind word, will feel natural to a horse and therefore, is easily understood. I’m just saying that we might want to start choosing a touch that is not needing to be endured, or figured out.

The whole notion of kinship—of 'speaking' the equine language—is something to think about, the next time we yearn to say ‘thanks and well done’ to our good friend and teacher, the horse.

Here I was, once upon a time on the late, great Cisco, doing the very thing that no longer feels right. I'm not saying that I was in any way meaning to be thoughtless, or heavy-handed... patting her just feels cruder than I would now like to be. This good horse certainly deserved my sensitivity, in light of the quiet beauty of this shared moment.

I will always remember it.

But what is horsemanship, I ask, if not for allowing us the space to change our minds?

Photo: Bar U Ranch.

Surprisingly, some riders have been coming out in the evenings for ba****ck or to do groundwork this week in their lesso...

Surprisingly, some riders have been coming out in the evenings for ba****ck or to do groundwork this week in their lesson. The arena is staying decent, only a few degrees colder than normal. However, I can move any riders to when it warms up, second half of winter break, if not wanting to come out in these temperatures. Some have arranged to do an extra lesson next week instead - just let me know availability. I really hope it warms up soon, and spring gets here real fast!

I was telling the girls last night about the dressage pyramid yesterday and how each layer builds on the last. Rythym and relaxation (suppleness) is the foundation for almost everything in riding.


This week is going to be pretty low for temperatures but we will do our best to keep it decent inside the arena if coming for ba****ck or groundwork/liberty. Tues seems ok, but let me know if you are not coming as early as possible, as I will be bringing horses early. If I don't respond back, it's because my phone freezes up in these temperatures when I'm outside or even in the arena too long. Hopefully just one more week of really frigid temperatures!


You never forget the horses that raised you.


For Wed, Feb 5th: snow is coming down consistently. The hwys are good right now (just drove) but not sure what it will be later. I can always move your lesson to Sat or Sun. Please let me know, if you want to change to the weekend. 306-202-6737


For Tuesday, Feb 4th: The indoor arena is sitting at -7 and it will probably warm up as the day goes on. We can do ba****ck or liberty, or a combination, if you want to make it out tonight, or I can change your lesson to another day (if you ask) 😊

I am looking to downsize my herd a bit or get horses into more serious arrangements. This is what I have for sale/lease....

I am looking to downsize my herd a bit or get horses into more serious arrangements. This is what I have for sale/lease. There are more options, but these are the main 4. I have some recently started horses that will also be advertised this spring.

1) Horado (18 y.o. Trakehnre) is currently being part-leased by a great young lady, but his rider goes off to university in May. He would be available for part-lease May 1st to a rider with a fair bit of experience as he is tall and requires a lot of core and a good seat. He is really fancy, bred for dressage through and through, and loves to jump. He is however 17.1hh so very tall. He is one of the fanciest movers on the property or that I've ever owned. It would take a lot to part with him but I'm reluctantly open to a possible sale, if the stars aligned that way. He has the potential to fulfill a serious dressage rider's dreams.

2) Hiero has been a part time lesson horse for a year but doesn't get enough use to earn his keep, and I see he needs more riding to be all that he can be. So slowly I'm considering selling him if I can't get him part-leased. He won the green horse division in the Canadian Cowboy Challenge the year I started him (2023) so he is excellent at obstacles, has been ridden in the mountains and is a lovely trail companion, and shows quite a bit of jumping ability. He's gone over small jumps but has the potential to be a real good probably 1.1m jumper (not to mention, he used to jump the fence regularly when he first came).

3) Vivid is an ultra light, sensitive 14.3hh horse. She is not for everyone. I would be super hard-pressed to sell her, but she doesn't currently get enough use in my program even though I do use her in some lessons. She really doesn't love being a lesson horse as she especially likes soft hands and nice contact, which takes a while to learn. I would love to part lease her out but finding the right rider for her will be a challenge, not that one couldn't adapt and learn how to be subtle and supportive enough for her to go like she can. If I sell her, I would have to feel absolutely certain it's the right situation. I really love this horse! She won a buckle with a youth/novice student at the Grasswood Horse Park last year on the natural trail challenge course.

4) Not sure the plan for Banner just yet but he's an ultra talented Welsh pony who would likely just clean up in the jumper ring at off property shows. Great for an experienced kid with a competitive streak. He has some show miles now. Possible part-lease or training program could be discussed. Please note: Banner is unlikely to be for sale.

If you have plans or ambitions to show and really advance your riding, please discuss with me a plan for 2025. Part-leasing is great way to get the miles and time in, to really advance to your goals--and we have the high quality horses to get you there.


Due to blowing snow advisory, let me know if you want to move your lesson tonight to another day/time. Always happy to accommodate for poor roads.

Not sure about Sat lessons, but Sun will be a go as it will be sunny and we will have both wood stoves going.

**results updated with jumpersOur 2024 Serenity series wrapped up on Sun and overall results are below. It was a very lo...

**results updated with jumpers

Our 2024 Serenity series wrapped up on Sun and overall results are below. It was a very low-key series and everyone seemed to have fun! It prepares you a bit for more serious horse shows, to navigate your nerves and the horse's too. While horse showing is often about weathering the ups and downs, it was great to witness overall improvements in our riders! Congrats to all riders for the courage to test your skills under pressure and in front of other people! Thanks for supporting the series, for without competitors, we wouldn't have these fun opportunities to learn and grow.

Next series starts Sept 2025.
Expect a one-day schooling show end of April before Mercedes heads off to university out east!

For me, the great (and not so great) thing about the more difficult divisions includes more chance at a big prize! Serenity and I got to keep a buckle in the Open Freestyle doing groundwork/Liberty (photo below). Kate needed a competitor in Open so Shaw won a mini saddle bag while getting a tune-up!

Results the Series and Finals Event below. All scores now triple-checked as I was going on 3 days no sleep!

The overall series' score is the 2 top scores combined for each horse and rider in a division. It definitely helped having scores you get to drop, if you attended more than 2 events.

Most Improved Horsemanship for the Series:

Gracie and Hauss

Highest Horsemanship for the Series:

Dianne and Magnum


For the Series (all who qualified):

1st Jordan and Zeus (93)
2nd Amy and Unicorn (84.75)
3rd Abbi and Banner (78.5)
4th Gracie and Hauss (76.5)
5th Myla and Hiero (75.6)
6th Maya and Thunder (67.5)

For the Finals Event (top 3):

1st and 2nd Jordan and Zeus (45)
1st and 2nd Gracie and Hauss (45)
3rd Amy and Unicorn (43)
4th Myla and Hiero (41)
5th Maya and Thunder (37.5)

🐎🐎🐎🐎Rookie 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

For Series:

1st Colter and Magnum (109.75)
2nd Mercedes and Horado (105.5)
3rd Bella and Banner (105.25)
4th Anja and Voodoo (100)

For Finals:

1st Mercedes and Horado (53.5)
2nd Anja and Voodoo (52)
3rd Bella and Banner (46.5)
4th Colter and Magnum (45)

🐎🐎🐎🐎Intermediate Freestyle🐎🐎🐎🐎

For Series:

1st Abbi and Banner (111.25)
2nd Dianne and Magnum (108.75)
3rd Hayley and Snuffs (104.5)
4th and 5th Bella and Banner (104)
4th and 5th Jordan and Zeus (104)
6th Amy and Unicorn (84.5)

For Finals

1st Abbi and Banner (57)
2nd Dianne and Magnum (56)
3rd Bella and Banner (55)
4th Hayley and Snuffs (54)
5th Jordan and Zeus (49)
6th Amy and Unicorn (47.5)

🐎🐎🐎🐎Open Freestyle 🐎🐎🐎🐎

For Series:

1st Breanna and Serenity (124.5)
2nd Ella and Tuff (122.5)
3rd Anja and Voodoo (118.5)
4th Ella and Zephira (110)

For Finals:

1st Breanna and Serenity using Liberty (64)
2nd Anja and Voodoo (63)


For Series:

1st Kate and Tazza (122.75)
2nd Breanna and Shaw (121.5)

For Finals:

1st Kate and Tazza (60.5)
2nd Breanna and Shaw (60)

🐴🐴🐴🐴Groundpole Jumper🐴🐴🐴🐴

For Series:

1st Bella and Banner
2nd Abbi and Shaw
3rd Jordan and Zeus
4th Myla and Hiero

For Finals

1st Bella and Banner 1:09
2nd Jordan and Zeus 1:28
3rd Abbi and Shaw 1:47 + Rs
4th Myla and Hiero 2:01+Rs

🐴🐴🐴🐴Small Xrail Jumper🐴🐴🐴🐴

For Series

1st Bella and Banner
2nd Abbi and Shaw
3rd Jordan and Zeus
4th Myla and Hiero
5th Horado and Mercedes

For Finals

1st Bella and Banner 1:04
2nd Abbi and Shaw 1:12
3rd Myla and Hiero 1:24
4th Jordan and Zeus 1:29
5th Horado and Mercedes 2:12 + Rs

🐴🐴🐴🐴Big Xrail🐴🐴🐴🐴

For Series
1st Bella and Banner
2nd Anja and Voodoo
3rd Abbi and Shaw
4th Mercedes and Horado

For Finals

1st Bella and Banner 1:05
2nd Abbi and Shaw 1:13
3rd Anja and Voodoo 1:09 + 4F
4th Mercedes and Horado 3:22 + Rs

🐴🐴🐴🐴2 foot Jumper 🐴🐴🐴🐴

For Series:

1st Anja and Voodoo
2nd Mercedes and Horado
3rd Bella and Banner

For Finals

1st Anja and Voodoo 1:00
2nd Mercedes and Horado 1:27
3rd Bella and Banner 1:23 + Rs

I have a request for a beginner riding class Wednesdays at 7:45pm for older kids and/or adults, starting in a few weeks....

I have a request for a beginner riding class Wednesdays at 7:45pm for older kids and/or adults, starting in a few weeks. An aspiring rider is wanting a small group setting and group-rates, not private lessons. I do not currenly have any beginner students for her to join in with. We have great beginner-friendly lesson horses if you're wanting to learn how to ride. Please contact 306-202-6737 if interested in a class for beginner or very nervous riders with little experience.
NW of Saskatoon off HWY 16, approx. half hour from the north or west end. Temperature-controlled arena (close to zero most of the winter and a good 10 degrees cooler on a really hot summer day).


Langham, SK


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