Beautiful Jackie enjoying some television time 😻
Well let’s just say our Dr’s & staff are having way to much fun with our students today…Maybe they’ll choose the veterinary profession 🤔
(No child or pet was was hurt in the making of this video 🤭Just water squirted in the face 💦)
Having some fun with our students on ‘take your kid to work day’ 🤭 Dr Machine pranked one of her sons friends with Nutella 💩
Some fun with ‘Sophie’ while she’s visiting Dr Jin 🐾💕
We hope your day is as good as this pups! ☀️
Did you know LASER treatments are an excellent way to provide pain relief to your canine & feline companions?
Laser therapy reduces pain by reducing inflammation through vasodilation (the opening of blood vessels) and also by activating the lymphatic drainage system, thus draining swollen areas.
For more information on how Laser Therapy may benefit your fur baby, talk to one of our Dr’s at your next visit. We are fortunate to have our own laser therapy unit in-clinic, so this treatment can be done while you’re visiting with us 🐾
This video below features ‘Loki’ having a treatment done to help with his stiffness & pain. Such a good boy 💙
Let’s all wish our very own Dr Jin an amazing birthday celebration today 🥳 Mr B went to find her for some professional singing & cake time. To bad Dr Merchant wasn’t there to bust out her dance moves 😂
We THANK YOU Dr Jin for being ‘you,’ and for everything you do for our patients 💖
Savoring every moment with your feline friend – because time spent with a cat is never wasted. 🐱💖