Marmalade used the hooded litter box
The highlight of a pet sitter and pet parent’s day. 😃 My client who is in a retirement home has always been using an open tray for her 13yr old cat Marmalade. It was really stinking up her small living room, so I recommended buying a hooded one. She agreed, but was a little worried she wouldn’t use it since she never had one before. I said it will be fine and I picked one up for her.
The first day I just left the hood off and when I went back the next day to visit she had been using it, so I decided to put the hood on, and didn’t want to leave it with my client to deal with or her go outside the box, so I coaxed her to the box with treats. I got her to go to the box but she wouldn’t jump in, so I got her paper plate she eats her food on and put some treats on it and placed it at the back of the box and she jumped right in explored a little and got out. Yay! Then a few mins later she came back in this video and jumped in and went to the bathroom! (I turned the camera off to give her privacy 😄) Yay, mission accomplished! 💗🐱💗
I think someone wants her breakfast.🥰So cute! (And Cody too of course)💗💗
I try to bring value to my pet visits. I taught Skylar the pup to lay down at a pet visit and it was literally minutes before she got it on her own. What a smart, good girl! 🥰
Reunited and it feels so good! 🥰🥰I’m so lucky I get to return to care for these two love bugs. They know where the treats are. 🍖🍖❤️❤️🐶🐶
#bestwelcomeever #treatsmakeverythingbetter #lotsoflove #extendedfurbabyfamily #preciousboys #deservetobespoiled