Hi everyone. We’re excited to tell you that we will soon be offering a new product, and yes, we will continue to do the coffee mugs too.
We will have tumblers for sale very soon! They are 20oz tumblers, made of metal, snd are for both hot and cold drinks. Each one comes with a box and a straw.
Like with our coffee mugs, we will be using our own original artwork on the tumblers. We will, however, use photos of your family, kids, pets, or anything else you’d like. 😊
We are currently testing them out, and we’re still trying to figure out a price. They will probably be in the $30 range though.
We’re hoping to have some down at the Purple Hippo Boutique in downtown Lethbridge some time next week.
Please let us know what you think of our new product. We’d love to hear your feedback. Our fall and Christmas shows are coming soon, and we will post dates soon! Thank you everyone! 😃
Hi everyone. We’re back, and totally restocked at the Purple Hippo Boutique in downtown Lethbridge. We brought lots of our new stuff, including some new Halloween and Christmas mugs.
Lots of handmade products in the store, there’s just so many talented people here. Come down, check it out, and get a jump on your Christmas shopping! We love what we do, and couldn’t do it without your continued support. Thank you everyone! 😀
Hey everyone, some new mugs done up. Some more color changing mugs, please check out the video.
As always, we’d love to hear from you. Comments, thoughts, suggestions. Thank you everyone. 🙂
Hey everyone, please check out the video of our new beer steins and ghost mugs. Your opinions are very important to us. Please let us know what you think, all positive and negative comments are welcome. We hope to hear from all of you, we really want your feedback on these new items. Thanks so much. 🙂
Hey everyone. We’re trying something new with our mugs. Please watch the video, we really need your feedback. Thank you all for your continued support! We’d love to hear from all of you. Please tell us what you think. 🙂
Hey everyone. I didn’t feel like typing, so I did a video. Basically just talking about the future of our little mug business. Thanks all. 😊
We will be at the Calgary Horror Con this Saturday and Sunday! Come say hi, and check out all our handmade items. Hope to see you there. 😊
Spring has sprung at Purple Hippo Boutique ! We’re down here today to replenish our stock and do a little shopping ourselves 😊