We are in the 💚final stretch💙 of our #SeniorWellnessSeason2024 here at Coulee Vet ~ The last day to enter to win one of these baskets and get your senior's picture with our gorgeous photo wall will be November 30❣️
Call us at 403-898-0321 for more information on how to keep your senior fur baby healthy. We look forward to connecting with your family❣
#Fearfree #Wherepetsarefamily #YQLLocal #YQL #Couleevet #fearfreemedicine #yqlsmallbusiness #personalapproch #Couleevetclinic #Couleevetfamily #preventivemedicine #Fortheloveofpets #Dreamteam #happyhealthypatient #couleevetfamily #yqlbusiness #lethbridgealberta #supportlocalbusiness
We are lucky to have incredible Registered Veterinary Technicians at Coulee Veterinary Clinic, taking care of our patients! We are excited to celebrate you for RVT month! 😻🐶
Please help us make these wonderful ladies feel appreciated by sharing gratitude for taking care of our pets in the comments below! 🐾🩺
#couleevetfamily #RVTmonth #thankful #yqllocal #yqlbusiness #wherepetsarefamily
Foxtail Grass‼
Once mature the barbed nature of the foxtail awns means that once they encounter soft tissue (such as between toes or the inside of the mouth), they will dig in and travel deeper like tiny arrowheads.
We frequently see dogs accidentally ingest these awns. It is very easy for the barbs to catch and become stuck in the tonsils. Even small awns, like in the video, can cause the dog to cough/gag and sometimes even vomit or become unwilling to eat/drink. During the summer, this is one of the most common urgent appointments that we see!
We urge pet owners to comb their lawns frequently and remove any blown-in foxtail awns. If your dog begins coughing/gagging as if something is stuck in their throat, bring them in to see the vet as soon as possible!
#YQL #lethbridgealberta #supportlocalbusiness #couleevetfamily #WherePetsAreFamily #YQLLocal #Fearfree #Couleevetclinic #Summersafety #preventivemedicine #Dreamteam #Couleevet #happyhealthypatient #Fortheloveofpets #JoinTheDreamTeam #DVMwanted #RVTwanted
Creepy Crawlies‼
Earmites (Otodectes cynotis) are sometimes found in kitty ears, and even occasionally can be found in dogs. They are transferrable between animals, but thankfully do not affect humans. 🤢 This sweet little kitten came in having been rescued off the street, and her new family was glad to find out that her itchy ears could be treated!
If you observe intensely itchy ears with lots of dark brown, coffee-ground-resembling discharge, bring your pet in to see us! We can find those extra little friends on the microscope, and get your pet feeling much better right away. 💚💙
#preventivemedicine #supportlocalbusiness #Fortheloveofpets #WherePetsAreFamily #couleevetfamily #Couleevetclinic #YQLLocal #Fearfree #happyhealthypatient #lethbridgealberta #RVTwanted #JoinTheDreamTeam #Dreamteam #YQL #Couleevet
We promote hugs, not bugs‼
This sweet pup was in earlier this week to have a tick removed. With her long, beautiful coat it's lucky this tick was in a spot easy to see!
If there is an exam on file for your pet within the last year, it's as easy as a phone call 💙💚 We can always be reached by phone or email if you want to pick up tick-prevention medication for your pet!
#WherePetsAreFamily #happyhealthypatient #JoinTheDreamTeam #preventivemedicine #YQLLocal #Dreamteam #lethbridgealberta #Couleevetclinic #Fortheloveofpets #YQL #Fearfree #supportlocalbusiness #RVTwanted #couleevetfamily #Couleevet #tickprevention #tickbornedisease #Credelio #DVMwanted #tickborneillness
Can you spot the tick in the bottom right video⁉️ - It's a fully grown adult
🌷 We think of ticks as the engorged, egg-laying, thumbnail-sized ones common in the media. But did you know that they can be as small as a poppy seed? The first active stage after larvae - the “nymph” - is tiny and can be very hard to find if one attaches to your pet.
🌹 Ticks become active with temperatures as low as 4°C, and the forecast appears promising that spring is here! 🌞
We can always be reached by phone or email if you would like to pick up tick prevention medication for your pet! If there is an exam on file for your pet within the last year, it's as easy as a phone call 💙💚
You can check the current tick activity level in Lethbridge (or anywhere you’re planning to visit) by going to www.tickmaps.ca. While you’re poking around, take a look at www.ticktalkcanada.com for more helpful info, including which diseases are transmitted by ticks and how prevalent these are in our area (changes every year!).
#TickTalk #YQLLocal #YQL #Fearfree #Couleevet #couleevetfamily #Dreamteam #preventivemedicine #happyhealthypatient #WherePetsAreFamily #lethbridgealberta #Fortheloveofpets #Couleevetclinic #supportlocalbusiness