The Tails of Hydra

The Tails of Hydra Dedicated to the OG doggo, The Trucking Titan, over the Rainbow Bridge Oct 5 2023 (I can hope!)

Titan was a recue from Casper Humane Society- He started out as a scared little pupper than slowly came out of his shell and was loved by hundreds of people as I shared his story, and the daily story of our lives over the road as long haul truckers. We strove to educate the public, and just share the quirks of daily trucking life with everyone. Eventually we retired from trucking, got other jobs a

nd started moving away from the page, and posting as regular, much to the chagrin of our fans- but it felt like we just didn't have a whole lot to share that was interesting. As time went by Titan got older, and older, and at the age of 17 he had a medical emergency and ultimately crossed the Rainbow Bridge, where I'm sure he is happy with a pain free body, and endless romps in the sun. As of currently, I'm just sharing our old adventures with our old fans, with a bit of the current day mixed in- it helps me heal and perhaps helps bring some sunshine into other peoples lives as well.


We have finally gotten some rain! Hydra was antsy for some action so I took him for a short evening walk in the pre storm. Some deer were startled by us being in their nightly sleep area and Hydra let me know they were coming up on us with a light moof (like a woof only less woofy) which is good because I completely didn't see them at all lol, busy watching my feet. When the lightning started I realised being in a field is probably dumb-9 to 10 people are killed and between 100 and 150 people are injured each year by lightning in Canada according to our gov site, the government even has facebook ads about it. I remember watching storms with my mom as a child, we would pull up kitchen chairs to the screen door and watch the light show. Awesome memories for me, Hydra isn't quite there yet, he's still a little cautious about lightning (obviously) but he isn't terrified, he came to me for scratches, pets and reassurance but he is doing pretty good. He did however make fast tracks for the car as soon as the rain started though 😆

Little man found a sponge (Idk from where, we don't even use sponges), shredded up a toilet paper roll (it was empty so ...

Little man found a sponge (Idk from where, we don't even use sponges), shredded up a toilet paper roll (it was empty so technically okay- he left the full one alone), and napped with me all morning while I wheezed in a desperate attempt to breath past all this sinus congestion, then licked my face a whole bunch while I was trying to sleep ... lol.

I took him for another late night walk, they do wear him out and we get some peace- poor little dude hates his bed rest. One more week and then we can resume his normal schedule!!


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Little man is losing his mind and he's taking ours with him- a bored terrier is a terror and while I am trying to keep h...

Little man is losing his mind and he's taking ours with him- a bored terrier is a terror and while I am trying to keep him entertained with some training, and nose work, he wants his hikes (and I miss them too lol) Every day he is finding creative ways to make me lose my mind, while he is losing his; he has dragged the heating pad out of the bed room, grabbed the washcloths from the bathroom, gotten numerous items he shouldn't have and dragged them to random locations, making me question my sanity. To top it all off I have caught some sort of cold or something so now I'm all sniffly and miserable, something our furry little friend is oblivious to. I finally broke down and took him for an evening walk on the prairie, short and away from any water because he is drawn to water like a magnet and we need to keep that suture dry and clean. He stayed fairly close and didn't run too crazy because it was getting quite dark (you can't really tell too much in the photos the camera on the phone lightens them up a lot!) I'm now scouring google maps for areas we can dry hike away from water and we can get a bit of exercise but stay out of long brush and not be trespassing on private land and making random farmers mad.


They surely would 😍😇




Drive out in the country- little man is getting antsy with all the stay at home, rest and relax so I took him out to the prairie to listen to the coyotes and smell the cows- you can't hear the coyotes on the video 😢 but they are howling like crazy nearby - they don't really bother him much as he's heard them since he was a tiny pup, something I actually worry a bit about because he's so friendly I'm sure if he ever saw one he would try to make friends instead of being smart and staying away. But sometimes our dogs surprise us with our smarts too so you never know. He's super friendly to people also but when we are hiking if he hears a car or something like that he is on high alert ready to tell me where the people are at. Which I don't mind at all because I tend to not watch around me much when I hike ( I have to watch my feet lol so I don't fall) so it would be easy for me to walk face first right into people without knowing if he didn't come to me and body block me first.

Little man has no idea he went for a surgery and doesn't know the definition of rest and relax.... I wish I bounced as e...

Little man has no idea he went for a surgery and doesn't know the definition of rest and relax.... I wish I bounced as easily as he does! It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, and he is listening really well about leaving it alone even- I had to corner him this morning to force his drugs into him, made me feel like a mean mummy but he needs his doggy drugs. New thing for me to work on training him I guess, take your drugs and like it! Or stop running away. He was such a good boy despite mean mum forcing drugs into him. He got roast beef as a reward and extra pets. He is the best doggo

Today was a rollercoaster for me in so many ways- little man went in for his neuter- he made it out okay, the vets did a...

Today was a rollercoaster for me in so many ways- little man went in for his neuter- he made it out okay, the vets did a great job and they hugged me when I dropped him off and assured me that he would do great and be safe and sound. He did do great and he is home now, chewing on a chew and being a terror that wants to do things. He does have a lump on his nose which happened right before I picked him up- apparently he jammed his nose bits in the cage in his unhappy to be left without his people.

I spent the entire day feeling like I had just gotten a concussion, dizzy, vertigo, and just general brain fog like crazy, plus I was crabby but not really unexpected considering I just got off of over a week of migraine- good news is less migraine pain, I just look drunk staggering around and nearly falling all the time, plus the nausea that vertigo brings. Hooray.

But little man made it!!!! What a huge relief to me. And hooray to the vet heroes that did a good job taking his manly berries and bringing him back to me in good shape.

Today I still have a migraine- but later in the day it eased off enough I could go for a small hike- normally I wouldn't...

Today I still have a migraine- but later in the day it eased off enough I could go for a small hike- normally I wouldn't and I would just continue to rest- but little man is getting neutered tomorrow morning so he won't be allowed to hike or do anything fun for the next few weeks, so I felt that I had better get him out while he can. I am super apprehensive even though I know this is just a routine operation and that literally a billion of them are done every day- but he's my little buddy and he means the world to me- even if he rolled in a super rotting, greasy dead fish today. Yes. Yes he did. The greasiest, fermented, rotty fish on the entire river I'm sure of it. We got home and I scrubbed him with Mrs Meyers Dish soap, body wash, then some h**p patchouli shampoo, and then conditioner... and I swear he still stinks..... His collar is waterproof but the silicone just sucked that stink up so it's soaking in hot baking soda water ... hopefully it pulls that rankness out... 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 My apologies to the vet clinic who undoubtedly are going to wonder what on earth smells like the bowels of the worst swamp ever.

Another migrainy day- I slept part of the night with the heat pad and the dog on my head, the heat helps somewhat where ...

Another migrainy day- I slept part of the night with the heat pad and the dog on my head, the heat helps somewhat where as medications literally do not touch it - Hydra usually lays on my body, not sure why he chose my head this time, maybe he was cold , who knows...

Today is also Grandma's Birthday!!! So wish Grandma happy birthday everyone!!!! She's the best mum and Doggy Grandma anyone could ask for

Today was go to the dentist day- I lost a filling 3 days ago and today was the day to fix that- I react quite badly to t...

Today was go to the dentist day- I lost a filling 3 days ago and today was the day to fix that- I react quite badly to the freezing, and to compound things, I have a migraine (had a migraine for a few days but today it decided to get worse) so I went straight to bed- Hydra the Terror decided he comfort me with his fuzzyness and slept with me too.

Who grabbed a hand towel from the house and dragged it outside to lie on? Who knows. It'll forever be a mystery how that...

Who grabbed a hand towel from the house and dragged it outside to lie on? Who knows. It'll forever be a mystery how that towel got out there .


Science shows petting a dog or even watching someone pet a dog, can lower blood pressure and anxiety, help increase the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine, and lower cortisol levels.

Four-year-old golden retriever Beacon is USAG’s first therapy dog.

Beacon was on hand earlier this summer to help calm the nerves of the athletes and coaches at the US Olympic trials.

USAG hired him part-time to comfort gymnasts and staff. Beacon’s role was vital during the trials, where gymnasts competed for a spot on Team USA for the Paris Olympics.

Beacon is just one of part of USA Gymnastics’ long-overdue mental health program. In addition to therapy pets, the initiative also includes mindfulness sessions and a team of therapists who are at the ready to work with athletes.

Source: People

We had to put building the deck on hold temporarily on hold as we have some relatives on Jon's side visiting- but it's o...

We had to put building the deck on hold temporarily on hold as we have some relatives on Jon's side visiting- but it's okay because Hydra says there's still enough deck there to chill out on.

Today someone, not naming any names, but someone, found out that some bugs, are spicy bugs. Will he continue to bite spi...

Today someone, not naming any names, but someone, found out that some bugs, are spicy bugs.

Will he continue to bite spicy bugs? Probably. Did he learn anything? Maybe ... but not much lol.

definitely me.

definitely me.

Random Photo dump to get all caught up!!!! We've been working hard on the deck (Jon mostly, has been working hard on the...

Random Photo dump to get all caught up!!!! We've been working hard on the deck (Jon mostly, has been working hard on the deck- I have been painting boards but I'm not really a lot of help overall tbh -much to my dismay- between my headaches and being a grouchy potato from heat) I've managed to get a few small walks in but I've had a series of headaches and between them and painting I'm not really getting a lot of walk time in- we went for a night time walk at dusk, where we could hear a lot of coyotes and I saw two. I kept that walk short simply because I kind of don't feel like walking with coyotes. Weird. I know. Tonight we saw a Rattlesnake on the road (thankfully, I don't mind seeing them from the car, lol!) I almost ran the poor thing over before I realized it was a snake and stopped for the bu**er- it was sunning on the road when I rudely interrupted it . It was on the way to us going for a short walk so then it was all I could think about for a bit, lol. Apparently they aren't too bad, and people if they get bitten don't usually die from them, and even pets don't do too badly either... I do worry about the little man but he also needs his exercise as do I.

Little man found a spider in the downstairs bathroom. In other news- I should probably clean the downstairs bathroom mor...

Little man found a spider in the downstairs bathroom.

In other news- I should probably clean the downstairs bathroom more often.
Will I? Probably not, thank you executive dysfunction.

Part two of the epic hike photo dump!  We did a bunch of work on our deck today so no fun photos at all today.... We exp...

Part two of the epic hike photo dump! We did a bunch of work on our deck today so no fun photos at all today....

We explored a lot of the nooks and crannies of the neat hoodoos and cliff faces- it was really unique and cool- and after a lot of investigating both on the ground and later on google earth I think the one area we were in was a buffalo jump at one time- the amount of buffalo bones, the change in the river, the lay of the cliffs and how they are sloughed off in one area, the lay of the land above the cliff and the presence of some maybe teepee rings that are basically completely obscured in person- plus there are some medicine wheels in the area which could indicate anything from a favorite camp location, a great place to hunt or a place an important leader or warrior died (or something else even!) At any rate, very very historic and neat place to be.

It's been suggested I change the Page name from The Trucking Titan - initially I recoiled in horror but the more I think...

It's been suggested I change the Page name from The Trucking Titan - initially I recoiled in horror but the more I think about it the more I think that maybe I should- I considered starting a new page but that never seems to work anymore even with a really active page (secretly I think FB is dying)

I miss Titan, I really do, but at this point in life The Trucking Titan is a major misnomer as we are no longer able to truck, and Titan is with the stars- we are on a new chapter, doing different things. We will never forget Trucking, or Titan as they are definitely a part of us now as things do tend to become- We are a kaleidoscope of all the experiences and people that have touched us, and places and things we have lived.

Hopefully everyone understands, and hopefully Facebook cooperates (it took me over two weeks to change my actual name on FB after getting married) as we continue in this new chapter of our journey.

As I suspected- I'll have to batch upload these photos in two shots because facebook limits how much photo fun we can al...

As I suspected- I'll have to batch upload these photos in two shots because facebook limits how much photo fun we can all have at one time.... boooooo.

I am TERRIBLE at organization since the brain injury so you're going to get two days of mixed photos! Aren't you lucky!!! lol. Fortunately you likely won't know they are out of order and they'll all look cool!

We hiked quite a ways (and my leg and ankle are telling me all about it now) at the beginning of our hike we encountered a Canadian Goose couple and their Goslings- the parents told the goslings to go hide while they 'lured' the danger away by walking boldly along the river honking. Hydra was very interested but stuck close, I sat down so he could watch and in that time I realized a deer was climbing the bank behind us, some kind of Herons were standing on the ridge behind the geese and a duck was leaving the area. We just went in and disturbed the peace on everyone apparently. The area was absolutely epic- hoodoos everywhere, no apparent snakes (yay!) and tons of wildlife. I was looking for petroglyphs, but did not see any so likely need to go further up the river- but the farmer has put a spicy fence across the river (electric) and there are cattle on the other side, which is fine- except they have really chewed up the banks of the river with their hooves and made it super messy with cow patties and messed up the water and everything so I really don't want to go into that mess- plus the ranchers do get a little spicy around here even if the river is public access and I can't blame them really so best to just avoid the conflict (especially since I don't think well under pressure and freeze up)

Here's some photo's from the hospital at the specialists- The ceiling tiles are super cool.  I want some for at home! We...

Here's some photo's from the hospital at the specialists- The ceiling tiles are super cool. I want some for at home!
We went on a huge hike, tomorrow we will be busy, but I'll try to get the photos posted because they are super neat, with lots of hoodoos and bones, and things!


We went on a huge hike! It's so many picture I think we will have to stretch it over a few days - lots of cool hoodoos and bones and all sorts of neat things. We have a meeting to go to tomorrow so we will be busy..... Here's a video of nothing but prairie silence to tide you over




Just a video of the dirt cliffs by the river, they're quite tall!!!


Lethbridge, AB


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