Good information on sharing space with wildlife 
Coyote families are under immense challenges when they are caring for their vulnerable neonate young. Please apply best practices for safe and healthy coexistence by using a leash when walking a dog. Coyote parents are protective and defensive when it comes to their young ones. A dog is like another predator to the parents and is perceived as a danger and threat.
Avoid intruding on den areas; never allow your dog to invade a den area off-leash, and photographers, please adhere to ethical guidelines when photographing wild animals. Learn about stress reactions (vocalizing, body gestures) that a wild animal may demonstrate and respect these communications by leaving them alone.
When you overstay your welcome in a sensitive area such as a den or rendezvous site, coyote parents may es**rt or "shadow" you away from this location.
⚠️ Coyote parents may bluff charge, howl, bark, pace back and forth asking you in their verbal and physical language to move away. Please listen and leave the area calmly.
Remember they are concerned parents who need to be sure that you (and your dog) are leaving and not a threat.
🐕🦺 Always walk family dogs on leash. Calmly leave the site and stay alert about your surroundings. Never turn your back and run.
Stay on marked trails when recreating outdoors and remember to never feed wildlife. For more information about using humane methods [aversion conditioning] to encourage wildlife to move away from an area, review our resources "Keeping Coyotes Away" at coyotewatchcanada.com
VITAL Reminder:
✅️Never use aversion conditioning [humane hazing] near a den area or near parents and pups
✅️Never attempt to engage with parents and pups, or interfere with a family while they are resting, eating, or caring for their young.