What a beautiful pair of babies! These guys are just 10 weeks old only arrived the other day these are generally best in pairs especially when they're already bonded they do make great pets we always recommend to do your research if you have any questions in regards to them please send us a PM.
What a sweet sweet girl! Susie is so lovely she's about 3 years old retired breeder she's very friendly I truly believe she was hand-fed at one time she's response to us quite eagerly she has become such a loving little girl if you have any questions feel free to send us a p.m.
Omg! Please babies are so lovely all they do is purr and want affection!! We are down to our last five all are doing great if you have any further questions feel free to send us a p.m.
#kittens #adoption
There's a lot of choices to be made if you're interested in getting a reptile! These guys are the go-to for me they are friendly personable very handable and fairly easy to care for definitely do your research but if you have any questions feel free to send us a p.m..
What a happy fella! This boy has come around so nicely now he is singing whistling he's even allow us to scratch his head we just love him if you have any questions feel free to send us a PM.
#cockatiel #adoption
What a beautiful girl this is Daisy only 10 weeks old she's a lovely girl lionhead you can tell by that fluffy coat around her neck. If you have any further questions please feel free to Pm us.
#lionheadrabbit #adoption
Two down and six more to go LOL! These babies are adorable they are so friendly and well socialized if you have any questions feel free to send us a PM.
#kittens #Adoption
This is our girl Susie she is so beautiful her colors and patterns are just amazing! She has a great personality she has come around so nicely since she's been with us if you have any questions feel free to send us a pm.
I call these guys my Looney tunes LOL! These little guys are absolute riot there's never a dull moment when you own one of these guys I will tell you that you bring so much joy to people they are just great loving pets if any further questions feel free to send us a pm.
This little girl is Daisy! She's only 10 weeks old she is such a wonderful little girl very friendly she's becoming liter trained very quickly she's quite bright if you have any questions about Daisy feel free to send us a pm.
#lionheadbunny #adoption
This is Jojo he is 4 years old! He is a lovely boy happy loves to sing he is come around so nicely here if anyone has any questions about JoJo feel free to send us a PM.
Today is the day these babies are ready! Not only are they super cute but they have great personalities well socialized little babies we just love them if you have any questions feel free to send us a PM.
#kittens #adoption