Spring is here and Love is in the Air !
Right about now you have probably noticed your bird(s) are a little more moody than usual and aside from moulting, hormones are beginning to flare.
Unless you are a breeder this is not a behaviour you don’t want to encourage. Birds that a hormonal can be some what unpredictable, biting, attacking, being territorial, screaming, “mating” with toys, trying to feed you or their favourite toys, building nests and getting ready to lay
Even though we can not just turn these feelings off, here are some things we can do to prevent breeding behaviours ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
🦜 Putting your birds to bed early and ensuring they are getting 12 hrs of darkness and sleep every day.
Longer days is a environmental trigger and by allowing longer days and shorter nights you are making your bird think it’s time to breed.
🦜Discouraging Breeding behaviours by removing toys or perches that your birds are showing an sexual attachment too. If they are regurgitating, vent rubbing, and tail lifting. If your bird is doing this to you as well you want to redirect their attention to something else by changing up the moment and give them a “time out” in their cage.
🦜 You should never touch your bird anywhere but their heads but you definitely want to stay away from it when they are hormonal, this can be sexually stimulating for them.
🦜 Rearranging Cages
Switching up the environment can discourage breeding behaviours as they are more likely to lay eggs in a cage that hasn’t changed
🦜 Do Not Create or allow your birds in dark areas. These are prime areas to lay eggs
🦜 Stay away from warm mushy foods
🦜 Consider removing opposite sex’s for the time being.
⭐️Something that is also really important to mention is even though you should be giving your birds calcium regularly, This is when it’s really important to make sure your hens(females) are
It’s a ……………
Are you wanting to know the sex of your bird ??
Why wait ? Book a DNA test today
For more information contacting me here on messenger or @
[email protected]
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