Brody is an independent doggo who can walk himself! 💁
🌵 🎄 🌵
We have some fun new Christmas goodies for your furry friends! Salem tested out the catnip Christmas Cactus 🌵 and thinks all our feline friends should have one in their stocking!
We had these two cheeky little beasts in last night for their final kitten vaccines. They thought they were pretty clever 🙈😻
Thank you to all of our clients who have been so kind and patient with us! Please check out this little update and some tips on keeping your pets healthy at home!
When you fall asleep in the middle of a bladder scan... being a puppy is hard!!
#covidoblivious. #puppylife
Evening Oral Homecare Routine
In tonights video Dr Kristina shows how quick and easy it is to follow a homecare routine to keep your pets mouth as healthy as possible.
February is National Pet Dental Health Month! We want to help you and your pet get the most out of life by teaching you how to maintain their oral health. Send us your questions and stay tuned for our mini video series where we aim to dispel some myths and educate you on the best ways to keep your pets mouth (and therefore the rest of him or her) healthy!
Nail trimming with peanut butter
Say hello to Sage: She is our Practice Managers dog and she is very nervous about nail her mom used some low stress tecniques that Dr Karen has been teaching the team and the results were amazing...A little peanut butter on a spatula, made this a much more enjoyable process all around.
Lyme disease
Lyme Disease is becoming an increasing concern in this area in pets. This is a 13 month old dog that presented to our Hospital yesterday and was diagnosed with lyme disease, the 6th positive dog that we have had here at Sackville Animal Hospital since Christmas. Typical signs of lyme disease include lethargy, fever and joint pain, although could include more atypical issues such as kidney problems or immune system issues and can occur long periods after the disease was contracted. In addition to being painful in her legs, this little dog was very lethargic at home, had a very high fever and was off food. Luckily, we can often treat these dogs efficiently with medications, however some dogs end up having permanent or life altering complications assoicated with the disease. The best thearpy is prevention and includes vaccinating for lyme disesae, checking for ticks and using flea and tick prevention. If you have any questions give us a call at 902-865-6400.
Sackville Animal Hospital Christmas Daddies 2018
Thanks to everyone who supported us over the last year with our nail trim fundraiser. We are happy to say that we raised over $8000, which will provide Christmas for 80 kids who otherwise may go without this year. Over the last 3 years we have raised over $25000.00 for the IWK and Christmas Daddies and look forward to raising even more over the next year. All of our funds raised from nail trims over the year are donated, so if you have a furry friend that needs their toe nails clipped keep us in mind. Only human nails are turned away.
Cuterebra removal
Here is some "Ewww!" factor to start your week off! Dr. Tyler pulled this nasty little sucker out of this poor Kitty last week. Cuterebra are the larval stage of bot flies, and although not common in our area, they do happen. They will show up as a small hole in the skin and can difficult to spot. Owners usually notice a small swelling when patting their animals.
Click on the link below for more information.