Nothing like being a Guinea pied Piper. Had to move these guys back to the barn after they spent the night in the garage!
A quick look at our second silver pencilled pen! A 2021 male and 2x 2022 hatched pullets. I will also be adding our project blue silver pencilled hen in this pen! Can’t wait to see what they produce.
Don’t mind the male he was fighting with another male during pen cleaning.
Finally got around to getting a small video of the blue laced red Wyandotte pen this year! Let me know what you think!
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us here at Monkman’s Poultry
Well, 5 days later and the momma’s managed to keep all 6 keets alive!! It’s interesting how the Guinea dynamics work. The keets stick close to the two mothers, but the males go in front of and behind the females as protection! Nothing better than a well thought out plan to raise the babies!
The oldest group of babies were moved outside into the chick shack yesterday! They are loving the space to stretch their legs and wings!
In here we have:
-4 x Black Jersey Giants
-9 x black and blue Australorps
-1 x Rhode Island Red
A new brooder system I’m trying this year. I really like the closed in space, and the fact that it is easy to clean.
What does everyone else like to use for a brooder for chicks?
I went to an enclosed system this year because I hatch in the basement, and we now have inside cats, so this keeps the chicks completely safe.
Like many people, I’m sure winter came faster than I was prepared for (it usually always does). I’ve been dragging my butt lately on pen cleaning, but I’m slowly making progress!
The bantams are finally situated for winter. Everyone’s been treated a second time for external parasites, a few toenail trims and lots of clean bedding.
Can’t wait for most of them to finish filling out, and start laying.
Here’s the matching, but opposite video to last nights. Funny farm part 2
Just another day on my funny farm! 🤪🐱🐈⬛🐔
The “pre-teens and teenagers” group. Yes, I still give them a heat lamp at nights
The “elementary” age chicks enjoying their space as they feather out.