This is Midnight and her mom was super worried that she would freak out. So we made her a short video to show her she was okay!🥰 #cat #grooming #catgrooming #catgroomingsalon #catgroomingworkshop #catloversofinstagram #catloverxoxo #catmom #cats_of_world #catstagram #cats #catlove
This is Midnight and was our first time working with her. Her mom was super worried she would freak out, so we made her a short video to show her she was okay!🥰🥰❤️❤️
This is Biggie the Maincoon! He is as sweet as he is big!!
This handsome guy wanted to kill us when we met him 75minutes before this! This is him when we are almost done! He was just scared and needed to understand we wanted to help him! He also had such tight mats all over and they definitely cause pain! Half way through he started to calm a bit but by the end he understood we only wanted to help him and I think he was very grateful! Love this job earning trust one kitty at a time!🥰🥰😁
#bathingcats #bathingscarycats #scarycat #scaredcat #killercats #killercatsofinstagram #groomingscarycats!
This old guy was super stressed when we first met him today, but by the end this was him!❤️🥰 I recorded it to show his dad! His dad was worried he wouldn’t let us groom him, he had had issues at other groomers! His was just misunderstood, not an aggressive boy just misunderstood!!❤️❤️ #misunerstood #misunderstoodcats #mobilecatgrooming #mobilecatgroomingsurrey #cat #catsofinstagram #cats #catoftheday #catlover #catstagram #catgrooming #catbathing😻🌞🌝 #catbathingtime #catbathing #sweetcat #sweetcats #sweetcatclub #sweetcatonline
Snow day! Bobby Sox cuteness!!! Devon Rex X Ragdoll
#snowday #cat #catfun #catfunny #devonrexcross #ragdollcross #Devon #Rex #Ragdoll #devonrexxrag
Furnando loves his bath! Such an amazing boy!! He Loved to whole grooming process!!
This sweet little girl came to us with a traumatic grooming experience elsewhere. Took three to work on her pinning her down and she got so stressed out they couldn’t even do anything else she went home half done and traumatized. With a great deal of patience we worked on her and this is her in the bath. She is wearing a calming hood it lowers the stimulation around her so that she doesn’t get as stressed!
Milo the Siberian forest cat, had so much coat we could have made more cats! Handsome and sweet, great combination!
Some of my feline friends from the last couple of years!