My clinic schedule finalized for 2024
350 each spot
Groundwork Clinic June 15th/16th
4 spots
Confidence Clinic July 6th/ 7th
2 spots left
Confidence Clinic July 26th/ 27th
4 spots
Green Horse Confidence Clinic August 3rd/ 4th
4 spots
Horse needs 30 days minimum riding to come to this clinic.
Clinics held here near Marwayne AB
Winding Road Horse Training or windingroadhorsetraining.com for more information.
Recommend dental work before the clinics as well. I know some dentists so contact me.
Feel free to share this friends! Thanks and looking forward to helping new people out this year. I enjoy the teaching part both to people and horses.
Welcome to the Winding Road Horse Training website. Here at Winding Road our focus is on giving lessons for you and your horse, clinics, and selling ranch/recreational horses. Please read the entire website carefully. Thank you, Stephen Braun (Owner/Trainer)