Josh Nichol Relational Horsemanship

Josh Nichol Relational Horsemanship Creating a safe space for people & horses to learn and be empowered through Relational Horsemanship™. Training horses and people to be the best they can be.

**Special Member-Exclusive Opportunity for Feedback from Josh**As a valued member, you now have the chance to submit a v...

**Special Member-Exclusive Opportunity for Feedback from Josh**

As a valued member, you now have the chance to submit a video of your horsemanship challenge and receive personalized insights from Josh! ✨ During our next live Q&A, Josh will review member submissions and offer expert advice to help you overcome obstacles as you implement lessons from the Relational Horsemanship Master Class.

📅 Deadline: Submit by September 26, 2024

You can find the submission form in your member email!


Another good one from Lee!

Another good one from Lee!

Oh, my goodness. What’s going on out there, right now? There are a lot of people who are acting badly, in the name of being right.

We can mean what we say and say what we mean but don’t let’s be mean when we say it.

‘Honesty’ does not need to come at the cost of someone else’s happiness. Therefore, our truths do not have to hurt other people! We women have a nasty little habit of saying that we’re all for other women…

That is, until they get brighter, shinier or somehow ahead of us. Or, until they leave the room.

If you don’t understand what I’m saying here, I want you to think about everything we learned about being cool, about winning our place in the right group, from kindergarten all the way to college. Ever since we struggled through those old aerobics classes in our stripy tights and leg warmers, to quietly watching a co-worker get the big promotion last week, it seems to be hard for some of us to wish other women well… and to mean it.

This applies to life in general and when we add in some horsemanship, golly, look out!

Please know that there is ENOUGH—enough goodness, enough success, enough love, enough money—to go around. We do not need to be miserly in our support, or resentful of other women’s success stories. What we give away, we can be open to receiving. We can choose love and generosity… or we can choose jealousy and insecurity. The choosing is up to us.

Learning to uplift others in a genuine way can be an ongoing and challenging skill to master. It is also essential to our own wellness. Believe this.

How we live has always been—and will always be—based upon our ordinary little everyday choices. Not the big shiny days, the public victories, the perfect jeans size, the financial windfall, the hunkiest husband, the best-behaved or most-accomplished children, or horses, nor the promotion or recognition of all our hard work.

It is getting up, after a good rest, and greeting the sunrise.

It is finding joy in our daily chores, cheering for the kind and dedicated people who are out there and knowing, for sure, that—no matter the successes of those around us—we are absolutely, completely, 100% enough.

Today, I'm asking you to think about something you do well. Quietly, without fuss or fanfare, without bugling it on social media, feel good about what you bring to the game. Now, think of someone else who does her part to make a difference.

You’re going to write a kind little thing about her in the comments. Yes, you're going to pause and take a moment to cheer her on. I can almost guarantee that she needs to hear this today.

If life was a potluck dinner, we would never endeavour to all bring the very same thing! Somebody has to bring the casserole. Somebody has to bring the buns and the cabbage salad. Somebody brings the dessert.

Looking back, I’ve never been to a bad potluck. We all happily contribute our little ‘thing’ to the one magnificent whole. On the plate, it churns up into this saucy, delicious feast. Bon appetit!

Or, as we say on the ranch, “Dig in!”

Photo: Lorraine Hjalte.

Exciting new adventure with Noëlle Floyd!

Exciting new adventure with Noëlle Floyd!

My cowboy crew for the day!  taylorraenichol

My cowboy crew for the day!

Such a great figure to explain empowering horses and people. There is both positive and negative to pressure, but if we ...

Such a great figure to explain empowering horses and people. There is both positive and negative to pressure, but if we dance with it well it will be your transformation!

In September, we’ll focus on building resilience with a mind-horse both in riding and on the trail. We also have a **Spe...

In September, we’ll focus on building resilience with a mind-horse both in riding and on the trail. We also have a **Special Content Release** featuring an exclusive offer that includes access to content from the Universal Language course.

**NEW!! Member Video Reviews and Spot Mentoring from Josh!**

We’re excited to announce a new learning opportunity this month. Josh will be offering personalized insights to help you overcome challenges in your horsemanship journey. Similar to our regular live Q&A sessions, but with a focus on reviewing video clips submitted by members of the Relational Horsemanship Master Class, this initiative provides an interactive learning experience for those working to apply what they’ve learned from the online platform.

If you’re feeling stuck or facing a specific challenge with your horse, we invite you to submit a video explaining or demonstrating the issue. Josh will review the submissions and respond to as many as he can during the live Q&A session.

For more information, visit!


The beauty and responsibility of gear.There is a general belief that less is better with horses and bigger is bad. There...

The beauty and responsibility of gear.

There is a general belief that less is better with horses and bigger is bad. There definitely is more responsibility with anything “bigger” but there is also beauty and refinement that shows as well. I like to think that the process of biting demonstrates a deeper connection because where responsibility exists, refinement is demonstrated and an intimate trust is necessary.

What if the bit was intended to connect to a more intimate space, with a lighter touch and had nothing to do with control or dominance?

I believe it would then be observed as beautiful!

Unfortunately most of us have our opinions developed from the observation of negative or dominance based styles rather than from the guidance of a master’s hands.

Judging equipment by poor use only causes us to lose the valuable it could have had. It should hone your knowledge not discard value.

How many of your negative beliefs around gear have been developed from observing poor use?

An important pillar in Relational Horsemanship is to purify what it means to be in relationship with gear and how it can prioritize connection and empowerment!

We may not ever use some of the gear out there but commit to understand over judgement💪.



Space - a common place for confusion and varied interpretations. Some look at space as a rigid line that a horse cannot ...

Space - a common place for confusion and varied interpretations. Some look at space as a rigid line that a horse cannot cross and others hold no line at all, but one things is for sure its an important element in the life of a horse.

When it comes to space for me, what I like to think about is a “receiving state.” They receive my energy, I receive theirs we take it on and interact together.

When they are willing to take your energy on (which happens through movement and energy) they feel safe and comforted by your presence but are still very willing to move if you ask.

The energy that flows between you and your horse needs clarity but not fear, it needs relaxation with responsiveness. When this balance is struck correctly we develop a connected, working relationship!

“Don’t take from me what is mine to give”  A beautiful balance is struck when a horse becomes responsive to our space an...

“Don’t take from me what is mine to give”

A beautiful balance is struck when a horse becomes responsive to our space and connected mentally.

Developing this connection allows you to see the needs being met and the balance that it produces physically.

When we get this right there is no need for us to create bend because the horse is already giving it to us!

We talked about the mind-space balance in our live session on July 29. If you missed it, you’ll find the recording in the membership site.

Some good words from my friend, Patrick King Horsemanship & Dressage! This has been on my mind a lot lately!

Some good words from my friend, Patrick King Horsemanship & Dressage! This has been on my mind a lot lately!

The social media ugliness is going strong. So many forums and groups have turned so vile lately, against damn near every horse and rider combination that can be seen in pictures or videos, picking apart so many things.... "I don't like this..." and "that shows what a terrible rider that is..." or "if she really loved horses, she'd never make a mistake like that..." coming from seemingly every Cowboy Carl and Ringside Rachel with thumbs and a keyboard.

(*No offense meant to any cowboys or spectators named Carl or Rachel).

I wonder what we'd all be typing about YOU if it was you and your horse in those pictures or videos?

If it were you, how would you receive the advice that you just typed?

Would it be helpful?

Would it inspire you to do better for you and your horse?

Or would it make you resentful?

Maybe even crush your heart because you did, in fact, think you were doing well and were proud of that moment.

Maybe your ego did need a check-up. But does that mean you need beat up, too? Does that make anything better?

We're seeing this trend more and more in the last several years, and EVEN MORE in the last few weeks.

(Boy, oh boy... what a shame that thousands of the world's finest athletes are stuck at home on the couch, while the worst in every sport somehow got invited to Paris, eh?!)

And this post is about so much more than the Olympics. In fact, I only mention the Olympics because the timing will seem like that's what I'm meaning this to be all about... but that's only a small part of it, really... This has become an epidemic that reaches well beyond the Olympics, and was on this trajectory before the Olympics were on anyone's minds.

Attitudes need to change if things are going to move forward on a bettee path.

Being aware, making comparisons for learning, and engaging in conversations is a good thing for the promotion of horsemanship and the future of all equine sports. The WAY you speak about someone (or type about them on social media) shows more about YOU and YOUR CHARACTER than it does about the person you are speaking down about.

There's plenty of good to come out of public recognition of wrongs that have come to light (in spite of many of the publicized wrongs lately, as disgraceful as they are), but ONLY if we handle them with a positive outcome in mind. We need to use what we don't like as a lense through which to see our own shortcomings and use that insight to steer our ship on the best route we know of right now.

Don't replicate what you don't like to see. In the words of the late Tom Dorrance, "Observe, remember, compare". And then work to do better.

And when you want to talk about what you see that you want to change... remember to talk about it like you want to help make a change, instead of like you want to start a war. This is for the sake of the horse.

Just be kind.

Enjoying my time in the Yukon, such a beautiful, wild and peaceful space.

Enjoying my time in the Yukon, such a beautiful, wild and peaceful space.

“The most critical people are usually those with the least wisdom.”Those with true knowledge understand what it takes to...

“The most critical people are usually those with the least wisdom.”
Those with true knowledge understand what it takes to achieve a goal and have empathy for your strivings.
We live in a time with tons of information but not the experience to wield it, the heart to support it nor wisdom to administer it. Opinions are shared without consent, often with a critical heart and done in a hurtful way. As hard as it is, don’t get stressed about the criticism they offer you. Their words reveal their hearts, not your value. Open yourself to those ahead of you on the journey, not behind you. From those on your path you will find support, affirmation and guidance.

This post is for all those that are trying to be brave, to get out there and grow but are being met with the comments from the cheap seats. Do not weaken, get back up, find a community that will support your journey and only take advice from someone you would let ride your horse or pet your dog!

I am excited about this month's topics! I'll be delving deeper into connecting with your horse's mind by building resili...

I am excited about this month's topics! I'll be delving deeper into connecting with your horse's mind by building resilience both in groundwork and in the saddle. I'm also thrilled to announce a live webinar with Noelle Floyd. This is an event you won't want to miss! Noëlle Floyd


“I see plenty of abuse done without sticks or spurs. Sticks and spurs are an extension of the human.

If that human is going to be abusive with a stick that’s because it’s an extension of THEM, not because sticks and spurs are abusive.

Many of us can use whips and spurs without abusing horses because they are an extension to help clarify communication.

It’s about the human using them, not about the tool. If that human really wants to be abusive then will find a way without the stick.”
- Sam Fawcett

Have you been wanting to audit a clinic with Josh but haven't found any near you? With our virtual auditing experience, ...

Have you been wanting to audit a clinic with Josh but haven't found any near you? With our virtual auditing experience, you can join from anywhere in the world!

Josh will be virtually coaching seven students at his ranch in Alberta, Canada, over the course of a four-day clinic. As an auditor, you can watch and listen to Josh working with students in real time. At the end of each day, Josh will host a Q&A session to answer any questions you have about that day’s lessons.

Virtual auditors can join for all four days or choose specific days that work best for them. If you’re new to Relational Horsemanship, this is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the foundations and principles of Josh’s work from the comfort of your own home.

This virtual clinic runs from August 12-15, 2014. We look forward to seeing you there!

Follow the link in the comments to join!

Since I've had the pleasure of connecting with many new followers recently, I thought it would be a good time to reintro...

Since I've had the pleasure of connecting with many new followers recently, I thought it would be a good time to reintroduce myself.

I am a horseman known for my unique approach to horsemanship, emphasizing the importance of building a partnership between horse and rider.

With over two decades of experience, I have developed a method called "Relational Horsemanship®," which focuses on understanding the horse's perspective and fostering mutual trust and respect.

My journey began at a young age, growing up on a ranch where I was surrounded by horses. These early experiences laid the foundation for my connection with these animals. Over the years, I have studied under various horsemen and integrated different philosophies into my practice, always prioritizing the horse's well-being and psychological state.

Through my clinics, workshops, and online courses, I share my knowledge and techniques with horse enthusiasts worldwide. My teachings revolve around leadership, athleticism and resilience. My approach is not just about training horses but about transforming the way people interact with them. - Josh Nichol


"The work we do in the arena should be looked at as a way to prepare our horses for life. We develop their minds to handle the world and their bodies physically to stand up to the demands of it. It is there, in the arena of life, not the opinions of ourselves or others, that we learn the quality of the ideas we stand upon. Josh Nichol Relational Horsemanship




Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! Blessed to spend the day with my family and friends!

In July, we will delve deeper into Understanding Bend, exploring the Mind/Space balance both at liberty and in the halte...

In July, we will delve deeper into Understanding Bend, exploring the Mind/Space balance both at liberty and in the halter. Toward the end of the month, join me for a live Q&A session!

The work we do in the arena should be looked at as a way to prepare our horses for life. We develop their minds to handl...

The work we do in the arena should be looked at as a way to prepare our horses for life. We develop their minds to handle the world and their bodies physically to stand up to the demands of it.

With this base it's important to then test our work. It is there, in the arena of life, not the opinions of ourselves or others, that we learn the quality of the ideas we stand upon.

Tests can be many things but really it's anything that pushes us and our horses, out of our comfort zone, so what is within them is demonstrated.

It's the beautiful space where we can find out what's working and what isn't. It is here opinion holds no weight and the horse's mind and body speak.

I like to keep these three points in balance to stay the most informed about my work.

1) Build connection - prioritize relationship.

2) Develop them physically - this allows them to feel strong and carry you powerfully.

3) Test often - test's inform you about what's working and what isn't. It's a place your horse can make purposeful sense of your teaching and gets a change to put things together. It's also the place you will learn how deeply your work is sinking in!

I often think about raising kids when it comes to this work. Being over protective will only make the world a harder place. But if we can develop them so their time in the world can be processed with the skills we have taught them, all of a sudden the arena work makes sense!

Testing your work takes a level of bravery mentally, as it may expose a part of your horsemanship that needs to shift, are you ok with that?

It is only when we stay in a bubble that thoughts and ideas can linger and not hold weight, I have found this to be the centre of judgement, confrontation and division in the horse community. In our bubble the things I want to believe hold more weight than what actually works to create empowerment.

In the end, our horses need to be the ones that inform us of what works holistically and testing up is the road to this knowledge! Things going poorly or excellent are both very helpful to deepen your wisdom.

Be gracious with yourself and others in the process of testing as this is a very vulnerable space for both horse and rider. It often doesn't look very impressive and it's where most judgements are made.

Always remember how it feels when you are putting yourself out there and give that same grace to your horses and others when they are bravely testing up and learning from the arena of life!

What a great week with Michelle Davey - Unbridled. Thank you so much for having me!

What a great week with Michelle Davey - Unbridled. Thank you so much for having me!


Meanook, AB


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