Does your dog have resource guarding issues?
You should be able to take anything away from your dog no matter the object.
I’m constantly doing this with my own dogs.
You’ll see in the video that I’m demonstrating a proper drop it command.
(Oakley is currently in heat atm so she’s a little bit hormonal. I do have to make my voice a little more stern than I usually would).
Keeva has never had any issues giving up anything. Bones, Toys, any kind of food she’ll spit it right out of her mouth. If I ask her.
(A Labrador dropping food no one will believe me with this)😅
Oakley however has had resource guarding issues in the past..the first couple of days of getting her I gave her a pigs ear and she snapped at me when I was practicing taking it away.
Being only 5 months old I wanted to nip that in the butt right away.
A year later I’ve had no issues with taking anything away from her now.
No I don’t mess around my dogs bowls while they’re eating their meals, but I occasionally forget to add a chicken foot from time to time and add it beside their dish while they’re still eating. No issues.
Tips For A Dog With Resource Guarding
1. Hand feeding, This Prevents any possibility of your dog guarding their bowl.
2. Allow your dog to eat in peace, don’t pull your dogs food bowl away while they’re eating.
3. Pick up any/ all potential objects your dog will guard and put them away. Out of sight, out of mind.
4. Have a short leash on them so you can safely remove them away from any object they have.
5. Trade and Swap out a higher reward to give to your dog
6. Teaching “Drop it” or “Out” command, this is non-negotiable
7. Do NOT.. I Repeat DO NOT invade your dog’s personal space like petting them, lifting their head out of the dish, playing with their food while they’re eating. Just. Dont.
This will make things worse!!!
8. Throwing treats near your dog every time you walk p
Consistency Is Key
How consistent are you with your dog?
First Time Scenting
Very tired girl after our first time scenting this morning. This is all very new to the both of us, I always want to make sure any activity we do is a fun positive experience and building her confidence up.
~Side Note~
Never get frustrated with your dog especially when they’re learning something new..
They’re not being stubborn they just don’t understand what you’re ask of them to do.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a new trick or a “stay”
Be patient and watch for your dogs signs when you think they’re ready to stop.🥰
Oakley 7 Months
Oakley 7 Month Update
Lyla Baker
Very proud of how far Amanda and Ryan have come with Miss. Lyla. Only required 2 sessions, now it’s just modification and practice at this point.
Good job guys!!
How can you not love her😂
Little Update Video
From Ashley and her handsome crossed eyed Pitbull Harlow.
From all the way from Alix, Alberta
I love the updates from all of my past clients.
I’m so proud of the progress in both of you and with Harlows focus.
Even with Ashley’s busy schedule she still continues to stay consistent with her boy and strives to be better by working as a team.🥰
Anything For Food Right Keeva?😅
Reminder it’s so important to desensitize your puppy!!
Bushing their Teeth/Fur, Clipping Nails, Cleaning their ears. Touching every single part of your dog’s body!!!
Not only will your Groomer or Veterinarian thank you. But if your dog was ever hurt and you needed to find the source where they’re injured. All of the touching will pay off when the time comes.
Oakley’s 1 Month
Oakley’s 1 Month Progress Video.
I’m so proud of how far she’s come and learned in just a short amount of time.
All my hard work has really paid off with Keeva as Oakley’s a little follower and everything Keeva is doing is rubbing off to Oakley.
Love my Girls💕💕