Please note:
You do not need to be early for your appointments, my appointments are booked by specific times, I need you there at that time.
When you show up early
-I may not be here, you could have a 10 am appointment or a 2 pm appointment and be my first appointment of the day, I could be at an appointment for myself, kids or dogs and planned my day around that.
-you disrupt the dog I currently have on my table, I need to put them away to answer the door, you put me behind and upset that dog as they think they are done and ready to go home. Also gets them excited thinking it is their family coming for them.
-you don’t allow me proper clean up time in between dogs, I like my grooming room cleaned and disinfected
And…. I could just be having a break in my day, I would like the chance to grab lunch, a snack or drink or just have a few minutes to throw in a load of laundry or tidy something in my house.
If you are more then 5 minutes early for your appointment please wait in your vehicle or take your dog for a walk while you wait for me to be ready for your appointment.
If you need to be early please let me know so o can let you know if that works and I can make the arrangements.
Same as being late for picking up your dog, I need to know if you will be late, I could have somewhere to be or my next dog is on the table and I need to put them away to answer the door.