The Escola is available in a deep seat or a semi-deep seat in the Escola Plana. Customize your model, leather and suede combination or all smooth leather, what does you Escola look like for you.
Built on the Patiented adjustable tree, by a saddle fitter with a press machine. A "U" Hoop tree is available for that wide shoulds, flat backed horse.
Let me know how I can help you design your Escola, just right for you and your horse.
Ask me about your options, I can help you build your saddle.
La silla de doma ESCOLA destaca por su estética portuguesa y cualidades únicas en el mundo de la doma. En piel europea resistente y flexible, su armadura y diseño ergonómico permiten libertad de movimiento y un contacto excepcional con el caballo. Además de los colores clásicos, la silla ESCOLA ofrece opciones de personalización en cuero, hilos y vivos.
Cuenta con baste de lana repelente al agua y sudor, evitando balanceo y brindando asiento firme y libertad de movimientos. Utiliza pieles europeas de alta calidad, asiento de goma látex profundo, rodillera/taco exterior, baste relleno de lana y armadura avanzada respaldada por garantía de 10 años. Estriberas inoxidables y de seguridad, latiguillos largos en forma de "V".
Medidas disponibles: jinete de 17" a 19" y cruz del caballo de 28 cm a 34 cm. Más info https://tienda.zaldi.com/es/sillas/24-SILLA-ZALDI-P-ESCOLA-PORTUGUESA-PROFUNDA-17-NEGR.html
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The ESCOLA dressage saddle stands out for its Portuguese aesthetic and unique qualities in the world of dressage. Made with durable and flexible European leather, its flexible tree and ergonomic design allow for freedom of movement and exceptional contact with the horse. In addition to the classic colors, the ESCOLA saddle offers customization options in leather, stitching, and trim.
It features a water and sweat repellent wool-filled panel, preventing rocking and providing a firm seat and freedom of movement. It utilizes high-quality European leather, a deep latex rubber seat, an outer knee block, wool-filled panel, and an advanced tree with a 10-year warranty. The stirrup bars are stainless steel and safety-oriented, and the billets are long and shaped in a "V" form.
Available measurements include rider sizes ranging from 17" to 19" and the horse's withers measuring from 28 cm to 34 cm.
More info https://tienda.zaldi.com/en/sillas/24-SILLA-ZALDI-P-ESCOLA-PORTUGUESA-PROFUNDA-17-NEGR.html
And for the USA, you can find our saddles on our online shop https://zaldi.us/en/inicio/24-15634-zaldi-saddle-escola-portuguesa-deep.html #/50-tree_seat_size-17/54-color-black