Well, we had a bit of a scare with our boy Bishop, Sandi Christiano
He had developed a small bump on his forehead, which ended up getting bigger and not going away. At first, because he is a wild man, running jumping, sometimes doesn't pay attention, runs into things. I thought it was an injury.
After some time, I figured I'd better get it looked at cause it wasn't going away.
Did a vet visit, and they took a sample of the fluid and said it didn't look happy, so we opted to do surgery the following week. Wanted to get it done sooner than later. Just incase🙏
Well, we got the bump removed, which went down to his scull. Because the vet wasn't 100% sure what she was dealing with, she wanted to remove everything that was in there. She felt she knew what was going on, but because it was so deep and didn't look normal, she recommended we send samples away to ease our minds. So we sent it away to pathology, and it ended up being a confused hair follical that grew backward, which in turn caused it to become inflammed. The vet said it shouldn't happen again as this isn't common in Frenchies. But as an individual, I just have to keep an eye on him and make sure I catch it sooner if it is to happen again. Which we hope not. It was an expensive, confused hair follical🤣🤣🤣
It's so crazy but Sandi & I couldn't be happier about the outcome.
Thank you, Rena' Forbes-Ehret, for being such a big help. You may think it is small but you are a big part of mine & the dogs lives.
Picture may be graphic to some.
Pictures in order from surgery date to Jan.27th