What a year it has been.
I am forever grateful for all of the amazing friends and clients who continue to support me year after year.
I continue to learn and grow, and 2025 is going to be filled with so many amazing things! I justcan'tt wait to share them all with you!
It was very difficult to choose clips that represented the year, so I randomly picked some of my favorites !
Here's to another incredible 2025 with you all!
#dogtrainingvictoria #dogsofvic #dogtrainingyyj #instadog #frisbeedog #discdogsofinstagram #victoriabc #victoriadogtrainers #victoriadogsports ##dogtrainingvancouverisland #vancouverislanddogsports #vancouverislandbc #metchosinbc #langford #sookedogs
What an absolutely incredible weekend at @instinctk9services in #cobblehillbc
The weather almost cooperated with us, but regardless, it was a great weekend of learning and throwing plastic !
Thanks to @coast2coast.dogs @jamiefenn_photography for sitting out and taking footage for us all weekend ! If you attended and haven't seen the gallery yet, please contact me or Jamie!
Can't wait to come back next year !
I haven't had time to share about our amazing Street Smart Master class in beautiful Armstrong BC!
It was such an amazing group of dogs and handlers !
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It has been my dream for a long time to be able to take my group programs on the road and visit different communities!
This year is the first year I'm branching out and offering these outside of Victoria.
Huge thanks to @the.caninehub for having me and helping organize this event !
#victoriadogtrainers #dogtrainingyyj #dogtrainingvictoria #armstrongbc #dogtrainingtips
Our freestyle from last weekend in Kelowna with @kelownadiscdogs
My goal for this was to keep pop moving. I love routines that flow, and with Pop being so far, I've found this challenging. Although we didn't get our vault, I'm so happy with this !
Huge thanks to @coast2coast.dogs
For this amazing video !
#freestyledisc #frisbeedog #dogsofvictoria #dogsofbc #discdogsofinstagram #borderwhippet #whippet
Don't forget we will be closed from Saturday Dec16th 2023 and will re open Tuesday, January 9th, 2024 !
Today has been very WET 🌧 but the dogs don't seem to mind.
Today is all about recalls!
Here is a short clip of what we practiced.
If you want to see more, check out our Instagram !
Ps. So so sorry to all of our dayschoolers, but your dogs will come home wet, muddy, and satisfied!!
Our Puppy level 2 class KILLIN IT at their leash walking today !
Norman is nearing the end of his board and training program with us, and has been an absolute pleasure to have around.
He came to us with little manners , poor leash walking, recall, and obedience, and reactive to dogs and people. He also wasn't able to be contained in a crate or an xpen, and his owners were having troubles with their other little dog and him in the home.
We have done the following with him over the past 4 weeks:
•Built engagement in distracting environments
• improved his impulse control and staying still
• taught recall and proofed it around distractions
• conditioned to an ecollar for reliability
• leash walking around distractions
• his reactivity to dogs is almost completely gone
• he can be crated whenever and for long periods of time
• he happily enters a crate
• developed relationships with new people and have taught him how to act around people he is uncomfortable by
• worked in group settings with ease
• taught him frisbee and some tricks to give his owners something fun to do with him
Our last week will be all about proofing these behaviours and continuing to get him into new environments.
We now have available board and training dates for end of April, and into May.
Some training with two of our Dayschool dogs, Lenny and Maya.
#victoriadogtrainers #dogsofmetchosin #yyjdogs
Jaxon is a super insecure dog, who sees a lot of things in his world and environment as scary and weird. Place will be a way we teach him that a) he can be a bit independent and lay in one spot on his own without having to follow his human around, and b) It will help teach him to relax independently. Its also a great way to work on leash work and a tool we can use to get him around new dogs, which are his biggest, most obvious challenge.
A new environment with dayschooler Lenny.
Working on having him engage with me while off leash, where he could run around like the crazy animal he is 😉 (his owner understands this very well).
Here we are working on some general engagement, obedience , heeling and recall, all in one fun session!
#victoriadogtrainers #bullmastiff #yyjdogtraining
Recall is one of the most frequent topics our students struggle with.
We are doing private training , board and training, and group classes ( 3 per class ) to work on handler engagement, and recall, as well as a lot of other topics !
Message us if you would like help with your dogs recall!
In the comments below, let's hear your favorite place to practice your dogs recall!