We have had to postpone our clinic that was scheduled for February 2nd. Next Sunday February 9th it is! With the new date there are four openings in the riders groups. Because this event is not at the MES arena, membership with the MES is optional for participants. Please share this information with whomever may be interested in attending. Here’s the chance to ride inside the indoor arena at Cedar Vista with Jane Stone! A little bit about Jane;
Jane started coaching in her teens with Equine Canada certification which she built on over the years to Equestrian Canada Level 3 and NCCP High Performance 1 status. In 2017 Jane was awarded the Diploma of Equitation Science from Equitation Science International.
Coaching and training have been a life-long career for Jane with many local students and travelling throughout BC for clinics teaching Working Equitation, Jumping and Dressage while incorporating modern horse training principles of Equitation Science and Equine Learning Theory.
With the change of date, we were able to get Melanie Houston for a riding demonstration. She will play with the obstacles at the L7 Masters Level during our lunch break. This means one handed flying lead changes, canter pirouetting and some pretty impressive “dressage with obstacles” . Melanie is a Working Equitation Canada Level “B” judge, avid competitor and is one of our local riders that has big goals set for 2026. She has offered to ride the obstacles and explain any of the nuances from a judges and higher level of competition perspective. Including her own ride’s highlights and issues… awesome for the auditors, beginners and novice level riders alike.
Email Anna to get entered into the clinic ASAP at [email protected] . This is a fundraising event with all proceeds going directly to Vancouver Island Working Equitation and Metchosin Equestrian Society. Our amazing clinician and facility hosts are so appreciated and we are grateful for their time and support.
Metchosin Equestrian Society