The Companion Coach

The Companion Coach The Companion Coach was created with one goal in mind: to help humans and their furbest friends communicate better

Here’s a common pitfall I see in my sessions with pet parents: not acknowledging the behaviors they enjoy from their dog...

Here’s a common pitfall I see in my sessions with pet parents: not acknowledging the behaviors they enjoy from their dogs. This isn’t intentional. From a psychological standpoint, our brains are wired to focus on the negative aspects of life or behavior for survival purposes. Additionally, we tend to avoid feelings of pain or frustration, which is often why people seek out training services in the first place.

However, dogs are constantly displaying behaviors, both “good” and “bad.” Ignoring the “good” and focusing solely on the “bad” signals to your dog that there’s no value in the positive behaviors they’re showing, due to the lack of reward or praise.

For example, young puppies are typically excellent at checking in during walks, making eye contact frequently. I love teaching loose leash walking to young puppies because they are so eager to look at you and receive a smile. Most people don’t notice how much a young puppy actually checks in on leash, so this AMAZING behavior goes unreinforced. As a result, as puppies grow into adolescents and adults, they stop.

Then, you book a session with me and say, “My dog never pays attention to me on walks.” The truth is, they did when they were young, but they stopped because there was no value in it for them. Of course, we can retrain this behavior, build up the reinforcement history, and show them that we actually LOVE eye contact, apologizing for not noticing sooner.

For one week, make a conscious effort to highlight and praise at least three positive behaviors your dog displays each day. Share these moments with family or friends or even send me a DM to keep yourself accountable and notice all the positive things your dog does all by themselves. 🐾🩷

The Five Freedoms were established in 1965 by the Brambell Committee to enhance farm animal welfare. Originally designed...

The Five Freedoms were established in 1965 by the Brambell Committee to enhance farm animal welfare. Originally designed for farms, these guidelines are now universally applied to all animals, including pets like our dogs 😊.

While widely embraced in animal welfare, the Five Freedoms are not typically specified in every country’s laws. Instead, they influence how laws are crafted to safeguard animals. These principles have significantly influenced global standards in veterinary care, animal husbandry, and training.

The Five Freedoms include:

• Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
• Freedom from Discomfort
• Freedom from Pain, Injury, or Disease
• Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour
• Freedom from Fear and Distress

Here at The Companion Coach, we make sure to follow these freedoms because they are essential for creating a positive and enriching training experience that respects your dog’s physical and emotional needs. By prioritizing these principles, we ensure that every training session promotes your dog’s well-being and strengthens the bond between you and your pup.

Still curious and want to learn more? Send me a DM 🐾🩷

I recently heard a story about a dog trainer who told their client that the dog views the relationship as transactional ...

I recently heard a story about a dog trainer who told their client that the dog views the relationship as transactional and that the dog doesn’t respect them.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you would have learned that dogs don’t think in terms of respect or disrespect. They are very in-the-moment animals and are driven by what they are seeking at the time.

The dog doesn’t react to a fearful thing and then think, “Oh, I’m doing amazing at disrespecting my human.”

The other part of this poor advice is that dogs view the relationship as purely transactional, with no emotion involved. These slides provide you with five different theories disproving that statement. I personally found eight different theories supporting the human-dog bond.

While I’m not that trainer and can’t know their thoughts, I do wonder if they convince themselves first, and then the pet parents, that dogs don’t love us as a way to rationalize and justify the punishment activities they recommend for their clients.

Please enjoy reading my post, which provides you with an alternative way of thinking and hopefully feeling 🐾🩷

Let’s tackle some myths in the dog training world! Amidst conflicting information, I’ve compiled 7 myths that deserve de...

Let’s tackle some myths in the dog training world! Amidst conflicting information, I’ve compiled 7 myths that deserve debunking. Each is supported by studies from the Journal of Veterinary Behavior to the Journal of Applied Animal Behaviour Science, and beyond.

Enjoy the read, and feel free to share, comment, or like if you learned something new! 🩷🐾

My Session with an Animal Communicator and Ellie: Ellie and I recently had an hour-long session with an animal communica...

My Session with an Animal Communicator and Ellie:

Ellie and I recently had an hour-long session with an animal communicator. The communicator channeled Ellie and asked if she was open to communicating with me. The amount of information shared was extensive, so I’ve distilled it into the highlights for this post. :)

2nd Slide: How Ellie described herself and her opening remarks before we got to my questions.

3rd Slide: I asked Ellie how she felt about my boarding dogs and coming with me on my training sessions.

4th Slide: I asked Ellie how she viewed me and if we had a soul connection. She brought up past lives all by herself (though I totally believe in this).

5th Slide: I asked Ellie how she viewed Rei, her dad.

6th Slide: I asked Ellie if she felt any pain, when she was going to leave me/earth, and if she could help me pick out another Berner when I was ready.

7th Slide: I asked her about her food since she’s a foodie, and if there was anything I could take away or add.

8th Slide: Ellie gave me her last words. Throughout the session, she encouraged me to stand in my truth and continue speaking even if I have “naysayers.” She told me I would write a book and that our relationship would be its inspiration and basis. She said our relationship was a rare thing and to cherish it always.

This was such a cool experience. I love how honest, confident, and open Ellie was. I love how much she appreciates her brain, the way she feels energy, and how I’ve always known she was my little therapist.

Love you, best friend. ❤

We’ve been living in the digital age for quite some time now. A simple “how to teach your dog to sit” search on Google y...

We’ve been living in the digital age for quite some time now. A simple “how to teach your dog to sit” search on Google yields pages upon pages of information in mere seconds. Depending on your personality, you might have the patience to sift through all the different techniques, or you might opt for the first link you see and dive right in. But what happens when you feel overwhelmed or don’t see the promised results?

That’s where Certified Dog Trainers come in. We’ve already undergone schooling, learning, and hands-on experience to cater to various breeds and the unique goals people have with their pups. Certified Dog Trainers are here to simplify your life by providing easily digestible information, engaging activities, and guidance every step of the way.

When you choose The Companion Coach, you’re not just getting a trainer. You’re getting someone who simplifies the process for you, decodes your dog’s communication, breaks down positive reinforcement techniques, takes care of all the planning, and ensures learning is enjoyable. And, dare I say, you’re gaining a lifelong friend you can reach out to whenever you’re stuck.

We’re here to make your life easier. Ready to embark on this journey with us? Send us a DM! We’re SO ready to join you!🙂

The Predator Sequence in our dogs remains a constant force due to several key factors:• The innate survival instinct pas...

The Predator Sequence in our dogs remains a constant force due to several key factors:

• The innate survival instinct passed down through generations.
•Genetic predispositions deeply embedded in their DNA.
•A compelling inner drive that propels them forward.

The second slide delves deeper into this inner drive, discussing the Seeking System developed by Jaak Panksepp, a renowned neurologist and psychobiologist, shedding light on why dogs are drawn to the predation sequence.

Lastly, the third slide breaks down the eight steps of the predator sequence, providing insights into what unfolds when dogs spot potential prey.

All this valuable information stems from Simone Mueller’s book “Hunting Together.”

Stay tuned for the next part of this series, where we explore her Predation Substitute Training techniques.

See you soon!

You know, when we see our furry friends making progress, it’s so easy to get caught up in thinking it’s either a big suc...

You know, when we see our furry friends making progress, it’s so easy to get caught up in thinking it’s either a big success or a total failure. But truth is, there are tons of little victories happening along the way that we might miss if we’re not paying attention.

Take, for example, a dog who used to be scared of balloons. Now, maybe they’re not running away with their tail between their legs anymore, but they’re still not totally comfortable. It’s easy to think, “Well, they didn’t overcome it completely, so it’s not a win.” But that’s not true at all!

Sometimes, our own way of thinking can affect how we see our dog’s progress. We might expect them to be perfect right away, forgetting that learning takes time. We’re all guilty of projecting our own stuff onto our pups sometimes.

But here’s the thing: every little step forward our dogs take is a big deal! Whether it’s getting a bit closer to that scary balloon or finally nailing that new trick, those moments are worth celebrating.

So, I wanna hear from you! What’s a small win your pup has had recently? Let’s celebrate those little victories together! 🐾💕

Today I’m celebrating my 33rd birthday ♈️🥰🥳•Swipe to see some photos of me dressing up Ellie for our photoshoot hahaha. ...

Today I’m celebrating my 33rd birthday ♈️🥰🥳

Swipe to see some photos of me dressing up Ellie for our photoshoot hahaha. She’s such a good girls ❤️😂

✨ New Series Alert ✨As we approach the Geriatric stage, the end draws near, with the duration of this phase dependent on...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

As we approach the Geriatric stage, the end draws near, with the duration of this phase dependent on the dog’s lifespan. Personally, I find this to be the most saddest stage, as we know that beyond this lies the spirit world, leaving us on earth.

Similar to humans, dogs may encounter body pains, arthritis, cognitive decline, slower movements, and more during this stage of life. Pain management provided by your veterinarian can be invaluable during this period.

Regular body checks can also prove beneficial to detect any lumps, bumps, or signs of discomfort in your dog. Previously energetic teenagers and adults may now require assistance to slow down. Removing stairs or adding a mat or stair run can alleviate joint stress and improve stability.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨Congratulations, everyone! We’ve made it through the Juvenile and Adolescent stages, the fear imprin...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

Congratulations, everyone! We’ve made it through the Juvenile and Adolescent stages, the fear imprint is behind us, and our pup has finally reached adulthood!

Adulthood typically spans from 2 to 3 years and extends to around 6 to 10 years, depending on the breed and individual lifespan. The transition to adulthood varies for each dog. During this phase, the ability to focus for longer durations increases, social patterns become well-established, and the impacts of the fear imprint stage and adolescence are solidified, whether positively or negatively, based on the dog’s life experiences.

It’s important to note that adult dogs, once obnoxious teenagers, now have reduced tolerance for puppy antics.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

✨ New Series Alert ✨The Adolescent Stage commences around the 6-month mark and extends until the pup reaches 2 to 3 year...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

The Adolescent Stage commences around the 6-month mark and extends until the pup reaches 2 to 3 years old, with smaller breeds maturing faster than larger ones. Despite the adolescent’s fully developed brain, they grapple with a notable surge in hormones and navigate a sensitive period known as the fear imprint, typically lasting until around 14 months.

The second fear imprint significantly influences the dog’s behavior, thereby affecting owners as well. Adolescence becomes a challenging journey as your pup travels this delicate developmental phase.

During adolescence, it’s advisable for puppy parents to steer clear of traumatic experiences as much as possible and to enhance positive reinforcement for stimuli that may unsettle your dog. Taking a proactive approach to introducing your pup to the world is key.

This developmental stage demands special attention and sometimes the assistance of a positive reinforcement trainer. If you require support, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to assist!

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨While the juvenile period is poorly studied in terms of its effects on adult behavior, we do know th...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

While the juvenile period is poorly studied in terms of its effects on adult behavior, we do know that experiences during this phase can impact how the puppy views the world.

From a human’s perspective, the juvenile (and adolescent stage) tends to be the stage that requires the most patience, as their behavior takes on a more rowdy energy. Training also progresses at a slower pace compared to what we saw during the secondary socialization period and adulthood, due to their increased confidence and shorter attention span.

During this stage, it’s important to remain consistent, reinforcing behavior that you like and setting your dog up for success, instead of constantly punishing when they do something we don’t like.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨Social Dominance and Secondary Socialization Period align perfectly with each other. So, while the p...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

Social Dominance and Secondary Socialization Period align perfectly with each other. So, while the pup is adjusting to their new home, figuring out why the world works the way it does, and learning how to be separated from their mom and littermates.

They’re also trying to figure out their role within the dog world and “packs.” While dogs are not necessarily pack animals like wolves, there is still a history of developing a hierarchy when coexisting together.

The word dominance has given people the jitters for years now, but what we are looking at during this stage is who obtains resources first, the role of threat, and appeasement signals that are seen during playful sparring with other pups, and learning their social place.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨ The Secondary Socialization Period is the timeframe when humans can take their puppy home ❤️. As th...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

The Secondary Socialization Period is the timeframe when humans can take their puppy home ❤️.

As the puppy transitions from being with their mom & littermates to being with humans, intense distress vocalization will start at 7 weeks and gradually stop by 10 weeks.

A tip for this stage is to slowly start the separation from you and puppy. Allowing them to cry it out during this transitional period will actually do more harm than good, especially if you start crate training.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨ Primary Socialization Period! This period starts when the puppy is 3 weeks old and lasts till 5 wee...

✨ New Series Alert ✨

Primary Socialization Period! This period starts when the puppy is 3 weeks old and lasts till 5 weeks and they’re still with mom and littermates 😊

➡️ The most vital time for bonding with humans is between 6 to 8 weeks.

➡️ At 5 weeks, research shows that puppies become more cautious in new social situations. Making it a sensitive period for new fears to emerge.

➡️ Puppies learn more between the first 3 - 12 weeks of their life than they do for the rest of their life.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨ New Series Alert ✨Let’s talked about the Transitional Period, this period in a dog’s life lasts from day 12 to day 21....

✨ New Series Alert ✨

Let’s talked about the Transitional Period, this period in a dog’s life lasts from day 12 to day 21.

They start to regulate their own body temperature, begin to seek out food, relate socially to others and more!

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

✨New Series Alert✨ Let’s embark on a journey together through your dog’s developmental stages! From the tender Neonatal ...

✨New Series Alert✨

Let’s embark on a journey together through your dog’s developmental stages! From the tender Neonatal phase to the seasoned Geriatric years, we’re diving deep into every pivotal milestone.

Each stage in our dog’s life offers valuable insights into their needs and behaviors, guiding us on how best to support them. Discover the optimal timing for puppy training and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Explore critical milestones, from the initial fear imprint to sensitive time frames and what happens when they finally reach adulthood.

I designed this series so that the information is easy to understand and digest. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 🩷🐾

Many pet parents reach out to trainers hoping for behavioral changes. Trainers then come in and ask that you have your d...

Many pet parents reach out to trainers hoping for behavioral changes. Trainers then come in and ask that you have your dog’s favorite reinforcement ready. But what’s really going on when we have a session with you?!

In this post, I’ve explained and broken down what learning theory is and a couple of behind-the-scenes principles guiding our sessions:

✨ Learning by Association
✨ Simplified Operant Conditioning
✨ Observational Learning and Cognitive Processes

Take a moment to read through to gain some cool insight 😊

Need extra assistance? Send me a DM—I’d love to help you on your journey!

Happy Valentine’s Day! •Ellie came up with a cute Valentine for you 😂•“Roses are red, violets are blue, I may sniff but,...

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ellie came up with a cute Valentine for you 😂

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I may sniff but, my love for you is true” 🐾🌹😉

Let’s dive into an intriguing debate circulating in the dog community: “Positive reinforcement doesn’t work for my dog.”...

Let’s dive into an intriguing debate circulating in the dog community: “Positive reinforcement doesn’t work for my dog.”

But here’s the truth: positive reinforcement is effective for all creatures, including us and our dogs. However, like mastering any new skill, it requires some insider knowledge and techniques to ensure success.

To assist you on your training journey, here are some valuable tips and tricks:

Slide 6: Require extra help?
At The Companion Coach, we’re committed to teaching pups new skills through positive reinforcement. If you’re interested in learning more, send us a DM - we’d love to assist you! 🐾

Research highlights the significance of sleep for both humans and dogs. Just like us, dogs have varying sleep needs at d...

Research highlights the significance of sleep for both humans and dogs. Just like us, dogs have varying sleep needs at different life stages. Their adaptation of sleeping hours plays a crucial role in supporting their growth and overall well-being 😊

➡️ Puppies: Need 18-20 hours of sleep per day for growth and development.

➡️ Adult Dogs: Should get around 12-14 hours of sleep daily for optimal health and well-being.

➡️ Senior Dogs: Aged 7 years or more, may require 16-18 hours of sleep, varying based on health and individual factors.

➡️ Certain Breeds: Sleep needs vary, with larger breeds generally requiring more rest compared to smaller breeds.

➡️ Swipe through for special mention of the ✨teenage stage ✨

Happy Learning ❤️

In my roles as a dog trainer, pet parent, and dog boarder, I've found management styles to be extremely helpful. Utilizi...

In my roles as a dog trainer, pet parent, and dog boarder, I've found management styles to be extremely helpful. Utilizing gates, safe spaces, crates, and leashes has significantly helped the pack dynamics when it comes to having multiple dogs under one roof. This not only minimizes stress for both humans and dogs but is entirely normal.

Consider any effective behavioral plan, be it for humans or dogs, and you'll find management tactics at its core. For instance, in human therapy, creating supportive environments is essential for addressing and improving behaviors.

Seeking personalized guidance? Feel free to reach out via DM to schedule a session. Together, let's devise a customized plan to implement successful management strategies!

Sometimes it feels like training can be an overwhelming task, requiring significant life shifts and time you simply may ...

Sometimes it feels like training can be an overwhelming task, requiring significant life shifts and time you simply may not have. Fear not, though! With this guide, I've crafted simple and quick sessions you can do while your morning coffee is brewing. I understand the struggle to find time between partners, work, kids, cooking, etc. However, with these bite-sized strategies, my hope is that I've helped set you up for success ❤️.

Why go through this alone? Let's make training a breeze together. Book a session with me today and transform training into an enjoyable part of your everyday life! 😊

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from everyone here at The Companion Coach ✨🎄🐾🐶❤️

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from everyone here at The Companion Coach ✨🎄🐾🐶❤️

Drop a comment using the word CHRISTMAS, and receive a complimentary 15-page guide on understanding dog body language. D...

Drop a comment using the word CHRISTMAS, and receive a complimentary 15-page guide on understanding dog body language. Decode the signals your best friend is conveying this holiday season with our helpful guide!

Ellie wants to wish everyone a happy ho ho ho-liday season in her not-so-ugly Christmas sweater and Christmas socks 😂🎄

Ellie wants to wish everyone a happy ho ho ho-liday season in her not-so-ugly Christmas sweater and Christmas socks 😂🎄


What’s one thing you’d love to work on with your dog and what’s one thing they do amazing at? 😊

As board-and-train programs become increasingly popular, I wanted to share five reasons why, at The Companion Coach, we ...

As board-and-train programs become increasingly popular, I wanted to share five reasons why, at The Companion Coach, we prefer the train-the-trainer method.

I believe that your relationship with your dog becomes more positive when you learn and tackle things together.

That's why each of my courses is designed as train-the-trainer; I aim to boost your confidence, which will then be reflected back to your dog, strengthening that bond.

Share your thoughts on this approach in the comments below! 😊

Describe your pet's dream day! If your pet could plan a perfect day, what do you think it would look like? Share in the ...

Describe your pet's dream day! If your pet could plan a perfect day, what do you think it would look like?

Share in the comments!

I’ll go first! Ellie would enjoy a massive raw meat breakfast, followed by more treats and a huge play session in -30c degree weather bonus if we’re in a snowstorm.

More treats of course. Quality time with Mom watching people walk by. A huge dinner and a nice raw meat bone.

A huge nap in the middle of the afternoon is a must for Ellie as well. Then she’ll guide me to the couch area where we’d hang out together and she’d take another huge nap 😉


Milton, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm


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