Dog Training Bloopers
Trying to make a nice calm training video with a patterdale terrier is like I’d like trying to put a 7 year old kid to bed after they’ve eaten a whole bag of skittles ….
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Rat Terrier Clicker Training
Need to occupy your dog on a hot day? If your dog can’t handle the heat, why not work their mind indoors. A good training session will offer you both mind and body work and expend some of that extra energy. Also, helps you to get your reps in and work on things you might be having issues with. Reps help solidify behaviours. Obedience or tricks, either one will suffice. Happy training!
#dogtraining #ratterrierlove #dogtrainingtips #dogadvice
Basic Class is where we start. We teach all the stuff your dog should know to lead a life with you that you enjoy. Bootcamp takes those skills and puts them to use outdoors in real life environments.
#dogtrainingmilton #dogobedience #dogclass #dogtraining #MiltonON
Sometimes we walk like this. This is my favourite kind of walk.
Long line walks are so beneficial if you have the space to do so. They allow your dog to actually be a dog and burn more energy than just slowly walking beside you (lots of dogs natural paces are much faster than ours). You have tons of opportunity to work on recalls and stays. They can use their most powerful natural sense to burn even more energy (especially for those hunting breeds that crave the freedom to sniff). They allow relaxation, even though that seems opposite of burning energy. They allow your dog more freedom even if they are not off leash trained.
We usually switch to a harness or a big thick collar like you see in the video, for these walks. We do require walking close to us for short periods to pass people, dogs or if in tight spaces, but otherwise the dogs are free to do what they wish, just not dragging us down the street. We do reward check ins, and we do stop for training at times.
If you have some space, give it a try. You’ll be surprised at how satiated your dog is after one of these walks. Do practice your long line handling ahead of time, and do be courteous of others and don’t allow your dog to get in anyone’s space without permission from the other person.
Happy training!
Gorgeous collar by Nearly Naked Neckwear
#patterdaleterrier #dogwalk #smartdogscaninetraining #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips
Oh yes, back with our favourite KONG stuffing from The Honest Kitchen which you can find at either of the Global Pet Foods - Milton locations! Mix it, stuff it, freeze it and let your dog enjoy! 😋 A great treat to offer when you have guests for the long weekend, or with your dog in a safe place, as a distraction from the firework celebrations.
Here’s to summer long weekends!
#Kong #thehonestkitchen #globalpetfoodsmilton #smartdogscaninetraining #dogtips #dogtrainingtipsandadvice #ratterrier
Are you contributing to your dog’s inappropriate behaviours? The answer is yes, even if you don’t mean to be. In order to help change our dogs, we must be willing to look at ourselves and what we might be doing that perpetuates the behaviours in your dogs that you do not like. Dogs are typically getting something out of the behaviours that they do over and over again. That something is often attention, either negative or positive, or the ability to push something away or make something come closer with threat displays or over excitement. Dogs do what works for them, and if a behaviour works to get them what they desire then they will keep on doing it. If you are not providing appropriate outlets and only give your dog attention to scold them, they will start to act out to look for that negative attention and accept it as the attention they were seeking. If you are full of anxiety when you take your dog out, tense up around every corner and stop breathing each time you encounter someone, they will feel that and try and keep the “bad” things away from you because now you are both anxious. If you let your dog drag you up to other dogs while they are barking, jumping and carrying on, they learn the path to get what they want is through obnoxious displays. So step back and take a look at how you live with your dog and what you might be doing to contribute to the stuff your dog does that you wish they wouldn’t.
Note to self: stop filming in the budgie area
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Puppies and containment
A whole load of typical “annoying” puppy behaviours can be drastically reduced when you implement proper containment strategies. I’ll allow myself to explain in the video below.
ps. I do not mention house training as that’s a topic for another day, but containment can also help dramatically when dealing with house training.
Happy training!
Just a quick video about holding positions. Sits, downs, stays and places all apply. You NEED a release word (ok, yes, free, done, break a clicker … banana – whatever you like). Reinforce the position with reward. Teach the dogs that it’s a good thing to hold position. Once your dog is doing well, you can build up time between reward to have them hold longer and longer. If they make a mistake in the beginning, just reset. When they are really making progress, add some mild distraction and increase as they increase their understanding.
And remember, if you are not working on competition obedience, it’s ok for your dog to slide into the down if they’ve been sitting for a little while. Down is a calmer and more comfortable position for your dog anyway, so allow them that bit of leeway.
Happy Training!
I think it’s important, being a teacher, to be open to all different methods of training and working with students. Here we are shaping a sustained head in bucket performance (for no specific reason other than its cute and it entertains me). We are using shaping and initially started with luring to the extent of tossing some kibble into the bucket. We are using a clicker.
I typically don’t use shaping or clickers for simple obedience, unless a dog really needs help on a positional cue. Shaping can be stressful for the dog if they’ve never done it before and stressful for the human if you lack patience.
However, shaping (with possibly some luring) is an unparalleled way to teach complex behaviours, some of which you see in service dog training or trick training.
Learning how to shape and capture behaviours with a clicker or marker can be game changing when you want to work on more complex tasks or tricks with your dog, or if you just want to challenge their minds.
Behaviours like you see in this video are not taught with force. You can’t force a dog to put their head in a metal bucket, especially if you want your dog to enjoy the training. You have to be creative, you have to make them think part of it was their idea. You have to be open to different methods to achieve these things.
Being open to other methods and ideas expands your tool box with your dog, which allows you to be creative and thoughtful in your training and can expand your dogs learning beyond your wildest imagination.
#clickertraining #clickertrainingfordogs #shapingbehavior #patterdaleterrier #terriertraining #dogoftheday #dogtrainingtipsandadvice #dogtrainer #dogtrainerslife
It’s ok to let your dog win. In fact, it makes the game more fun and increase’s confidence if your dog has the opportunity to show you how “tough” they are. Now not all dogs are into tug, so this is for those dogs who are. But you can build a dogs tug drive from nothing to enjoyment by letting them win. Winning helps build confidence in themselves. Winning helps build more drive for the game. And allowing your dog to build on both of these allows us to use this game as an alternate reward that is amazing for those dogs who really need it. I’m talking terriers, bull breeds and working breeds. Tug can be an outlet for frustration, and letting them win increases your chances that your dog will want to play in higher distraction settings. It’s a fantastic energy release. And bonus, a game of tug builds an amazing bond with the handler.
Now, I will caveat to this, I usually require a decent out (drop it) before I use this in certain scenarios. And typically am asking for a bit of control around the tug (ie. try not to grab it until I say so). As well, resource guarders may need professional help before you dive into the world of tug. But if you play it right, allowing your dog to win at times but also maintaining control, it can become a game of learning how to cooperate with each other, which can help those resource guarders.
Anywho, we like tug, can you tell?
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Yesterday was just not my day. Remember to have fun when you’re training.
#dogtrainingmilton #dogtrainersthoughts #dogtrainingadvice
Wishing everyone the very best over the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate!! May your holidays be filled with laughter, joy, family, friends and lots of food. Merry Christmas! 🎄
In this final stage we have incorporated a toy, specifically a Kong. You do not have to move to this stage if you do not have a toy motivated dog. However, Kongs give us the option of adding food inside of them, which can help both the motivation for the toy and the ability to hide better as food won’t be scattered everywhere. If your dog is toy motivated, a game with the toy, such as tug or fetch, is the perfect reward. If this is your first time moving to a toy, it is ok to takes steps back to remind them that the toy search is the same as the food search. Remember to have fun, and try to utilize this exercise on those cold snowy days coming up for some extra brain and physical work for your dog.
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Find It Step Four
In this stage we are making hides more challenging, requiring the dog to work to make the find, use their nose and their independent skills. Here we can also start to transfer to a toy – I love Kongs for this as you can fill the Kong with food for a stronger scent and high find value. Remember, go per your dogs skill level. It’s better to work them up slowly so as not to discourage them. Don’t step in and help. If the hide is too hard, re-set to an easier one. Have fun!
#dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #scentdetection #scentgames #ratterrier
Find It Step Three
Step Three in our Find It Series. At this stage we can make the game a touch more difficult, but not so difficult that your dog gives up or starts to look to you for help. We want them to work independently, so keep the finds easy enough to encourage them to work on their own. We want to build confidence, not discourage them, but we also want to challenge them a little bit at the same time. Make sure not to put things up high. We can save that for once they are more experienced. It’s ok if they sort of watch you make the hide. Scent is distributed differently at different locations and different levels, and also depends on air current, temperature etc. We won’t dive in to that, but keep it in mind when making these new hides.
#scentdetection #scentgames #doggames #DogTrainingAdvice #dogtrainingtips
Part Two in our series on teaching Find It. The cold weather is slowly creeping up on us, so if you need some indoor things to get some of your dogs energy out and work their minds, this is an awesome option!
#scentgames #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #scentdetection #doggames #dogtraining #oldeenglishbulldogge
As promised, here is step one in our five part series of teaching “Find It” as a cheap and easy way to stimulate your dog both mentally and physically. This is especially important for the small dogs and dogs who don’t do well in the colder months, as winter is coming (sorry folks) and some dogs just can’t get out as often. This gives them some opportunity for exercise and thinking in a safe, indoor environment. In general, a great outlet for all dogs, both large and small, and a great game for kids to play with their pups.
#dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #dogtraining #dogtrainer #scentgames #scentdetection
A focused heel isn’t something that you want your dog to do for an hour walk, but it can be useful for short spurts when out and about in real life.
A focused heel is mainly used and taught for sport work. We strive for a focused heel in our Rally Obedience Classes. A nice focused heel will afford you more points in the ring than a dog that is just dragging his a$$ around.
Food and luring is the starting point. Get your dog understanding how to follow a lure properly.
Teach your dog the finish position(find heel ant left leg) and begin there.
One step at a time. Literally.
Don’t ask too much too soon and start in a quiet environment.
Your voice will play a big part as well - talk your dog up, tell her how amazing she is.
High rate of reward in the beginning stages is key.
Hand placement and reward placement are important.
Don’t reward across your body or your dog will forge and twist.
Watch where your hand rests as, for smaller dogs, we can use it as a target to focus on.
Keep it positive, however, small leash taps upwards can help to encourage the dog to keep his head up.
Build up per your dog - some dogs are automatically great at focusing on you, others are not. Work engagement games separately if your dog needs help with this.
Don’t add distractions to start as it’s unfair to the dog and you will get frustrated.
Over all, have fun with it as we want to see happy, upbeat dogs for this exercise.
Happy training!
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Tip of the day!
House leashes are life savers when used along side a proper crating routine (or xpen). It gives you the ability to control, redirect, move or correct a dog/puppy that you do not have full verbal control over. Enables you to avoid the bad and reinforce the good much easier.
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Keep your training sessions short … and a little crazy. A good portion of dogs can not handle long training sessions. They either loose interest, the learning wanes or they get over stimulated. Short sessions for reps is key for the ultimate learning. 30 seconds to five minutes tops (2-3 minutes seems to be the sweet spot)when working on reps, building new behaviours or cleaning up learned behaviours. On a walk, sprinkling in obedience but not drilling will gain you the most benefit. Of course, putting training to play in real life is extremely important so that the dog generalizes, but these short sessions are optimal for learning and a fantastic little energy release.
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