Watch Citrine grow! She goes by Suki now. She was out of the 2024 gem litter (Indie x Pugs). Suki resembles Orange Crush in her build, but has Indie’s ear set and some of her head shape. Her first heat is ending now, her mom and her were synced right up! 🤍🐶 #ratterrierworld #purebred #abovethebarr #canadiandog #puppies #dogbreeder #ratterrierlover #puppylove #dogsandcats #dogsincanada #abovethebarrterriers #mainecoon #abovethebarrrats #purebredratterrier #doglover #workingdogs #ratterriersofcanada #dogintraining #fortheloveofdogs #ratterrier #jenniferaniston #puppygram #ethicalbreeding #dogtrainer #wellbreddogs #puppiesoffacebook #highenergybreed #puppyoftheday #ratterrierowner #ratterrierobsessed
Look at these wild boys who love to play. Both will make amazing hunters. Hammond would make a great sport prospect if needed. Both Hammond and Culbertson would enjoy a farm and/or family life. Both boys would be great as an adventurous companion, are great with the kids, within the pack and playing with our big Maine Coon cat. Very respectful pups in my opinion 🤍❤️ #ratterrierworld #purebred #abovethebarr #canadiandog #puppies #dogbreeder #ratterrierlover #puppylove #dogsandcats #dogsincanada #abovethebarrterriers #mainecoon #abovethebarrrats #purebredratterrier #doglover #workingdogs #ratterriersofcanada #dogintraining #fortheloveofdogs #ratterrier #jenniferaniston #puppygram #ethicalbreeding #dogtrainer #wellbreddogs #puppiesoffacebook #highenergybreed #puppyoftheday #ratterrierowner #ratterrierobsessed
Libby giving me big sweet puppy eyes to come lay on my lap. Spoiler: it worked 🐾 #ratterrier #ratterrierworld #ratterrierlover #ratterrierowner #purebred #purebredratterrier #ratterriersofcanada #canadiandog #dogsincanada #workingdogs #highenergybreed #dogbreeder #ratterrierobsessed #wellbreddogs #ethicalbreeding #puppylove #puppies #fortheloveofdogs #puppygram #puppiesoffacebook #jenniferaniston #puppyoftheday #doglover #dogtrainer #dogintraining #dogsandcats #mainecoon #abovethebarrterriers #abovethebarr #abovethebarrrats
Missoula may be the runt but her personality has always been larger than life! She is an extremely social butterfly and super serious about catching her “prey” (flirt pole toys). Suitably, she went to a farm in Kelowna to hunt to her heart’s content with a new friend who is an almost 200lb Boerboel, under the new name “Zoula”. #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierworld #puppylove #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterrierlove #ratterriers #fortheloveofdogs #dogswithsticks #dogscanada #doglover #dogsofinstagram
By the time I started filming this she was pooped but her drive wouldn’t let her quit. Love me some OC 🧡🌊 #ratterrierworld #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #puppylove #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterrierlove #ratterriers
The State of Montana is an active bunch! They have a whole pack of adults to interact with, which has been great to learn how to socialize with different types of dogs and personalities. 4 pups left, PM for details. 🖤 🖤#ratterrierworld #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #puppylove #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterrierlove #ratterriers #dogbreeder #canadiandog #dogsincanada #ratterriersofcanada #ratterriercanada #canadianrockymountains #puppylife #puppyoftheday #puppygram #puppydog #puppiesofinstagram
I’ve had SO much fun with the State of Montana litter, but absolutely 0 energy to post 😅 this video was taken over a week ago and only half edited, then forgotten about before posted. Pups are now 6 weeks old! 6 week pics coming up soon 🤩 #ratterrierworld #ratterrierpuppy #ratterriers #ratterriermoments #ratterriersofig #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierlove #ratterrier #ratterrierlife #ratterrierbreeder #puppylove #puppy #puppytraining #puppylovers #puppyeyes #puppylife #puppylover #puppyforsale #puppygram #puppydog #puppyoftheday
Little baby sounds 🧡🖤🤍💛 The Montana litter is just over 3 weeks old! Tomorrow they start eating puppy mush. Love watching them thrive and get bigger every day. Shes doing a fantastic job. 🤍🐾 🐾 🐾🐾🤍#ratterrierworld #ratterrierpuppy #ratterriers #ratterriermoments #ratterriersofig #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierlove #ratterrier #ratterrierlife #ratterrierbreeder #puppylove #puppy #puppytraining #puppylovers #puppyeyes #puppylife #puppylover #puppyforsale #puppygram #puppydog #puppyoftheday
I love watching my dogs hunt. It gives me pure joy! OC kills something almost every day now. 🧡 🧡 #ratterrierworld #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #puppylove #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterrierlove #ratterriers #huntingdog #highdrivedogs #highdrivek9 #k9training #k9life
The sound of puppies getting a let down (surge of milk) is so satisfying and adorable, you can hear them drinking so much already just 1.5 days post-birth! - I make sure to come and feed mom right inside her nesting area because for the first three days, they don’t like to leave the pups too much as they are trying to establish a solid milk supply. I soak food in liquid calcium and water to ensure she gets tons of fluids. They are less likely to go to their water bowl to drink, so I soak the food 50/50 to keep them hydrated and help with digestion. Calcium helps with labour, milk supply and mental soundness in the week after birth. I don’t give anything too different from her regular food or she will have loose stool for the first little while after birth, since they eat a few placentas! I’ll add an egg every couple bowls and a dollop of plain Greek yogurt, but I don’t go too crazy or she will not feel well. Fibre4 (powdered probiotic) is another great additive post birth to help keep stool firm. - Once you’ve whelped a few litters, you get to know their little tricks. I find my females will refuse to go outside to do their business, but if they don’t go, they will refuse to eat or drink. So right after birth, I pick them up and bring them out. Usually first timers won’t opt to go themselves for the first 3 days, so I do the carry-out method each time. Seasoned moms usually know the drill and trust the process, so I only have to carry them out in the first 12 hours. The more often they can get out to do their business, the more they will eat and drink, the higher the milk supply! They regulate their bowels/bladders by holding off if they don’t want to have to go outside. 🤍 🤍 🤎 🤎 #ratterrierworld #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #puppylove #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterrierlove #ratterriers #dogbreeder #dogscanada #doglov
Orange Crush’s passion for hunting is strong. She went down the culvert chasing a rat’s scent. The other dogs were shocked 😂 the pups learned a thing or two from Aunty OC that day. All have found perfect homes 🤍Next litter due Sept 17, 2024 (Montana x Dexter). 2 spots available Parents OFA (hips, eyes, elbows, heart, #LCP) and DNA tested and cleared. 🐶 🐶 #ratterrierworld #ratterrier #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierbreeder #ratterriermoments #ratterrierlove #puppylove #ratterrierpuppy #puppy #ratterriers #dogbreeder #huntingdog #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofig #puppiesofinsta #puppiesforall #workingdogs #farmdog
It’s all about OC these days 🌊🍊
#puppylove #puppy #puppytraining #puppylovers #puppyeyes #puppylife #puppylover #puppyforsale #puppygram #puppydog #puppyoftheday #ratterrierworld #ratterrierpuppy #ratterriers #ratterriermoments #ratterriersofig #ratterriersofinstagram #ratterrierlove #ratterrier #ratterrierlife #ratterrierbreeder