In Chinese Medicine "Chi" is the term for universal energy, or the energy that permeates everything around us. The name K-9 Chi was chosen to symbolize the energy which flows between us and our K-9's. K-9 Chi is a state of mind devoted to advocating for those who have gone unnoticed, have been abused, abandon, are sick and need US to give them a chance at life. Our goal is to promote the care, wel
fare, safety and security of all dogs by raising awareness and highlighting needs in the local area where you can help, volunteer, or donate. The goal here is to unify our resources to support and give unwanted and neglected animals a second chance at life. Together the goal of saving lives is attainable and by doing it locally means our efforts are 100% identifiable. Our Motto: Every Life Matters... Every bit of support helps. Our Inspiration:
K-9 Chi is inspired by the love, the life and the loss of our beloved Zeus who compelled us to reach past ordinary into the realm of extraordinary LOVE. This group is dedicated to all the one’s we have lost and the ones we have rescued and love Zeus, Pebbles, Riley and Junior and little Hera without you there would be no K-9 Chi. Through helping and giving a voice to those who can't help themselves, we heal our own lives and hearts. Let us show you how you can help, when you see an animal in need and you read their story, we will help connect you with a way to make an immediate change to the outcome of life for that dog. There are many compassionate people out there with big hearts, just like us and just like you. The more people who are aware, the more they will want to help
Please Like and Share all you wish and invite anyone this group is for all of us.