Tangled in Webs

Tangled in Webs Welcome to Tangled In Webs �

We are excited you are on our page. Please message us if you have an

Big shipment heading out soon - an amazing store, I cannot wait to visit one day

Big shipment heading out soon - an amazing store, I cannot wait to visit one day

There is a lot of new people on our pages, so we thought we'd give everyone a down-low of the 'Pisces story'!

Pisces Pet Emporium was started in 1975 in Calgary AB, in a 900 sq. ft. building in Peter and Ave’s backyard. At that time we were called Pisces Exotica and we only carried fish and fish supplies. Peter and Ave, both teachers by profession, ran the store during their free time on weeknights and weekends. The first few years were difficult, but thanks to hard work, dedication to customer service, and the repeat business of many loyal customers, Pisces Exotica was able to grow and relocate into the strip mall at 5220 4th Street NE in 1981. The name then changed to Pisces Pet Emporium, and we expanded our inventory to include dogs, cats, small animals, reptiles, birds, and their necessary supplies. Three expansions later, Pisces Pet Emporium grew to cover 20,000 sq. ft. and carried the largest selection of pets and their supplies in Calgary. We no longer have dogs, but we work with a wonderful cat rescue called Cats Home Foundation.

In September 2009, Pisces Pet Emporium moved into this brand new 30,000 sq. ft. building.

We’ve had many wonderful employees who frequently come back to say hello. We recognize we’re in the pet business, but we can often say we’re as much in the people business. We want the business to grow, and we can only do that with dedicated employees and loyal customers.

We will do everything we possibly can in the years to come to make Pisces Pet Emporium an enjoyable place to work and shop. Thank you everyone for your support!

Blue , purple and pink in stock Small and medium

Blue , purple and pink in stock
Small and medium


0.1 Cyriocosmus elegans semi adult
0.1 Davus pentaloris 2-2,5cm BL
0.1 Davus sp panama subadult
0.1 Hapalopus sp guerilla 2,5cm BL
0.1 Harpactira baviana 3cm BL
0.1 Hysterocrates gigas 3cm BL
0.1 Lasiocyano sazimai 2,5cm BL
0.1 Lasiodora parahybana 3cm BL
0.1 Latrodectus geometricus L6
0.1 Megaphobema robustum 2,5cm BL
0.1 Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra 2cm BL
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh 2,5cm BL
0.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Vietnam Silver 2,5-3cm BL
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp cascada 2,5cm BL
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp mascara 2,5-3cm BL
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp paisa 2,5-3cm BL
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia 3cm BL
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus DCF Kigoma 3cm BL
0.1 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2,5cm BL
0.1 Sericopelma sp chiriqui 2-2,5cm BL
0.1 Tapinauchenius sp. “Casanare” semiadult
0.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cm BL
0.1 Theraphosa blondi 2,5cm BL
0.1 Theraphosa stirmi 2,5cm BL
0.1 Theraphosidae sp Kolumbia 3cm
0.1 Xenesthis sp blue 3cm BL
0.1 Xenesthis sp bright 2,5cm BL
1.0 Acanthoscurria geniculata 3cm BL
1.0 Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) 2-2,5cm BL
1.0 Davus pentaloris 2-2,5cm BL
1.0 Hapalopus sp guerilla 2,5cm BL
1.0 Harpactira baviana 2,5cm BL
1.0 Hysterocrates gigas
1.0 Megaphobema robustum 2,5cm BL
1.0 Nhandu chromatus 2-2,5cm BL
1.0 Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh 2,5cm BL
1.0 Ornithoctoninae sp Vietnam Silver 2-2,5cm BL
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp mascara 3,5cm BL
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp paisa 2,5-3cm BL
1.0 Psalmopoeus irminia 3cm BL
1.0 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2,5cm BL
1.0 Sericoplema sp chiriqui 2-2,5cm BL
1.0 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cm BL
1.0 Theraphosa apophysis 3,5cm BL
1.0 Theraphosa stirmi 2,5cm BL
1.0 Xenesthis immanis 4cm BL
1.0 Xenesthis sp bright 2,5cm BL
1.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) 2-2,5cm BL
1.1 Davus pentaloris 2-2,5cm BL
1.1 Hapalopus sp guerilla 2,5cm BL
1.1 Harpactira baviana 3cm BL
1.1 Hysterocrates gigas 3cm BL
1.1 Megaphobema robustum 2,5cm BL
1.1 Megaphobema robustum 3cm BL
1.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh 2,5cm BL
1.1 Ornithoctoninae sp Vietnam Silver 2,5-3cm BL
1.1 Pamphobeteus paisa 2,5-3cm BL
1.1 Pamphobeteus sp mascara 3cm BL
1.1 Pterinochilus murinus usambara 2,5cm BL
1.1 Sericopelma sp chiriqui 2-2,5cm BL
1.1 Theraphosa apophysis 2,5cm BL
1.1 Theraphosa stirmi 2,5cm BL
1.1 Xenesthis sp bright 2,5cm BL
Acanthognathus pissi
Acanthoscurria chacoana
Acanthoscurria geniculata
Acentropelma sp chiapas
Amazonius elenae
Ami sp panama
Ami sp panama L1-2
Anqasha picta
Aphonopelma bicoloratum
Aphonopelma seemani
Aphonopelma sp diamond back
Aphonopelma sp. oaxaca
Augacephalus breyeri
Augacephelus ezendami
Avicularia huriana
Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex. Peru purple)
Avicularia juruensis M2 (ex. Peru purple) L2/3
Avicularia purpurea L2/3
Avicularia sp equador
Avicularia sp kwitara river
Birupes simoroxigorum L1
Bonnetina tanzeri
Brachionopus sp limpopo
Bumba cf tapajos
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus WF
Ceratogyrus darlingi
Cheatopelma karlamani L2
Cheatopelma lymberakisi L1
Cheatopelma olivaceum L1
Chilobrachys fimbriatus L1
Chilobrachys natanicharum (electric blue) L2/3
Chilobrachys sp aladdin L1
Chilobrachys sp kontum (vietnam) L1
Chilobrachys sp mekong L1
Chilobrachys sp south thailand blue L1
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens L1
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens L3/4
Citharognathus tongmianensis
Coremiocnemis hoggi
Cyclosternum aureum
Cyclosternum sp meta
Cyclosternum sp. putamayo
Cymbiapophysa sp. Guayas
Cymbiapophysa velox
Cyriocosmus aueri
Cyriocosmus elegans
Cyriocosmus giganteus
Cyriocosmus leetzi L1
Cyriocosmus ritae
Cyriocosmus sellatus
Cyriocosmus sp oronegro
Cyriocosmus sp. Pinturas
Cyriopagopus hainanus
Cyriopagopus lividus
Cyriopagopus longipes blue
Cyriopagopus minax
Cyriopagopus purple zebra
Cyriopagopus sp bach ma
Cyrtopholis peravia L2-3
Cyrtopholis sp hato
Cyrtopholis sp horned
Cyrtopholis sp montana
Davus sp chiapas
Davus sp kolumbia
Davus sp mazunte
Davus sp panama
Davus sp panama L1-2
Davus sp panama L4/5
Davus sp. oaxaca
Dipluridae sp aqua fria
Dolichothele rufoniger
Ephebopus cyanognathus
Ephebopus murinus
Eresus walckenaeri
Euathlus sp fuego
Euathlus sp hermosa
Euathlus sp metropolitana
Euathlus sp smaragd tiger
Eucratoscelus pachypus
Eupalaestrus campestratus L1
Eupalaestrus lareae
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi
Euphrynichus bacilifier
Euthycaelus amandae
Euthycaelus sp. Antioquia
Euthycaelus sp. Santander
Fufius sp gold
Grammostola anthracina
Grammostola grossa L2
Grammostola rosea
Grammostola rosea “red”
Grammostola vachoni
Guyruita cerrado
Hapalopus formosus
Hapalopus sp guerilla L3/4
Hapalotremus marcapata
Hapalotremus perezmilesi
Hapalotremus sp puma
Hapalotremus sp. Incapirqa
Haploclastus devamatha
Haploclastus khali
Haplocosmia sp black femur L2
Harmonicon oiapoqueae
Harpactira baviana
Harpactira baviana L3/4
Harpactira cafreriana L1
Harpactira golden black
Harpactira namaquensis
Harpactira sp silaka
Heterometrus laoticus sub/adult
Heterometrus silenus
Heterometrus silenus L2
Heteropoda davidbowie L2/3
Holothele antioqua
Holothele sp fluffy
Homoeomma chilensis
Hysterocrates crassipes
Hysterocrates gigas
Iridopelma sp. rosa (oliverai)
Iridopelma zorodes
Kochiana brunnipes
Lampropelma nigerrimum
Lasiocyano sazimai
Lasiodora subcanens L4-5
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus
Linothele amazonas
Linothele sericata
Linothele sericata L4/5
Liphistius sp cave (trang)
Liphistius sp. Khao Luang big black
Megaphobema mesomelas
Megaphobema robustum
Megaphobema velvetosoma
Monocentropus balfouri L1-2
Neischnocolus cisnerosi
Neischnocolus iquitos L2-3
Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra L2
Neoholothele incei “gold” L1/2
Neoholothele incei “gold” L4/5
Neoholothele incei L1/2
Neoholothele incei L4/5
Nhandu cerradensis
Nhandu tripepi
Omothymus sp langkawi
Ornithoctoninae sp “Da Mi”
Ornithoctoninae sp hai-bia
Ornithoctoninae sp Ho Chi Minh
Ornithoctoninae sp hon sej
Ornithoctoninae sp malthai
Ornithoctoninae sp mindanao
Ornithoctoninae sp nhen dep
Ornithoctoninae sp phan cay
Ornithoctoninae sp phan cay “red”
Ornithoctoninae sp ranong blue
Ornithoctoninae sp siam satu
Ornithoctoninae sp silver
Ornithoctoninae sp silver L3-4
Ornithoctoninae sp veronica
Ornithoctoninae sp veronica “dwarf”
Ornithoctoninae sp viridis L2-3
Ornithoctoninae uthai tani
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
Orphnaecus sp blue rizal
Orphnaecus sp quezon blue
Pamphobeteus antinous
Pamphobeteus crimson mask
Pamphobeteus flammifera L2-3
Pamphobeteus fortis
Pamphobeteus mascara L2
Pamphobeteus sp coca
Pamphobeteus sp costa
Pamphobeteus sp insignis (Equador)
Pamphobeteus sp light
Pamphobeteus sp magnanegra
Pamphobeteus sp manabi L3-4
Pamphobeteus sp mascara
Pamphobeteus sp nopa
Pamphobeteus sp oreana
Pamphobeteus sp Paisa
Pamphobeteus sp pema
Pamphobeteus sp platyomma
Pamphobeteus sp santo domingo small
Pamphobeteus sp tigris
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus
Pelinobius muticus
Phidippus regius bahama L3-4
Phlogielus sp koh lanta
Phlogielus sp rusty legs
Phormictopus atrichomatus L1-2
Phormictopus cancerides
Phormictopus cautus L1 (Kuba)
Phormictopus monte cristi
Phormictopus sp azul
Phormictopus sp dominican purple L1/2
Phormictopus sp full green
Phormingochilus arboricola
Phormingochilus sp rufus
Phormingochilus sp sabah blue
Phormingochilus sp sabah red
Phormingochilus sp. akcaya
Phrynus dhofarensis L2-3
Phrynus sp Dominikana
Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus
Psalmopoeus emeraldus
Psalmopoeus langenbucheri
Psalmopoeus pulcher
Psalmopoeus reduncus
Psalmopoeus victori
Psednocnemis brachyramosa
Pseudhapalopus sp blue
Pseudhapalopus sp gitan
Pseudhapalopus sp langhaar
Pseudhapalopus sp. Magdalena
Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus DCF
Pterinochilus murinus usambara
Pterinochilus sp arusha
Pterinochilus sp botswana
Pterinochilus sp lapalala
Sahydroaraneus raja
Sandinista lanceolatum
Selenocosmia kovariki
Selenocosmiinae sp kon-tum
Selenocosmiinae sp Kordillera l
Selenocosmiinae sp Kordillera L5/6
Selenocosmiinae sp sarawak
Sericopelma sp bouete L3-4
Sericopelma sp santa catalina L2-3
Stromatopelma calceatum
Tapinauchenius rasti
Tapinauchenius sp Tena L2-3
Thelechoris striatipes
Thelechoris striatipes L2-3
Theraphosa apophysis
Theraphosa blondi
Theraphosa stirmi
Theraphosidae sp azul
Theraphosidae sp cotopaxi
Theraphosidae sp cumanda
Theraphosidae sp dorado
Theraphosidae sp inca gold
Theraphosidae sp kingfisher
Theraphosidae sp kolumbia
Theraphosidae sp mandarina
Theraphosidae sp pederseni (Equador)
Theraphosidae sp rio shanao
Theraphosidae sp Yasuni
Theraphosinae sp cuzco
Theraphosinae sp. Orellana
Thrigmopoeus truculentus
Thrixopelma sp cielo
Thrixopelma sp golden blue
Thrixopelma sp highland blue

Trichopelma sp. Montana
Typhochlaena seladonia
Xenesthis immanis
Xenesthis intermedia
Xenesthis sp blue
Xenesthis sp bright
Xenesthis sp megascopula

https://tangledinwebs.com/retail-sales/A Journey Woven with Passion: Bringing the Magic of Tarantulas to Canadians Since...


A Journey Woven with Passion: Bringing the Magic of Tarantulas to Canadians Since 2012

In 2012, we set out with a dream: to share the awe-inspiring world of tarantulas with Canadians far and wide. Over the years, that dream has grown into a thriving reality, making us one of Canada’s foremost educators and suppliers of ethically sourced, captive-bred arachnids from around the globe.

Through collaborations with exceptional breeders, we’ve cultivated rare species and supported significant breeding initiatives, contributing to the sustainability of the tarantula trade—most notably in Mexico. This commitment to ethical practices remains at the heart of everything we do.

Now, in 2025, we’re embarking on a new chapter, one that better aligns with our mission to support local communities and ensure that hobbyists across Canada have access to the best supplies and education. We are transitioning to a wholesale-only model, focusing exclusively on empowering local stores to serve you better.

This shift allows us to work hand-in-hand with trusted retailers, providing them with unparalleled access to our captive-bred arachnids, premium bioactive supplies through INVERTA, and our exclusive partnership with Tarantula Cribs. By doing so, we’re strengthening local markets and ensuring enthusiasts can find everything they need to care for their arachnid companions at their favorite neighborhood stores.

Our commitment to education and community remains unwavering. In addition to supplying stores, we’ll continue offering resources through our blog and species care guides, providing enthusiasts of all levels with the knowledge they need to succeed. The Canadian Arachnid Community on Facebook will remain a vibrant hub for connection and shared passion.

This new direction is more than a business strategy—it’s a promise to prioritize quality, sustainability, and the local stores that make our community so special. Thank you for being part of our journey as we continue to innovate and inspire.

Here’s to supporting the local stores that bring the magic of tarantulas closer to you.

Retail sales ORDERING HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER Order Directly From One Of Theses Reputable Stores LOOKING TO ADD THE MAGIC OF ARACHNIDS TO YOUR STORE Don’t move, We’ll Handle Everything EMAIL [email protected] for the password and visit our wholesale Page(please provide registered HST/GHT NUMB...

Some great moments !!

Some great moments !!

Expo weekendWe hope everyone all over Canada has an amazing expo Stop by —— -incognoverts in Toronto expo - David has a ...

Expo weekend
We hope everyone all over Canada has an amazing expo

Stop by ——

-incognoverts in Toronto expo - David has a full line of our stock and is ready with all your arachnid needs and jumping spider!!

- monarch reptile- Toronto Expo all set up with a Good selection of Tarantulas

-truly tarantulas in Calgary

-spooder house in Calgary

Dear Valued Customers,I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for over 10 incredible years of direct s...

Dear Valued Customers,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for over 10 incredible years of direct service to you through Tangled in Webs. Being part of the tarantula community and helping grow and market these amazing creatures has been an extraordinary journey. What started as a passion evolved into something therapeutic and meaningful, not just for me but for so many who share our love for these fascinating animals. Together, we’ve shifted perspectives and built a beautiful community, and for that, I am forever grateful.

I’ve been blessed with the amazing support of my volunteers Sherri, Hanna, and James, who have always had my back and provided the most exceptional customer service. Their dedication and commitment have played a huge role in making Tangled in Webs what it is today, and I am forever grateful to each of them for their unwavering support.

This year has been a highlight of my career, with 2024 marking one of the best years yet. The Canadian Reptile Breeders Expo was a personal best for us, as we worked alongside influential voices like Richard and Tarantula Cribs to bring more knowledge and products to Canada. The global connections we’ve built continue to flourish, and it fills me with joy to be part of something so impactful.

I want to assure you that Tangled in Webs is not going anywhere. We will continue breeding and working within the community to drive the industry forward. You can still expect the same amazing species and quality as always, while we support and empower the younger generation to help grow this incredible industry.

While some things are changing—such as where you’ll place your retail orders—the heart of Tangled in Webs remains the same. Moving forward, our products will be available through several trusted stores, both familiar and new. This will allow you to enjoy local pick-up options, saving on shipping costs, and providing faster, friendlier customer service with the same expert knowledge you’ve come to rely on.

Tarantula Cribs products will also remain available online, on our website, and through partner stores, ensuring you continue to have access to the highest quality enclosures.

Thank you for your unwavering support throughout the years. We’re excited about this next chapter and look forward to continuing to grow and evolve alongside you in this amazing community.

With deepest gratitude,
Dawn Snider
Tangled in Webs


Watch my FULL LENGTH documentary FOR FREE about RARE, high elevation tarantulas in the Andes Mountains of the Cusco region is OUT NOW!
Link in my bio and story!

Back in June I flew out to Cusco, Peru with a group of people and we embarked on a 10 Day Expedition looking for rare, high altitude tarantulas, many which have been undiscovered or undescribed, in the Andes Mountains. Along the way, we also found some amazing scorpions, centipedes, reptiles, and other animals. It was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME experience that few people ever get to see. So join me on this 10 day trek looking for Hapalotremus, Bistropelma, Urupelma and many other species as we travel throughout the Cusco region of Peru!


I teamed up with Spider Shoppe and Andes to Amazon Expeditions to film some rare, undescribed, and even some undiscovered tarantulas that live in the high el...


Mississauga, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm




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