What is socialization?
Why is it important?
We ask dogs to live with us, then WE have to prepare them for our world.
The period of socialization is referred to as The Critical Period or imprinting stage.
This period is 7 weeks to 16 weeks.
During this time Habits are formed and relationships are developed.
The Habits critical stage is 7 to 11 weeks, and social (new relationships) critical stage, 11 to 16 weeks.
These are the most important stages of their development, miss this opportunity, and you will never get the chance again.
Examples of Habits are: Housetraining, walking on lead, food bowls, routines, independent behaviors, eye contact, body handling/ maintenance to name a few.
Social: Learning how to meet someone new, old, person or dog.
Men, Women, children of different nationalities.
These must be addressed during their critical stages, but also should be exercised all the way through the imprinting stage (to 16 weeks)
For example, Housetraining must be worked on during the 7 to 11 week stage for the training to stick, but it should be continued on indefinitely.
If you wait till after this period to start housetraining, training will will not be reliable.
Social skills should happen all the way through the imprinting stage, but is most important during the 11 to 16 week stage, puppies at this stage are naturally starting to want to be more social.
Puppies Should be greeting new people everyday, and at least 20 new people a week, and learning how to sit for a treat, building good associations.
Meeting a new person they already know is different then meeting a stranger, these are very important skills they must learn.
A complete lack of early positive exposure and experiences can have catastrophic results.
Studies show that puppies raised in extremely restricted environments, like the house and yard only, will show abnormal behaviors in new situations when their imprinting stage ends, for example freezing when put in unfamiliar situations or when handled.
This can slowly build into fear aggressive behaviors towards new people and other dogs. They simply do not have the skills to handle new people and encounters.
Isolated puppies also tend to grow to be hyperactive, difficult to train, antisocial and fearful.
Which is the biggest reason for surrenders and euthanasia's in dogs under a year (or any age) is because of behavioral problems.
These could have been prevented in the first place with proper positive handling, training and social skills, at an early age.
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