Comfy Dog Stay

Comfy Dog Stay We are a pet care service based in a home environment. You need care for the day or long term in a calm yet playful small group environment?

We are open from 6:45am till 6:30pm

Happy First Birthday Mackenzie. đŸ¶đŸ„ł

Happy First Birthday Mackenzie. đŸ¶đŸ„ł

Created using Magisto video editor. Share your story with Magisto smart video maker.


Good afternoon everyone! Wishing you all a fantastic summer!

I would like to advise you that the messenger on this business account is not working properly so please contact me by txt or phone Cell (506)874-0056 home(506)388-2459

I apologize for any inconvenience.


Hello everyone,
This year, daycare and boarding will be closed for the last two weeks of September dates are September 16th to September to the 29th inclusif. I will be opened on Monday the 30th of September.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Bonjour a tous,
Cette annee, la garderie de jour et de soir sera fermee pendant les deux dernieres semaines de Septembre. Les jounee seront a partir du 16 Septembre au 29 Septembre inclus. Nous serons ouvert a partir du 30 Septembre.
Merci de votre comprehension et de votre support.


Hello everyone! We will be open through the Hollidays so please don't hesitate to reach out.

There will be a few changes in the New Year. As you all know, the cost of living keeps increasing and in turn it is difficult to sustain the cost of operations.
The Daily rate will now be $30 per Day for Daycare and $35 per night for Overnight Boarding, and $10 per each additional dog.

New special rate for 5 consecutive days of Daycare is $120,
for the new special rate of 3 or more weeks of Boarding, please inquire, if this may meet your needs.

For everyone that has already booked, the old pricing will be honoured, and any new booking starting January 1st will be at the new rates, listed above.

Please contact me through my home phone at 506-388-2459 or on my cell at 506-874-0056 as I don't always receives messages through Facebook in a timely manner.

I would like to thank you for your continued support, raising prices is a very difficult decision as i want to give the best possible pricing to my clients.

I would like to wish you a safe and joyous Holliday Season with your loved ones. You are all my extended family and hope to continue to take care of your fur babies in the New Year! Thank you for your ongoing support it is greatly appreciated.


Bonjour, nous serons ouvert durant les fetes alors n'hesitez pas a nous rejoindre.

Il y aura quelques changements debutant la nouvelle annee. Comme vous le savez, le cout de la vie a augmenter et par consequence il est devenu tres difficile a subvenir au cout d'operation.

Les tarifs seront $30.00 par jour de garderie et $35.00 par nuit et $10.00 par chien additionel.

Le nouveau prix reduit par 5 jours de garderie consecutifs sera $120.00 Il y aura aussi un prix reduit pour 3 semaines et plus consecutives si le service convient a vos besoins.

Pour les gens qui ont deja reserver, le prix courant sera appliquer et tout autre reservation a partir du premier Janvier sera au nouveau prix si haut.

S.V.P. me communiquer soit par mon numero de maison au (506)388-2459 ou mon cellulaire au (506)874-0056 parce que ce site n'est pas a point et parfois je ne recois les messages que quelques jours plus tard.

J'aimerais remercier votre support continue, augmenter les prix a ete une decision tres difficile car je veux donner le meilleur prix possible a mes clients.

Je voudrais vous souhaiter de Joyeuses fetes avec vos proches.

Vous etes comme une grande famille pour moi et je souhaite continuer a prendre soin de vos bebes a poils a la nouvelle annee!
Merci de votre apuis continue, c'est tellement apprecier.



🚹Public Announcement 🚹
Tyler Fraser has been missing for 2 weeks now.
This is not like him at all and is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
There will be a search for him today at 2pm, the starting point is at The Humanity Project 449 St.George street, Moncton N.B.
If you can help search then please stop by and if you can’t then please share this post and help spread the word.
Let’s find Tyler❀


We are now accepting new clients, please come visit our page to book and in person meeting, we are a home environment with staff 24/7 with the animals. We do not use cages unless the client requests it and they would need to bring their own crate. We have dogs of all ages stay with us so their is always a friend to match the same energy as your dog. We require vaccination be up to date including the kennel cough vaccine (bordetella). We offer pool fun to cool off in the summer as well as AC. Please view some of our posted videos to see some of our clients enjoying a home away from home. Please do not hesitate to call us for a visit at 506 874-0056

Nous acceptons de nouveaux clients, nous somme dans un environement maison et nous utilisons aucunes cages a moin que le client l’exige et ils doivent emporter leur propre cage. Nous avons des employes avec les chiens 24/7. Venez visiter notre site pour reserver une reencontre en personne. Nous demandons que votre chien soit a date avec leur vaccins incluant le vaccin de la toux du chenil (bordetella). Nous acceuillons des chiens de tout ages donc votre compagnon sera certain de rencontrer des amis de la meme energie. Nous offrons le service de piscine ainsi que l’air climatiser pour le plein comfort et jeux tout en securite dans les journee chaudes de l’ete. Veuillez visiter notre page fb pour voir des videos de quelques un de nos clients durant leur sejour. Nous offrons la garde de jour ainsi que la garde a longue duree. N’hesitez pas a nous contacter pour une visite au 506 874-0056.


Hours of operation will be changing to 6:45AM to 6:30PM starting the first of June. I have been working for very long hrs for many years now and for health reasons i have made the difficult decision of closing earlier. I apologize for any inconvinience. I would also like to wish you a happy summer to come :). Thank you for your continued support it is greatly appreciated đŸ’—â€ïžđŸ’œ
Les heures d’ouvertures seront changes a partir du premier juin, nous seront ouvert de 6:45am jusqu’a 6:30pm. J’ai travailler de longues heures pendant plusieurs annees et des conditions de sante m’ont forces a faire la decision tres difficile de changer les heures. Je suis sincerement desolee pour l’inconvenience.
Je tiens a vous souhaiter un ete formidable et je vous remerci de votre support au cours des annees. đŸ’—â€ïžđŸ’œ


This year Comfy Dog Stay will be closing for two weeks in September from the 11th to the 24th we will be open on the 25th.

Cette annee Comfy Dog Stay sera fermer pendant deux semaines au mois de Septembre a partir du 11 jusqu’au 24 et nous seront ouvert le 25.


I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter!!!
Joyeuse paques a tous!!


Silent auction 'Fresh Start Great Dane Rescue Fundraiser' hosted online at 32auctions.


We are a dog daycare as well as boarding services. We are open 7 days per week from 6:45am to 8:30pm. We are closed for 2 weeks in the summer time with advanced notice. This is a home environment, we do not use cages unless owner requests it for night time as some dogs feel more secure in a crate they are used to. We have a staff member with the dogs 24/7.

We ask that all dogs be up to date with vaccinations, including bordetella vaccine.

If you would like to come for a visit with your fury friend or have any questions you can send me a message through this app or contact me on my cell 506-874-0056.

We look foreword to meeting you!!


Nous sommes une garderie de jour ainsi que de sejour lors de vo vacances. Nous avons un/e employe/e en tout temps avec les chiens jour et nuit. Nous sommes ouverts 7 jours par semaine de 6:45am - 8:30pm. Nous fermons pendant une periode de 2 semaines durant l’ete avec emplement d’avertissement a l’avance pour les dates de conge. C’est un environement de maison donc on utilise pas de cages a moin que le proprietaire l’exige pour la nuit car certains chiens se sentent plus en securite pour dormir la nuit.

Nous demandons que les chiens soient a date avec leur vaccins incluant celui de la toux du chenil (bordetella).

Si vous aimeriez venir nous visiter ou avez des questions vous pouvez me rejoindre par messagerie ici ou a mon cell:506 874-0056

Nous souhaitons vous rencontrer tres prochainement!!!


This year daycare and boarding will be closed from August 26th to September 8th inclusive. I hope it won’t be too much of an inconvenience, and i would like to thank everyone for your support through the year , you are truly my extended family.

La garderie de jour et de nuit sera fermee a partir du 26 aout jusqu’au 8 septembre. Je tiens a vous remercier de votre support tout au long de l’annee, je vous considere tous comme ma famille etendue. Je suis desole de l’inconvenience durant cette periode.


Daycare will be closed May 5th for renovations.

Thank you for your comprehension and my apologies for any inconvenience.

La garderie de jour sera fermer le 5 mai pour des renovations.

Merci de votre comprehension et mes excuses pour l’inconvenience.


It is with deep sadness that i will no longer be doing grooming due to health. I want to thank all of my clients for your support over the years, i truly enjoyed every moment spent with your fur kids. Rest assured i will continue all of my other services such as Dog training, daycare and boarding.

C’est avec regres que je dois cesser le service de toilettage due a la sante. Je veux remercier tout mes clients aux fils des annees qui m’on donner leur support, j’ai vraiment aimer tout les moments. Soyez rassurer, mes autres services vont continuer soit l’entrainement canin et la garderie de jour/nuit.


Je tiens vous afficher un changement de prix de la garderie. Malheureusement avec couts qui augmentent partout ca impacter l’entreprise grandement. Les nouveaux prix sont $25 pour la journee de garderie, $30 pour la nuit et $35 pour deux chiens dans la meme famille pour la nuit. Les nouveaux prix seront en vigueur a partir du premier Avril eh non, ce n’est malheureusement pas un poisson d’avril.

Je veux sincerement vous remercier pour votre support de toutes les annees passees et future. Je suis tres choyer d’avoir une si belle etendue familliale durant les temps difficile ainsi que les temps joyeux. Merci! Merci!!


I would like to announce price changes starting April 1st no unfortunately no April fools, the cost of everything rising has affected the business greatly. Daycare will now be $25 per day and sleep over will be $30 per night and $35 for two dogs in the same family.

I cannot thank you enough for your support through the years and the future years to come. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful extended family! You have been there through the difficult and happy times. Thank you! Thank you!

Phoebe is my little sunshine of the day
another grooming for this sweet girl.  Thank you for your company!

Phoebe is my little sunshine of the day
another grooming for this sweet girl. Thank you for your company!

Thank you for the sweet grooming today miss Sadee my little butterfly!

Thank you for the sweet grooming today miss Sadee my little butterfly!


Poisonous mushrooms are toxic to pets. Identifying a poisonous mushroom is difficult and beyond the scope most pet owners and veterinarians.


Hello everyone, i would like to thank all of you that have been supporting Comfy dog Stay, you are all like extended family to me.

This year for the first time in a very long time i will be closing daycare for the first 2 weeks of October from the 1st to the 14th inclusive. Daycare will reopen on the 15th as per usual. This will permit me to rest a little and do some repairs and cleaning that cannot be done during operations. I hope this will not be too much of an inconvenience and i will be looking forward to seeing you as we reopen.

Bonjour a tous, je voudrais vous remercier pour tout votre support auprĂšs de Comfy dog Stay, vous ĂȘtes tous une grande famille a mes yeux.

Cette annĂ©e pour la premiere fois en tres longtemps, Comfy dog Stay sera fermer pour les deux premieres semaines du mois d’octobre soit du 1er au 14 octobre inclusivement. Les portes seront ouverte a nouveau le 15 octobre. Cette pause me va me permetre de me reposer un peu ainsi que de faire des reparations nĂ©cessaires et du nettoyage qui ne peut pas ĂȘtre fait en compagnies des toutous. Je souhaite que vous n’aurez pas d’inconvenience a la fermeture. Je serai tres contente de vous revoir des l’ouverture.

I am often asked “how does it work at meal time with all the dogs”?  A lot of training goes into the dogs that come to d...

I am often asked “how does it work at meal time with all the dogs”? A lot of training goes into the dogs that come to daycare and boarding as safety is number one! I first assess each dog that comes here, i then help them understand the daily routine with training. Some have dominance issues, some have food or toy possessiveness, some are insecure and reactive, what ever may be part of who they are i teach them to be a well balanced dog by giving leadership, direction, exercise, teaching calmness and the list goes on. You cannot put a group of dogs together and expect they all get along, just like humans they all have different personalities and sometimes life experiences that will affect who they are and how they behave around others. Always ask a trainer before introducing a new dog to the family or having doggie friends over for a visit how to properly make the introduction.

Building confidence with other dogs is very important while being a balanced dog as it is a ripple effect when you introduce food or toys...if the dog has never shared space with other dogs he will need training and desensitization to sharing space, food or toys. In the fallowing video i will show just a few examples of daily training with new dogs and current dogs. Always have the dogs be calm while preparing food and giving space, this in return will reflect as respect. When you have a respectful dog he will be more polite and tolerant around food and other beings close by.

Every day encounter with your dog is an opportunity to improve your relationship and work towards having a more balanced dog. Small gestures can mean the world of difference in behaviour modification. Hope you enjoy the small glimpse at what we do at Comfy Dog Stay 😉

Created using Magisto video editor. Share your story with Magisto smart video maker.


55 Leawood Avenue
Moncton, NB

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Tuesday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Thursday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Friday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Saturday 6:30am - 8:30pm
Sunday 6:30am - 8:30pm




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