A good handler knows important of play, and it isn’t just for fun!
Working dogs don’t work for the pay check, they work for the love of the game.
Start acting like the person you want to become. You don’t have to fake it—just start showing up as them.
People always ask me, ‘How do you walk so many dogs?’
Truth is, it didn’t come naturally. It took practice. A lot of it.
But if there was a ‘cheat code’ to having this kind of life with dogs, it’s this: become someone worth following.
We don’t just become who we want to be—we have to set intentions.
I talk about this all the time with my clients. If you want to grow, you need to decide who you want to be and start showing up as that person, even in the smallest ways.
Today’s homework:
1️⃣ Make a list—write down everything you wish you were more of. More patient? More confident? More calm? Whatever it is, put it on paper.
2️⃣ Find an affirmation—Go to Google, type in ‘affirmations for [whatever you’re struggling with],’ and find one that resonates. If you feel out of control, look for affirmations about strength and stability. If you’re feeling low, find one that lifts you up.
3️⃣ Say it in the mirror—Repeat it three times. Pay attention to how your body reacts when you speak kindly to yourself.
4️⃣ Set an intention for your walk—Decide how you want to show up for your dog today.
5️⃣ Mindset is a powerful thing. Think of someone who inspires you—Oprah, Michelle Obama, The Rock, Jocko Willink, whoever it is for you. Now, imagine how they would carry themselves on a walk. How would they move? How would they hold their posture? What kind of energy would they project?
Now go on your walk and be that person.
Just for one walk, embody that energy.
Walk like them, think like them, move like them.
Project that energy and see how it changes your experience, and your dog’s.
Do me a favor—come back and tell me how your walk went. What did you feel? What did you notice? I really want to hear about it!
#mindsetmatters #mindsetcoaching #personaldevelopment #dogtrainersofig #melrobbins #affir
This isn’t a tool debate, so let’s keep it respectful.
As an authorized dealer and avid ecollar user, I feel a strong responsibility to educate about this tool.
In some places, they’re banned due to misinformation, so it’s important we use and represent them ethically.
Ecollars are often called “shock collars,” but that’s not what they are. They don’t provide a shock. Always try an ecollar on yourself first before spewing misinformation.
At proper levels, the stimulation is so low it barely causes muscle contraction. It’s a light sensation designed to get a dog’s attention, not hurt them.
In this video, I’m using a TENS machine on my leg to demonstrate and overexagerate what a muscle contraction looks like.
This is way stronger and more continuous than what we’d ever use on a dog. Your dog’s neck will never look like this. It’s just to show that ecollars stimulate the muscle, it’s not a shock, and it’s not intended to be painful.
Most of the time, we use brief taps.
There is a constant button for specific follow-through methods, but even then, the dog will not look like this.
When used correctly, ecollars are placed on either side of the neck muscles and send a small pulse that feels like a light tap.
It’s clear, intentional communication.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it’s crucial for trainers to step up and educate.
This isn’t about convincing anyone to use ecollars,
doing my part ensuring people know what they actually do, instead of fearing something they don’t understand.
E-Collar Technologies
Ps- Those who’ve placed orders, got the shipment notification, should be delivered today!
I’ll be in touch with everyone as soon as It’s received.
We’re all busy, I get it.
I hear from dog owners all the time that they don’t have time.
But the truth is, it’s not about doing more, it’s about doing less of what doesn’t matter.
A lot of us get caught up in a never-ending to-do list, but not everything on it will move us forward.
The key is figuring out what truly matters and focusing on that first, then the rest often takes care of itself or doesn’t seem as daunting.
So today, ask yourself:
What’s one thing you can let go of or delegate, whether it’s a task at work, something that’ll free up time for your dog’s training, or maybe even something just for you?
Sometimes, it’s selfish not to allow others who actually enjoy certain tasks to take them off your plate.
Not only does it lighten your load, but it also gives them the chance to do something they enjoy.
In turn, it allows you to focus on the things that help your needle move forward?
So little Falafel here has a bit of a reputation for pooping on the carpet, despite being fully potty trained. His mom was at her wit’s end trying to figure out why this kept happening.
Here’s where boarding trains get fun because we start to really observe and identify the patterns that aren’t obvious when we are not present their home.
Every morning, I take Falafel out of his crate, and like clockwork, he pees outside. No issues there, he’s got that part down perfectly.
But then I started paying closer attention to him inside the house.
For anyone struggling with similar challenges, I always recommend keeping your dog on a leash indoors so you can observe and redirect them as needed.
Here’s what I noticed: after his morning pee, Falafel gets super excited. He runs inside, bouncing with joy, thrilled to be awake and ready to take on the day. He’s affectionate, playful, and constantly asking, “What are we doing next?” But that excitement gets his guts moving.
Every single time, within 5 minutes of this happy chaos, he would calm down, and that’s when he’d sneak off to the carpet to poop.
Once I connected the dots, it became so clear.
The excitement was triggering his need to go, but the timing threw everyone off.
So, instead of going back upstairs after his morning fun, I’ve been taking him straight back outside.
And look, success!
No carpet accidents, just happy poops where they belong.
This is why I always encourage my clients to journal their dog’s routines and behaviors.
Life gets busy, especially getting ready in the morning for example and we miss the little moments where our dogs are actually showing us patterns.
If there’s no structure or routine in your household, it can feel like your dog’s behavior is ‘unpredictable.’
But truthfully, it’s not, without structure, chaos takes over, and chaos creates confusion for everyone.
So, here’s Falafel finally getting it right because we paid attention to
You know what I always find surprising?
How many people aren’t being taught about proper leash pressure! 🤯
Leash pressure is one of the most basic yet essential tools for communicating with your dog, and it blows my mind how often it’s not being taught.
It’s not about yanking, pulling, using treats, expecting a perfect “j” in your leash or your dog in a “heel”, it starts with creating clear expectations and consistent guidance that helps your dog understand what you’re asking than having an expectation to withhold.
The alphabets need to be learned because we start singing the alphabet song.
Teaching this to my clients, when done right is always a game changer, it only goes up from there and THAN you they pair up any other walking goals if you wish, but most of my clients just want to be able to go enjoy a walk with their dog in peace.
Seeing them light up when they realize how much more confident and connected they feel again with their dog is the best part of what I do.
Once clients get it, everything clicks for both the dog, and owner.
Leash pressure isn’t just a technique we use on walks; it’s a foundational step for clearer communication with your dog.
Does your walk feel like a chore?
Let’s work together!
Hit the Join the pack now button & send us your assessment form to get started.
At Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre, K9-5 Dog Day School isn’t your typical doggy daycare.
It’s structured and tailored to each dog’s individual needs.
We get it, life’s busy, and finding time to train your dog every day can feel impossible.
That’s why we created this program.
For the day, we replace you. Your dog gets their reps in, even when you can’t.
While it might look like “doing nothing,” there’s so much learning happening here.
We focus on neutrality, socialization, and real-life skills, stuff that actually benefits your dog’s everyday life.
Sure, dogs play here, but there’s a time and place for that. They learn that not every dog they see means playtime, and that it’s possible to coexist peacefully.
And I can’t emphasize this enough: we send dogs home with regulated nervous systems.
Calmness is something we practice daily. It’s not about never having fun, we have plenty of fun but calm dogs always get more freedom.
Want to join the pack?
Fill out assessment form to get started: https://fs30.formsite.com/KloudK9DogPsychologyCentre/https---fs30-formsite-co/index
#dogdayschool #packhikes #notyouraveragedaycare #dogtrainer #moncton
Don’t leave dog to dog introductions up to chance!
Sushi 🍣 just arrived for day school 🏫
Want to know about our day school program?
Have you ever had a moment where you asked yourself:
• How many times have I apologized to my dog?
• How many times have I felt ashamed of the version of myself they bring out?
• How often have I disliked how I handled things with them?
Does this sound like you?
Those feelings can be heavy, but have you ever considered they might actually be the catalyst for your growth?
Recognizing that what you’re doing isn’t working, for you or your dog, can be the turning point.
It’s not just about loving them; it’s about loving yourself enough to make meaningful changes.
Your dog might be revealing the parts of you that need healing, understanding, or forgiveness.
But to truly show up for them, you need to show up for yourself first.
Loving your dog means learning to live intentionally with purpose and awareness of how your energy impacts them.
One of the best ways I’ve learned to navigate these feelings is through journaling.
When you’re overwhelmed or stuck, a simple brain dump can be freeing.
You don’t have to know what to write, just get it out.
Journaling helps you identify patterns, understand where your energy is going, and recognize how certain situations make you feel. Once you see those patterns, you can begin to shift how you respond.
As someone who has been there before, struggling with shame, frustration, and guilt, I want you to know you’re not alone.
I offer coaching and support for anyone who feels stuck in their journey with their dog.
Together, we can help you and your dog thrive.
I’m here to help you rewrite your story because this is just one chapter.
The best books aren’t great because everything went perfectly, they’re great because the struggles make the ending that much more impactful!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #personaldevelopment #gonetothedogs #journaling #lifestylecoaching #moncton #newbrunswick #dogreels
I know you’re tired of hearing it.
But, it really starts with you!
Take this an a freebie, an unconditional loving being who comes into your life to show you areas where you are not free!
They will help shed light on areas to help you become the best version of yourself.
Stop looking at your dogs unwanted behaviors as a nuisance, think of it as a red flag every trying to get your attention.
Some dogs love their whole lives trying to get their owners to listen and never succeed.
Sometime, we don’t deserve dogs.
They are so selfless & loyal.
They keep waving the flag, day in and day out, even when we get mad, frustrated with them.
It’s really not a reciprocal relationship if you think about it.
Will you listen to what your dog is trying to tell you today?
Solid K9 Training