Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre

Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre Where dogs come to live, learn & thrive.

Welcome to Kloud K9 DPC, where we offer comprehensive approach to training and care, blending luxury in-home boarding, lifestyle training and outdoor activities for a well balanced and fulfilled life.

Meet little Foxy! I had a great session this morning as she joined her new pack. The owners wanted to make sure the intr...

Meet little Foxy!

I had a great session this morning as she joined her new pack. The owners wanted to make sure the introduction went smoothly, which is crucial since there are so many variables to consider in dog training that a premeditated plan often can't predict.

Not having met Foxy before, I didn’t know what kind of energy she’d bring. She came in excited, which can sometimes be a sign of low confidence. This mix of signals can complicate introductions, as it can be confusing for the other dog.

We focused on a neutral walk and coexisting calmly to teach her that just because another dog is around, it doesn’t mean it’s time to play.

We also reassured the other dog, who’s sensitive about his space, that we wouldn’t nurture her excitement and that his space would be respected.

The first impression, matters.

By the end, we were able to have a conversation while the dogs calmly hung out in proximity of one another, which is exactly what we aimed for.

Given that Foxy has been through a lot of transitions from a rescue, foster home than now new home, it’s important to give her time to decompress and get quality rest.

We might not see her true personality right away, but establishing structure and consistency from the start will help build confidence in both dogs.

Over time, this approach will lead to a smoother, more natural bond as they learn to understand and respect each other.

I WISH PEOPLE KNEW 👇 Your dog is going to look for reinforcement and fun where they are used to experiencing it most.If ...


Your dog is going to look for reinforcement and fun where they are used to experiencing it most.

If your dog gets most of their reinforcement in life through other dogs at the dog park, doggy daycare, chasing squirrels, running loose in your neighborhood, barking at the cat, herding the kids and so on, this is where they will go to have fun.

If you want to be important to your dog, this needs to be reflected in the time they spend with you.

The majority of the reinforcement needs to come us.


Do you often forget simple things like I do sometimes?I was halfway out the door when I realized I forgot my lint roller...

Do you often forget simple things like I do sometimes?

I was halfway out the door when I realized I forgot my lint roller. Annoyed at first, I turned back, only to be met with those big, loving eyes.

It made me think—sometimes we’re late, and it’s the universe’s way of protecting us from something we’ll never know, like avoiding an accident.

Other times, we forget something at home, and it’s the universe’s way of giving us extra time to steal a few more moments and give a few extra kisses to the one who means the most.




This is so incredibly true, totally worth re-sharing from Vegrenan Kennels The paradox of learning:I know I don’t just s...

This is so incredibly true, totally worth re-sharing from Vegrenan Kennels

The paradox of learning:

I know I don’t just speak for myself, but when we’re first getting started, we tend to think we know everything, and as your journey progresses, even after a decade, the more that I learn, the more I realize the less I know.

The more you know, the less you use. To use less, you need to know more.

Stay humble and open-minded.

It’s hands-down the most effective tool there is.

Hey everyone! I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately, but trust me, I’ve been busy behind the scenes helping client...

Hey everyone!

I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately, but trust me, I’ve been busy behind the scenes helping clients.

Today, I had a powerful session with former clients who were worried about introducing a new dog that they are getting later this week to their home, especially with their current dog’s reactivity.

Their concern was understandable—how do you properly introduce a new dog while managing an existing one with behavioral challenges? It was all about shifting their perspective.

By focusing on advocating for both dogs—making sure the new pup knows the boundaries from the start and advocating for their current dog that they’ve got it under control—we build the foundation for a smooth transition.

I’m so glad I could give them the confidence they needed to take this important step.

Sometimes, we just need to see something to believe it,

And that’s why I love my job!

Sometimes making the impossible seemingly possible.


Ps- gotta love, Annabelle, a former board & train now helping other dogs make positive introductions and experiences.




While I’m studying, Jax is practicing the art of doing nothing; practicing neutrality in public.

Neutrality is a core concept within socialization that is often overlooked, misunderstood and underestimated.

The term socialization has become “meet every dog and every person”.

Now don’t get me wrong, properly meeting dogs and people is an important part of socialization, but it’s not the core concept of socialization.

Training your dog for neutrality helps them understand that not every situation requires their reaction.

Teaching neutrality is so important to keep your dog safe, an overexcited or anxious dog is very likely to make poor decisions.

A calm dog is more predictable and very rare that they will act impulsively. A calm state allows them to think and respond appropriately, ultimately making good choices.

Jax is a typical happy go-lucky Golden. He wants to go see everyone and everything.

While this exercise seems like nothing is going on to the human eye, this is exactly the point yet so far from the truth.

There is a lot of stimulation, lots of diversity of people walking by and all we are doing is watching the world go by.

Remember, calm dogs are taught, not born.

Shout out to Brix Experience for the amazing service and their delicious latte’s!

Last week, I experienced one of the most challenging moments in my dog training journey. My work dog, Jack, and I faced ...

Last week, I experienced one of the most challenging moments in my dog training journey.

My work dog, Jack, and I faced back-to-back certification tests, and we failed both times.

It was incredibly difficult, especially knowing that on the second attempt, there was nothing more I could do to change the outcome.

Despite all my efforts, the odds were stacked against us due to factors beyond our control, and I want to share this experience with you because it’s not something that trainers often share publicly.

But, I will.

It’s easy to get in our own heads and become emotional when we struggle with our dogs, but it’s important to remember that this doesn’t always reflect our skill level as handlers. **I’ve been reminding myself this all week**

This year’s tests were extremely challenging and I knew going into the second day that we probably wouldn’t pass once again. There are just things we cannot fix overnight and we need to realistic.

Instead of letting it completely defeat me, I shifted my mindset and decided to use the second day as a training opportunity instead.

We often forget, especially under pressure, how important it is to have fun with our dogs. This isn’t just an obedience trial—missing explosives is serious business, and the pressure can be overwhelming.

It’s easy to get frustrated with our dogs, but we have to remember that our dogs don’t know they’re being tested. They only understand what we project to them, and maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for our relationship and their success.

On that second day, I made the choice to change my mindset. I knew we were going to fail, but I focused on making the best of it. I blasted “Happy” by Pharrell Williams in the parking lot, danced with Jack with no care in the worlds and turned the day into a positive experience. We played, we connected, and even though we didn’t pass, we took this opportunity to reinforce certain aspects of our training that we don’t always have access to.

Every moment is an opportunity to train with your dog.

I know many of you have been wondering how we made out, and I truly appreciate all the support and encouragement.

I’ve been a little quiet as I process this experience, but I’m always transparent with my clients because it’s important for you to know that I’ve walked in your shoes. I don’t just speak theory; I speak from experience. I understand the emotions and challenges you face because I’ve been there too.

At the end of the day, it’s not about the failures themselves but how we handle them. I’m confident that we’ll ace our certification next time, and I want you all to know that I’m the kind of trainer who will walk through the fire with you. I’ll hold your hand, cry with you, and support you every step of the way. That’s who I am, and that’s why I’m committed to being transparent with my clients.

This is just a reminder to give yourselves and your dogs” grace.

Mindset will either make or break you.

I’d be lying saying that this didn’t affect me, sometimes failure is inevitable but how you handle the failures are what matters.

It’s understandable that we’d want to soften the blow of failure, sometimes the best thing we can do is to own the suck.

Failure isn’t the opposite of success, it’s part of success.

Remember this if you’re struggling with your dog.

It’s part of the process.

“Most people don't want to be part of the process, they just want to be part of the outcome. But the process is where you figure out who's worth being part of the outcome.”

It’s test day, Jack and I need all your best wishes! 🫶🏻

It’s test day, Jack and I need all your best wishes! 🫶🏻

Bon Quinzou! 💙 ⭐️ 🤍 ❤️

Bon Quinzou! 💙 ⭐️ 🤍 ❤️

Ya pas much a waire icitte, yaink une bunch de chiens bein primer pour leur marche avec la dog lady.


Detection training day in Montreal

Nespresso machine and my two favourite boys! 🫶🏻 ☕️ I normally wouldn’t allow them on the bed while we are guests however...

Nespresso machine and my two favourite boys! 🫶🏻 ☕️

I normally wouldn’t allow them on the bed while we are guests however they immediately made themselves at home so naturally I had to take a picture and it inspired me to make this post to share some tips that we do to make our travelling succesful.

See my dogs are use to “stress”.

Stress isn’t always a negative thing.

Healthy stress can make us get out of our comfort zones, it can help us grow and make us more adaptable in new environments and situations but like anything, it needs to be practiced before the big day.

Here are some of my tips to help you travel in hotels peacefully with dogs.

1️⃣ Prepare before your trip.

•Hopefully your dogs are crate trained, if not, work with a trainer to help create incremental steps in order to properly condition your dog to a crate. No one wants to hear barking or dogs in distress inside their hotel room.

•If your dog is sensitive to new noises, again these things should be practiced before your trip however bringing a sound machine or keeping the TV on can be helpful for background noise. YouTube is also great to play calming, relaxing music.

•Prior to your trip, (this is a rule of thumb, always anyway) but more so if you’re planning on travelling. Move their crate and beds often, this will help with their adaptability in new environments. If your dog sleeps on your bed at home, consider bringing sheets or blankets from home to protect the bed. (Thankfully, they were clean! 🙊)

2️⃣ Bring Kongs (ask for a mini fridge, most come with a freezer and you can even freeze your kongs. Bones, chews or anything interactive to keep your dogs busy.

3️⃣ Pet friendly establishments are a privilege, not a right. Come prepared, bring cleaning supplies for accidents. Always pick up after your pet, be mindful and respectful of neighbouring guests, keep your dog on a short leash at all times.

4️⃣ Most dog friendly hotels are on the main level or with an exit door, if this isn’t the case, make sure to ask for a door close to an exit for quick p*e breaks. Please dispose of your p**p bags and be respectful of the hotel property. Don’t let your dogs urinate on hotel property or flowers.

5️⃣ Don’t forget to bring your dogs’ favourite reward to reward good behaviour. Something that is often overlooked! Make it fun!

6️⃣ Ensure your dogs are receiving ample amount of exercise to keep them happy & fulfilled. Fulfilled dogs = Calmer dogs.

Just two pretty gals wishing you all a fantastic Monday!

Just two pretty gals wishing you all a fantastic Monday!



I will be unavailable in person as I will be traveling to Ottawa for work purposes from:

💛 August 12th to the 18th 💛

However, I am still available to answer any emails, phone calls, connect virtually and our weekly Sunday check-ins for 30-day refresh students will continue as expected.

I am fully able to conduct virtual meetings and provide support online, so please do not hesitate to reach out.

If I wasn’t able to get to your assessment form lately, please note we are trying to triage to the best of our abilities and will be in contact as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

Best regards,

Kloud K9 DPC


Just saw a video circulating that’s a real wake-up cal and thought I’d take the time to speak of the importance of proper crate training..

Here is a dog left alone uncrated, he chewed a lithium battery, sparking a house fire caught on camera.

This is exactly why propercrate training isn’t inhumane, it’s about keeping your dog safe.

Some think crating is cruel, but done right, it can literally be a lifesaver.

Fun fact: if there’s ever a fire, firefighters can rescue your dog way easier if they’re in a crate rather than trying to contain a loose frantic dog or a dog who is hiding.

Crate training isn’t just about keeping them contained, it’s about not gambling with our dogs lives, and keeping them safe when they are left unattended.

Ps- Please also familiarize yourselves on the dangers of lithium batteries. 🔋

What are your thoughts? Do you crate your dogs? 💭


Had an insightful session with 11-week-old Falafel today! 🐶 Earlier this week, near the end of our virtual session, he p...

Had an insightful session with 11-week-old Falafel today! 🐶

Earlier this week, near the end of our virtual session, he presented a perfect example of something that often gets overlooked—mounting behavior, also known as hu***ng.

While it’s easy to giggle or feel embarrassed, to me, this was a cry for help.

Dogs don’t speak English, so sometimes unwanted behaviors are their way of telling us that their needs aren’t being met.

Falafel was letting us know he needed a nap, just like babies do. Often when they start becoming restless or sudden changes of behaviour are signs that rest is needed.

Puppies are moldable, and it’s all about preventing issues before they start—much better than having to intervene later on.

In today’s session, we practiced crate training exercises and answered a ton of questions to put his mom’s mind at ease.

We also provided feedback on what too much affection can cause, emphasizing the importance of giving affection at the right time.

Falafel is a student in our 30-day program, and he’s learning the right way right away, laying down those essential foundational concepts early on.

Looking forward to being part of this little guy’s journey.


Comment your dogs, favourite Kong filler recipes 👇


Friday Reminder from Jax.

A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.

Some feel the weight of the cone; others wear it like a crown.


☀️ out, 🐾 out- just a pack of queens ruling the park this morning at Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre

☀️ out, 🐾 out- just a pack of queens ruling the park this morning at Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre



I love how we can combine both businesses for both human and dog 🫶🏻

I love how we can combine both businesses for both human and dog 🫶🏻

When was the last time your dog had a mini vacation?

Maybe it’s time you both booked a little time away!

Imagine you could go book time at Savasana to rest and recharge while your dog gets a little training retreat.

While our domes aren’t pet-friendly, our charming log home is where Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre welcomes dogs to live, learn, and thrive.

Because we integrate dogs into our home environment, rather than a kennel setting, we have an assessment process prior to taking on just any client.

This isn’t just your traditional boarding service—it’s a tailored training retreat.

This approach allows us to provide a truly luxurious and harmonious experience for every dog we accept.

Guests can also book a walk with their pups on our scenic 40-acre trails.

Best of both worlds!

A special delivery from SKYLA, one of our client’s dogs! It’s her mama’s birthday today, and with a friend coming over, she needed an extra bathrobe. We walked over to drop it off for her.

For more info, give a follow and fill out an assessment form to get started.

😱I talk a lot about my personal development with my clients and my programs because it all starts with us.In order to gi...


I talk a lot about my personal development with my clients and my programs because it all starts with us.

In order to give to others, we need to give to ourselves first and no, it’s NOT SELFISH!

This first picture was when I first started my dog walking company 10 years ago.

I was easily walking 20 to 25 km a day, skipping meals, chronically dehydrated, running on caffeine, I could eat what I wanted because I was burning so many calories, but it wasn’t allowing me to gain muscle.

The second picture is now someone who takes care of herself first, lift weights, is properly fueled & hydrated.

I often speak about the airplane analogy, we need to put our mask on first in order to help others,

By doing so, you will likely be better equipped to handle the stressors that come along with supporting the people and things we care about most, including our dogs.

Don’t give people your advice, live your advice.

The only time you should ever look back is to remember how far you’ve come!    📸: Emma Caitlin Foster

The only time you should ever look back is to remember how far you’ve come!

📸: Emma Caitlin Foster

The breakfast club Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre

The breakfast club Kloud K9 Dog Psychology Centre


Route 465
Moncton, NB

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm






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