Prince. He’s our senior standardbred. Never takes a step out of line and this is as much trouble as he will ever stir up.
This is a good old boy “acting out” hahaha.
So glad we’ve been able to get him healthy and happy. Teeth are a huge problem for some elderly horses and he has his share of chopper issues.
The expenses at such a large rescue are overwhelming. In order to keep everyone fed and healthy I must go to work to cover the bills
Without the boots on the ground help from Hounds & Hooves professional team, it would not be possible.
If you’d like to pitch and help you can assist by sending what you can by ETransfer to [email protected]
In a move to prevent further founder episodes on our precious pony herd members, I’ve secured a load of clean oat straw for them to munch on.
Ponies are not native to the lush forage we have in this part of the world and it’s a dangerous game of roulette, feeding them Ontario hay. Especially with the rain and good soil on this farm. Even the pastures are dangerous for them.
Well today they got their first taste of oat straw and it appears they love it. Fingers crossed that this helps solve the problems we face keeping them sound.
May I add, every pony
we have ever rescued has been foundered prior. Some worse than others It’s a serious issue and can end their lives if not kept under control
Mystic and his son Falafel think this new stuff is AOK❤️
Maggy is just such a naughty girl.
Thank goodness Freedom can outrun her.
Beautuful summers days and cooler nights. The pastured animals are in heaven.
The don’t know it’s not a lake. They believe what we tell them . Cold clean water is the highlight of the week to Ping and Pong
Ping and Pong believe me when I say it’s a lake.
They are in total heaven when the girls give them their clean cold pools.
Silver Willow Rescue.
This is sanctuary at Silver Willow Rescue in Mulmur Ontario.
Well Managed pastures of compatible animals. Trees, shelter and medical care.
Not a petting zoo. Dont let them tell you they are the same. Petting zoos are not sanctuary by any means and sanctuaries are not petting zoos.
Thanks to some kind souls that didn’t turn their backs, this brave bird got a chance to live.
Frightened by the fireworks a few weeks ago, she got confused by the bright lights and flew at night into an apartment window.
Severely injured, unable to fly, the residents got her out of the summers heat and drove her to us.
Today she got moved from her rehab box to a flight pen. She looked ready to try. Boy was I right. Look at how strong she’s gotten.
Maybe in a few more weeks she can go back to her family in the city. We’ll see how she does.
Folks, don’t forget they deserve kindness. Humans brought these domestic birds here. We owe them respect. They are born into tight family units staying together their entire life.
Intelligent beautiful and the original internet.
It wasn’t that long ago that these birds were the only form of communicating long distance. Give them some respect.
And remember, fireworks kill wildlife. A few minutes of loud fun for you, ends thousands of lives across the planet.
Like mother like daughter.
Hotty takes the position her mom always enjoyed with her pony.
Maple was with us for 20 years but in the end her old racetrack injuries took the joy out of living and nothing we could do relieved her pain.
Hotty now resides in her mom’s stall. Hangs her head to love on her pony. She has never been abused. She’s healthy and strong like she was meant to be.