We've got weather on our side this time (way better than -35!), and maternal genetics. Both first timer ewes had their sets of twins up and going♡
This is my favorite first timer, she has been since she was born!
Did you know Romanov sheep are typically flighty?
We didn't either! Haha
When the human finally rolls out the alfalfa
They are thrilled to enjoy the 'gift' the deep freeze brought...our wood stove was running full time♡
These two are refugees from the deep freeze, the cat 'Herbert' before it hit and the little ewe lamb who just couldn't take it anymore on day 2.
They've decided they are besties, and that they call this home;)
I love 'Dawg'
Did you know Romanov sheep are deemed super prolific, super maternal, but also super flighty?
We've experienced the first two but never the third. This is a ewe lamb I've purchased who doesn't have any 'handling' time on her.
All sheltered in place, frosty and cold but managing ♡
I am extremely thankful I've been off shift since Wednesday morning to guide the farm through this depth of cold,
Annie is out working still, these dogs are tough!
All the ladies gathered and bunched up to greet the teaser rams (just youngsters) who are more than happy to be in with them,
The Romanovs are a fairly docile breed but highly prolific, and very eager to breed as seen here....the ladies just swarm the little guy LOL
Disclaimer: the small sheep double marked are indeed ewe lambs that are being pulled before the big boys come in;)
The 'dogs' in the yard helping with chores
These guys are usually locked up when the snow hits the ground,
They are thoroughly enjoying this beautiful November!
Hes also a mover....lol