M O N D A Y crew! They were raring to GO! They were so happy to see each other & they had energy to burn! Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Rambo, Nova, Baxter, August, Biscuit, Freddy, Opal & Joe 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #nanaimocertifieddogwalker
M O N D A Y crew! It was a day for lots of recall romp! Some good sniffs, water play & moseying along the narrow trails. Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Rambo, Nova, Baxter, Biscuit, Freddy & Opal 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #nanaimocertifieddogwalker
T U E S D A Y crew! They had fun despite the intermittent heavy rain! Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Covee, Bruno, Watsi, Ruby, Fritz, Remus & Opal 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶#nanaimocertifieddogwalker
⭐️Too good not to share (but I messed up with cutting off the video by accident-thumb worked before my brain 🤪). There was lots of jumping & demand barking when I picked up a stick & trying to get everyone to sit at the same time is a feat in itself when the energy picks up around water but today they did it! Calm(er) behaviour gets them what they want! Sometimes you just gotta give the cue, then wait them out & let them figure out how to gain access to the resource! Well done crew! 🏆. #nanaimocertifieddogwalker
Monday crew! They were ready to run today & run they did! Along with practicing recall & sit stays & some splash time! Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Rambo, Nova, Biscuit, Freddy, Baxter, Opal & Maggie 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Lu! What a photo bomber! Gotta love the burst mode on the camera but I’m so sad I didn’t get the landing of her launch! I love surprises like this when I review the photos! So funny! What a girl! 🤡
Happy crew! Good vibes! Lovely day! Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Rambo, Nova, Remus, Biscuit, Ruby, Opal, Baxter, & Freddy 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Ruby & Bruno helped Watsi learn the routines of our off-leash hiking adventures today! He has been working on his leash manners & sit stay duration, & getting used to going out without mum & dad, & disengaging from interesting stimuli. He’s been a great student & such a fast learner! #nanaimocertifiedfdogwalker #nanaimodogwalker #nanaimodogs #nanaimodog #dogsofnanaimo #trailetiquette
So many grouse distractions! Their activity gave the dogs lots to sniff & search! But they listened well to recalls! Put on the km’s to go down a new part of a trail that we usually go left instead of right (but we had to double back) so they enjoyed that! Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Rambo, Remus, Covee, Ruby, Fritz, Bruno & Opal 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #nanaimocertifiedfdogwalker #nanaimodogwalker #nanaimodogs #nanaimodog #dogsofnanaimo #trailetiquette
Meander & mosey! This crew enjoyed the beautiful sunshine! We had to bushwhack a little to get some water as our normal water spots are mere puddles already. Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Nova, Rambo, Biscuit, Remus, Cedar, Opal & Lu 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #nanaimocertifiedfdogwalker #nanaimodogwalker #nanaimodogs #nanaimodog #dogsofnanaimo #trailetiquette
The frost brought out the zoomies & games of chase but for the most part the mosey meter was on high. Trail Etiquette with Zelda, Nova, Rambo, Biscuit, Poppy & Remus 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 #nanaimocertifieddogwalker #nanaimodogwalker #nanaimodogs #nanaimodog #dogsofnanaimo #trailetiquette