K9 Train For Peace

K9 Train For Peace I offer obedience, and training education. All Breeds, All Ages. I absolutely love dogs


Working on being calm and staying in a DOWN around destinations!


Working on Ruby's GET BACK command!

Dog training isn't a DESTINATION it's a JOURNEY!

Dog training isn't a DESTINATION it's a JOURNEY!



1. When your puppy is eating his/her food pet your puppy
2. Feed your puppy out of his/her bowl with your hands
3. Have multiple chew sticks out at once so your puppy doesn't feel like he/she needs to resource guard
4. Hold your puppies chew stick well
he/she's chewing on it
5. Pick up their food bowl drop them a treat then put their food back down


E-collar or remote collars sometimes mistaken for "shock collars" there is a significant difference between the two. It is an amazing way to communicate off-leash with your dog, even if your dog listens to you most of the time. You just never know what could be around the corner when your dog is off-leash, it could be a life or death situation.

What a beautiful day to do some training at the beach!

What a beautiful day to do some training at the beach!

Ruby was extremely well behaved at the beach today 😊 we had people, people with dog's, bikes, scooters, babies in stroll...

Ruby was extremely well behaved at the beach today 😊 we had people, people with dog's, bikes, scooters, babies in strollers, and a whole school of kids walk by and Ruby just laid there very calm and watch them go by! I am soooooo proud of her 😁πŸ₯°

Ruby being such a good girl πŸ’€  in her crate πŸ₯°

Ruby being such a good girl πŸ’€ in her crate πŸ₯°

Ruby is being so calm at the beach with all the dog's and people walking by! I'm so proud of her πŸ₯°

Ruby is being so calm at the beach with all the dog's and people walking by! I'm so proud of her πŸ₯°


4 do's and don'ts for new puppy owners.


Socializing is extremely important between 6-12 weeks of age. If you don't socialize your puppy they will become fearful. When I say socialize I don't just mean animals and people but car's, loud noises, tv, umbrellas, kids, etc....
And when you think socializing with dog's and people means, "to let your dog go up and say high to every person and dog", you are wrong. If you let them do that your dog will get over excited when they see a dog or person.
I am speaking from experience!


Do not let your puppy jump on you or any other people especially when they are puppies.

When they jump up most people think it's cute and will say high. Not knowing they just rewarded that puppy for jumping.

If they jump say off, or the command you pick, and push the puppy off of you.
Don't praise the dog for putting all four paws on the ground. Just ignore the puppy, then when you go to say high again if the puppy sits or doesn't jump praise heavily and give the puppy a treat.

When you have company over put a leash on your dog. If they jump on your guest say your command and pull them off at the same time, then ignore the puppy. When they go to say high again if they don't jump praise heavily and give the puppy a treat. Consistency is everything!


Try and make the rules for your puppy before you get him like no going on furniture, no going in certain rooms of the house, etc....
And make sure you know what commands you will be using and everyone else knows too because if your not consistent with your commands your puppy will get confused and stressed out.


If you want to crate train your puppy make it the funnest place in the world.
Throw treats in there, play with one of there favorite toys and throw it in there for them to go get. Put there food in there, and every single time they go in there on there own praise heavily.
Do not shut the door for at least a week or so of consistent crate training.
If you want your puppy to sleep in there crate don't have another bed out side of the crate.

If you think this was helpful and you want to hear more do's and don'ts then give this a like and leave a comment. Thank you!


Ruby doing a great sit and lie down! I'm so proud of her! 😊❀

This is a really great video! It really helped me when my dog would only listen when I had treats. And if anyone needs h...

This is a really great video! It really helped me when my dog would only listen when I had treats. And if anyone needs help training their dog contact me! ☺


In this video Training a puppy tips and advice- Things you must know about puppy training! Thomas walks you through a very easy how to start training your p...

This guy explains things so well! I love his videos, they have helped me with a lot of things I was struggling with.http...

This guy explains things so well! I love his videos, they have helped me with a lot of things I was struggling with.


Should I use Positive or Negative Dog Training? Positive Punishment? Is a detailed explanation of how marketing has changed the way we view dog training. How...

Ruby loves water but she is staying still until I tell her she can go to it. What a good girl!

Ruby loves water but she is staying still until I tell her she can go to it. What a good girl!


Ruby doing an incredible heel! I'm so proud of herπŸ₯°


To anyone who is thinking of switching their dog to raw food;
It has the most amazing results. After about a year and a half of having my dog I was having a hard time understand how such big poops were comeing out of her, then I started to do some research.

It was because all the kibble she ate went in one end and out the other, she didn't absorb any minerals or vitamins but if you think about it kibble doesn't have what dog's need in it, it's some kind of COOKED meat who knows what kind and from where, and it is mostly fillers.
A dog is a descendent from a wolf and what do wolf's or any kind of wild dogs eat? Raw meat!
After kibble is cooked all the minerals and vitamins are killed and then they spray the kibble with oils to make it more appealing to your dog.
I know raw food sounds gross but we need to think about our dog's here and what they need.
After switching my dog to raw food I saw an immediate change with her poops. They were smaller and they didn't smell at all. Her coat looked amazing and her teeth were so white, it took her a while to get her used to the raw food and the first brand I got she didn't want to eat at all.
I think it was because it had alfalfa in it so I went back to kibble but I still really wanted her on the raw food so I started feeding her raw beef bones, it took her a little bit to get used to the bone but once she got a taste of that there was no turning back.
Now she is on a complete Raw diet and she is doing great. And they eat way less raw meat then kibble so it's not that much more money if you think about it!
I was feeding my 30 pound dog 1 1/2 cups of kibble daily and now I'm only feed her 75gr raw food daily, so maybe 1/2 cup. I've been keeping an eye on her weight incase I have to add or take away any.
I am just so happy with the results. 😊

Ruby doing an amazing sit and stay! 😊πŸ₯°

Ruby doing an amazing sit and stay! 😊πŸ₯°


When I was growing up everyone kept asking me if I new what I wanted to do when I grow up but I never had an answer and it made me feel empty inside. When I was 16 I got a mini Australian Shepherd. I grew up on a farm so I was around animals all my life but nothing would prepare me for what this dog would do for me. After a year of having my dog and doing many many many hours of training I started to think I love dogs, I love training dogs, and I love educating people on dogs. Then I thought back on my life and remembered all the cats, goats, rabbits, and dog I trained over the years and how I didn't realize that I wanted to become a dog trainer earlier. It took my amazing dog Ruby to show me now this empty spot is finally filled. Let's just say I am not having any second thoughts about what I want to do with my life!



Nanaimo, BC





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