****FISH INFO****
Tiger Oscar and Albino Tiger Oscar
Latin name: Astronotus Ocellatus
There are 13 different types of Oscars
They are native to South America specifically Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, French Guiana, and Columbia.
Average life span is 7 to 8 years in a properly maintained aquarium
They are at breedin age just over 1 year old
Tiger Oscars get to 12-14 inches(30.5 to 35.5 cm)
A typical tank set up for them is an open aquarium with a lot of rocks and possible large well rooted plants like giant vallisneria
Temperture 71-80 F (22-27 C)
pH 6.8 to 7.6 ideal is about 7.2
Compatibility for other fish is anything that is similar size and aggression level make sure not to put anything that can fit in their mouths as it will be eat.
Oscars are very intelligent fish and outgoing as well. They can differenciate between owner and other people and after being fed can sometimes be petted.
Oscars play by moving rocks and plants around their aquariums.
Make sure to properly filter and do regular water changes with Oscars as they are messy and have a massive appetite.
Most people feed Oscars live food but be careful doing that as it can pass on any diseases the live food is carrying. If you can you can feek flake, pellet and frozen foods while supplementing their diet with Krill, freeze dried shrimp, blodworms and even veggies like peas, lettuce cucumber and zucchini. It is always a good idea to give a varied diet to any fish.
It isnt easy properly sexing oscars unless they are full grown as the males tend to be larger and more colorful. you can try venting them but it can be hard and is the only sure way to make sure.
Oscars when breeding tend to be territorial. There is a chance during breeding that the male could kill the female so keeping a close eye on the fish during the breeding process. While picking mates Oscars will lock lips for hours at a time and if one backs out there is a chance of the one backing out getting attacked. You should add a piece of slate or a piece of flate rock for them to lay their eggs on.
If there any fish you would like to see come through on an info post like this one please let me know.