Save Five Acres Farm Harewood

Save Five Acres Farm Harewood The Five Acre Farm site is one of the only remaining intact acreages from Harewood’s farming history.

The Five Acre Farm site is exceptionally significant as the only recognized, intact acreage in one of British Columbia's earliest planned communities. In 1884, Samuel Robins, Superintendent of the Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company, purchased Harewood Estates, a large parcel of land between Nanaimo and the base of Mount Benson. Robins subdivided the area into five-acre lots and made them avail

able to mining families as homesteads at affordable prices. Robins envisioned farming as a way for miners to provide for themselves whenever coal markets were depressed. This property is one of the few remaining original 'Five Acres' farms. The farm, including the acreage, house, barn, outbuildings and orchards, stands in stark contrast to the small city lots that surround it in an area that, over time, has lost most of its original rural character. Purchased by City of Nanaimo in 2018 for use as a park, Five Acre Farm is a highly visible and well-loved community asset. This page is intended to celebrate that history and update on activities or developments related to the land.


The City’s online feedback form is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated, in person or online. The future of Five Acres Farm will now be going to Nanaimo City Council for a vote, following completion of a staff report.

“The significance for the vision of this property was that it is a 'Five Acre Farm' — not a 1 acre farm and housing deve...

“The significance for the vision of this property was that it is a 'Five Acre Farm' — not a 1 acre farm and housing development. It is a green space that reminds us of an enlightened past, where people were encouraged to be self sustainable. The history, the education around food security, the agricultural production, the community connections, the much-needed green space in an area of intense housing development, are all reasons I can think of why we must protect the integrity of this property. Housing is important but not our only priority. We need quality of life, not only a roof over our heads.” - Roblyn Hunter, Harewood resident

“The city survey to determine the land use of the Five Acres Farm is still open. Your vote can support the city choosing...

“The city survey to determine the land use of the Five Acres Farm is still open. Your vote can support the city choosing to keep the farm as a five acres property for agriculture and greenspace in Harewood. I voted for option 5. No housing.

In the comments you can add, why you chose your option and make other comments. Below are some of the comments I included:

The farm has significance as a five acres property for: 1. community agriculture. 2. community engagement and hands-on learning in agriculture, education. 3. historically as the last five acres parcel that were a part of the first planned food security strategies for a community.

This area of Nanaimo is being heavily developed. The immediate community members support having a community green space and see the highest use of the property for food security/food production, environmental conservation, and community education. This was established by the MABRRI community survey in 2017.

Prior to the City’s purchase of the land, Craig Evans and myself, Jen Cody, who were farming there under Growing Opportunities, discussed and supported a vision for the property that included limited footprint housing confined to the current house footprint and the adjacent rock outcrops. The housing would be for farmers and people with challenges and disabilities that were participating in farm activities onsite. The current one-acre housing options are not limited to non-agricultural land and do not define who would own or benefit from the one acre development. On that basis I was not able to support that option.

The MABRRI research is worth reviewing, as that community process focussed on immediate neighbours to the property and was conducted by a neutral third party to the farm. Every respondent (45) disclosed that they would be interested in visiting the property, most likely for: food purchase, agricultural activities, nature observation, or community gatherings. Finally, the residents’ desires for future use of the property indicated the most prominent support was for producing food and preserving the wetland. It would be worthwhile to have an agricultural assessment to establish the best use of the property for food production, outside of the protected wetlands area.

Lastly, there are other municipalities that have created farm parks. The CRD Foodlands program has many resources that support city owned property being made available for farming.

The CRD has also identified farmland as a priority for addressing food security in the region. They are supporting creating incubator farms on city property to support the opportunity for farming to continue with new farmers learning their trade by making land accessible for that purpose. The Five Acres Farm has a similiar vision, creating a place where people can learn about and participate in farming, understand that farming is possible within or close to an urban area, and create opportunities for collective farming. While farming is an adjacent activity to gardening, the skills of farming are distinct from gardening. To promote a community food system, farming is essential. Nanaimo has many community gardens, this property has the potential to be a community FARM.”

- Jen Cody, Registered Dietician, Farmer, Food Security Advocate

“Those existing fence lines and productive areas were mapped out by people who spent a tremendous amount of time actuall...

“Those existing fence lines and productive areas were mapped out by people who spent a tremendous amount of time actually farming the land, who had the knowledge about where the water flows at peak rainfall, where the sun blazes on a hot summer afternoon, where sheep could be grazed and fruit trees would flourish, what part of the plot has the best soil for carrots and which areas are better suited for growing celeriac and kale. Truly respecting this land for food production means protecting its capacity to support biodiversity. Love it or leave it but don't build houses on it!”

- Sabrina Anderson, Bachelor of Applied Science, Sustainable Agriculture, farmer/entrepreneur.

More coverage of Five Acres Farm from CHEK News.

More coverage of Five Acres Farm from CHEK News.

Thank you to reporter Mick Sweetman and CHLY 101.7 FM for covering the open house.

Thank you to reporter Mick Sweetman and CHLY 101.7 FM for covering the open house.

Participants at the Five Acres Farm open house were given a sticker to post on one of four options showing where affordable housing could be built, plus a fifth option with no housing development.

On Oct. 25, people were invited to an in person open house at Park Avenue Elementary to review the City’s five concepts ...

On Oct. 25, people were invited to an in person open house at Park Avenue Elementary to review the City’s five concepts for Five Acres Farm and place a dot on their preferred option. Feedback from that event was very much in favour of concept 5, carrot, with no housing.

To be clear, however, most folks we talked to were not against affordable housing in Harewood. The concern was more around the lack of detail in the plan, the change of vision from what was originally articulated for the property by Craig Evans and the previous farm owners, the removal of the farm house, and the fact there were no details provided re: the affordable housing in terms of type, non-profit partner or level of affordability. Others also noted concern that most of the heritage fruit trees were not being preserved in the plans.

In short, it’s our view that the overly simplistic vision for the historic property failed to inspire people and left them with more questions than answers, resulting in them choosing the least invasive option to protect the land.

Thank you to The Discourse for the coverage. Dotmocracy, indeed! 🙂

Thank you to The Discourse for the coverage. Dotmocracy, indeed! 🙂


Five Acres Farm Open House
TONIGHT, 6 - 8 pm
Park Ave. Elementary (395 8th St., library)

“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as ...

“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.” ~ Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals


Just a reminder that if you are not able to make the public open house on Wednesday you can still share your feedback wi...

Just a reminder that if you are not able to make the public open house on Wednesday you can still share your feedback with the City on the concepts for Five Acres Farm (aka 933 Park Avenue) online until November 3.

“The community celebrated when the City purchased one of Nanaimo’s last parcels of historical farmland. But its future a...

“The community celebrated when the City purchased one of Nanaimo’s last parcels of historical farmland. But its future as a food security hub is still uncertain.”

🔍 Find the full article by searching The Discourse + Five Acres Farm and be sure to subscribe to their newsletter.

“The community celebrated when the City purchased one of Nanaimo’s last parcels of historical farmland. But its future a...

“The community celebrated when the City purchased one of Nanaimo’s last parcels of historical farmland. But its future as a food security hub is still uncertain.”

~ From The Discourse.

Residents celebrated when the city purchased one of Nanaimo’s last parcels of historical farmland. But its future is still uncertain.

Thank you to those who attended the collaborator partner meetings yesterday hosted by the City. Next up: the public open...

Thank you to those who attended the collaborator partner meetings yesterday hosted by the City. Next up: the public open house on Wednesday Oct 25. Please make sure your voice is heard about the importance of preserving this historic five acre plot intact.

DYK the wetland at Five Acres Farm has been designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? Wetlands help control...

DYK the wetland at Five Acres Farm has been designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)? Wetlands help control flooding, replenish groundwater, and retain sediment preventing it from travelling into waterways. The land is also home to a variety of wildlife including many migratory and wetland bird species, including Virginia rails and red-winged blackbirds, as well as Pacific tree frogs.

Source: Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region, “The Ecological Significance of the Five Acre Farm: Stream Mapping and Assessments (2018)”

photo by Whirly Bird

“When looking at these concepts [for Five Acres Farm] we need to consider how functional the land will be for farming an...

“When looking at these concepts [for Five Acres Farm] we need to consider how functional the land will be for farming and food production at the end of it all. Adding housing will change the drainage, the availability of water, shade and air flow, and generate heat from the parking lot. If farming and food production remains an objective for this site, those things need to be carefully considered.”

- Isabelle Morris, MA (Environmental Education)
Owner, Farmship Growers Co-operative and Director, Growing Opportunities

Did you know there are almost 400 units of ‘affordable housing’ slated for the Te’tuxtwun site down the road at Howard a...

Did you know there are almost 400 units of ‘affordable housing’ slated for the Te’tuxtwun site down the road at Howard and Fifth (former Sanala site)? No question there is considerable need for affordable housing in Nanaimo and Harewood and we welcome it. But with such a high number of units being built so close by, does the City necessarily need to break up the existing site of Five Acres Farm, an environmentally and agriculturally important piece of Harewood’s history, to add even more? Questions to ponder.

More Than Housing Te’tuxwtun (pronounced Tey-tux-tun) is a proposed large-scale development intended to respect the restoration of land and serve the needs of the community. This 5.8-acre site spans the Fifth Street Corridor (564 Fifth Street, 502 and 505 Howard Avenue)

Can’t attend the in-person open house but still want to share your thoughts with the City on the future of Five Acres Fa...

Can’t attend the in-person open house but still want to share your thoughts with the City on the future of Five Acres Farm and whether or not housing should be added to the site? If so, view the five concept plans and provide feedback online.

We're seeking your input! Based on public and stakeholder input received during the 2022 public engagement process (phase one), a draft 'Park Avenue Concept Plan' was completed with five possible design options for the city owned property at 933 Park Ave. Council

When initially surveyed, the neighbourhood of Harewood was sub-divided into five acre parcels of land in order to provid...

When initially surveyed, the neighbourhood of Harewood was sub-divided into five acre parcels of land in order to provide mining employees with another avenue to obtain food and income in the event of coal market downturns. Today only a handful of five acre parcels remain intact in Harewood, and only this one is publicly owned. The Five Acres Farm offers an increasingly rare look at Harewood’s history.

Wondering about the history of Five Acres Farm?

Wondering about the history of Five Acres Farm?

Five Acres is a documentary film that explores the history and significance of a small urban farm in a rapidly developing area of Nanaimo. The Five Acre Farm in…


Heads up! There will be a phase 2 public engagement session for Five Acres Farm (aka 933 Park) on October 25th, 6 pm at Park Ave school.

We’re happy to see that Growing Opportunities Farm Community Co-op, which used to operate a popular farm stand at Five A...

We’re happy to see that Growing Opportunities Farm Community Co-op, which used to operate a popular farm stand at Five Acres Farm for many years, is now offering a similar service at another farm in South Nanaimo, very close to Harewood. Check it out!

In addition to our typical work party this Saturday, we’ve added a FARM STAND! 🙌👩‍🌾 We have beautiful summer vegetables such as tomatoes (cherry, Roma), basil, garlic, tomatillos, onions, beans, cucumber and carrots. We also have cantaloupe and honeydew melons from Farmship Growers Co-operative for $2/pound. Hope to see you there!

Another property in Harewood worth preserving.

Another property in Harewood worth preserving.

One of B.C.’s rarest ecosystems is slated to become a subdivision. This community group is uniting to protect it.

An article from 2011 but a timely one to re-read. "There are still some five-acre parcels left over in that area, but ov...

An article from 2011 but a timely one to re-read. "There are still some five-acre parcels left over in that area, but over time they’re developing into new subdivisions so we’re losing the characteristic of the area and some people are mindful of that and there should be some elements of that saved.” - Chris Sholberg, heritage planner for Nanaimo.

(This barn is, of course, long gone).

Dickinson Barn, Harewood's last link to historic roots, could be demolished rather than added to heritage registry

The City of Nanaimo has released several conceptual plans for Five Acres Farm (933 Park Avenue) that have 1 to 1.75 acre...

The City of Nanaimo has released several conceptual plans for Five Acres Farm (933 Park Avenue) that have 1 to 1.75 acres dedicated to "affordable housing". While we acknowledge the need for more housing in our community, we do question the need to subdivide this historic property, one of the last Five Acres plots in existence. In particular, we'd like to point out that there are already 400+ units currently under development by BC Housing a short distance away at Te'tuxtwun (Howard and Fifth). More info on plans for Five Acres Farm can be found here:


Nanaimo City Council is reconsidering if affordable housing should be put on the historic Farm Five Acre farm or left in...

Nanaimo City Council is reconsidering if affordable housing should be put on the historic Farm Five Acre farm or left intact. A big thank you to Paul Manly for raising the question about whether it is really necessary to build housing on this site at all. Share your thoughts.

Big changes coming to Harewood at the site of the former Sanala townhomes, 2.2 km from Five Acres Farm.

Big changes coming to Harewood at the site of the former Sanala townhomes, 2.2 km from Five Acres Farm.

NANAIMO - A long-discussed housing project in the Harewood neighbourhood features a dramatic boost in housing,...

Wondering about the future of Five Acres Farm? Once a draft plan is complete, an open house will be held to review the d...

Wondering about the future of Five Acres Farm? Once a draft plan is complete, an open house will be held to review the draft plan and obtain community feedback. Follow along on the City’s page and stay informed regarding the future of this site.

Project IntroductionThe overall aim for the project is to create a graphically rich Concept Plan to meet the following objectives for the land at 933 Park Avenue:Public parkland for all to enjoyAgriculture and Food Security (education and practical practice)...

Did you know Harewood has its very own flower stand?

Did you know Harewood has its very own flower stand?

Not too much longer until spring blooms adorn our tables and rooms! 💜

I still have two spaces open (yes, just two!) for my spring flower subscription!

💞Are you looking for a last minute Valentines Day gift? Check out my 4-weeks of spring flowers subscription!

Thank you to those who already confirmed your orders💕

fyi… after you place an order on my website, I will follow up with an email about the flower subscription and payment options. ✨Please make sure to send in your payment to hold your spot!

💫Feeling excited, and so grateful for my community of flower-lovers 🌿🌷

Any questions? Please get in touch!

Good soil makes good food.

Good soil makes good food.

The days are getting longer! 🤗 Flashback to August 2018 at the farm.

The days are getting longer! 🤗 Flashback to August 2018 at the farm.

Five Acres or what is now known as Harewood is the earliest planned agricultural community in Western Canada. At one tim...

Five Acres or what is now known as Harewood is the earliest planned agricultural community in Western Canada. At one time, it was the ‘bread basket’ of Nanaimo. Learn more about the history of the area here:

Five Acres is a documentary film that explores the history and significance of a small urban farm in a rapidly developing area of Nanaimo. The Five Acre Farm...

In Detroit, Michigan, “the first sustainable urban agrihood” in the U.S. centers around an edible garden, with easily ac...

In Detroit, Michigan, “the first sustainable urban agrihood” in the U.S. centers around an edible garden, with easily accessible, affordable produce offered to neighborhood residents and the community. Each year, this urban farm provides fresh, free produce to 2,000 households within two square miles of the farm. They also supply food to local markets, restaurants, and food pantries.

The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative is focusing on food insecurity and community investment.

If you’ve ever volunteered at Five Acres Farm you may recognize Oscar and Winston. These friendly felines spent their en...

If you’ve ever volunteered at Five Acres Farm you may recognize Oscar and Winston. These friendly felines spent their entire life on the farm and when the owners moved, there was a question as to what should happen to them. They have both been relocated — along with their cat beds, toys and treats — to their retirement home, Cline Farm at 2090 Skaha Road. Here, they happily roam 47 acres and love greeting farm visitors.

Seven years ago, the then-owners of Five Acres Farm asked Craig Evans how the land could be converted to food production...

Seven years ago, the then-owners of Five Acres Farm asked Craig Evans how the land could be converted to food production. Under Craig's leadership, a team got to work cleaning away farm scrap piles, removing rocks, ploughing the land, adding organic material to enrich the soil, and building fencing. Today, this former hayfield has been transformed into incredibly rich and productive agricultural land, producing a large volume of local food for members of the community. Craig was recently recognized as a 'Patron of the City' for his ongoing efforts around food security and environmental activism. Learn more about Craig and his work:

This is it for the season! This is our last farm market at Five Acres, 945 Park Ave. from 10 am to 2pm on Saturday Octob...

This is it for the season! This is our last farm market at Five Acres, 945 Park Ave. from 10 am to 2pm on Saturday October 22nd. We hope to see you there.

Stop by and pick up a full variety of fresh veggies including:
Seed garlic ($18/lb.)
Eggplants ($2.50/lb)
Green tomatoes ($1/lb)
Cherry tomatoes ($4/lb)
Roma tomatoes ($2.50/lb)
Heirloom medley tomatoes ($2.50/lb)
Canning tomatoes ($1.50/lb)
Tomatillos ($2.50/lb)
Peppers ($2.50/lb)
Purple cabbage ($2.50/lb)
& Winter squash ($2.50/lb)

A huge thank you to all the volunteers that helped bring in the harvest before the long awaited rain today!

Five Acres is a collaborative project of Growing Opportunities and Nanaimo Foodshare Society.

Fall harvest in abundance!

Fall harvest in abundance!


945 Park Avenue
Nanaimo, BC



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