"My fish tank"

"My fish tank" MY FISH TANK, your fish store, where we provide high quality fresh and salt water fish friendly serv

Hello everybody we had some freshwater and a few saltwater fish shipment las week,here is the list:FRESHWATER FISHRed he...

Hello everybody we had some freshwater and a few saltwater fish shipment las week,
here is the list:

Red headed Angel Fish
Cardinal Tetra (tank bred)
Red spotted Severum
Long Fin Cherry Barb
Electric Blue Ramirezi
Neon Gold Barb
Nerite Zebra Snail
Electric Yellow Mbuna
Blue Johani Melanochromis
Apistograma Agasszi Fire Gold
Green Neon Tetra
Boesemani Rainbow (male)
Clown Loach
Amano Shrimp
Corydora Green long Fin
Corydora Panda
Discus Blue Diamond
Discus Arlenquer Red
Discus Mozaic Red Turquoise
Discus Pigeon Snakeskin
Female Betta
Red Fire Sakura Shrimp
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Yellow Fire Shrimp
Yellow Tiger Cobra Guppy
Red Mozaic Big Ear Guppy
Uaru Trianglu Cichlid (2cm)
Sterbai Cory
Bushinose Pleco
Corydora Julii
Half Moon Betta
Veil Tail Black and White Angel
Black Angel
Brilliant Rummy nose Tetra
Galaxy Rasbora
Garra Panda
Pakistani Loach
Black Ghost Knife
Neon Tetra

Salt Water Fish
LT Anemones
Maroon Bulb Anemone
Checkered Butterfly
Yellow Damsel
Orange Spotted Goby
Fire Fish Goby
Mexican Turbo Snail
Blue Tang
Coral Beauty Angel

Also we have a lots of aquatic plants, once again thanks for your support and business and see you at the store.

Hello everybody some freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week here is what we have:Boesemani RainbowBlack Angel ...

Hello everybody some freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week here is what we have:

Boesemani Rainbow
Black Angel Vail Tail
Barb Rosy Gold Long Fin
German Blue Ram
Blue Diamond Discus
Red Turquoise Discus
Red Melon Discus
Yellow Fire Shrimp
Clown Loach
Angel Platinum
Puntius Dennisoni
Betta Marble Female
Corydora Panda
Sinodontis Petricola
Mickey Mouse Platy
Glo Tetra (Green)
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Zebra Snail
Dwarf African Frog (Black)
Dwarf African Frog (White)
Borneo Sucker
Corydora Albino
Corydora Julii
Corydora Sterbai
Apistograma Agasizii
Kuhli Loach
Platy Blood Red
Platy Kohaku
Rasbora Henglii
Ember Tetra
Glo Tetra (Red)
Neon Tetra
Red Fire Shrimp
Mexican Shrimp

We are expecting some aquatic plants next week, thank you very much for your support and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, we had freshwater fish and some saltwater fish shipment last week, here is what we have: FRESHWATER FIS...

Hello everybody, we had freshwater fish and some saltwater fish shipment last week, here is what we have:

Koi Angel fish
Puntius Dennisoni
Black Ghost Knife
Corydora Panda
Rasbora Galaxy
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Yellow Fire shrimp
Glass Cat Fish
Otocinclus Cat fish
Shrimp Yamato
Rasbora Harlequin
Gold laser Corydora

Calico Oranda
Red Cap Oranda
Red And White Oranda
Red Oranda
Red Ryuking Long Tail
Assorted Ryuking Long Tail
Black Moor
Red and White Shubunking

Bicolor Angel Fish
Keyhole Angel Fish
Bangai Cardinal Fish
Bicolor Blenny
Orange Spotted Goby
Yellow Watchman Goby
Banded Trochus Snail
Orange Spotted Snail
Sand Cleaner Snail
Wedge Sea Hare

Also some aquatic plants came with this shipment and more will come next week thanks again for your support and see you at the store.


Hello everybody new freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week, here is the list of what we have now:Pearl Gourami...

Hello everybody new freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week, here is the list of what we have now:

Pearl Gourami
Yellow Fire Shrimp
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Mozaic Guppy
Green Neon Tetra
Clown Loach
Red Glow Tetra
Honey Red dwarf Gourami
Otocinclus Cat Fish
Neon Tetra
Kohaku Platy
Ember Tetra
Rasbora Hengelii
Borneo Sucker
Mystery Snail
Marble Female Betta
Half Moon Betta
Platinum Angel
Tiger Barb
Corydora Julii
Platy Mickey Mouse
Corydora Sterbai
Garra Panda
Tuxedo Red Koi Guppy
Kuhli Loach
Pakistani Loach
Tuxedo Red Koi Guppy (female)
Corydora Albino
Blue Tiger Fish
Platinum Parrot Fish
Red Sun Discus
Leopar Snake Discus
Electric Golden Ramirezi Balloon
Cardinal Tetra

We are expecting aquatic plants next week, thanks for your support and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, we have a new shipment of freshwater fish, it came last week, here is the fish list:Yellow Glo TetraGol...

Hello everybody, we have a new shipment of freshwater fish, it came last week, here is the fish list:

Yellow Glo Tetra
Golden Balloon electric Ramirezi
Neon Tetra
Glass Bloodfin Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Penguin Tetra
Red Pencil Fish
Green Corydora
Panda Cory
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Fire Shrimps
African Dwarf Frog
Platinum Red Mozaic Guppy
Cardinal Tetra
Assorted Female Guppys
Borneo Sucker
Apistograma Agassizii Red Fire
Amano Shrimp.

Also we have good selection of aquatic plants in pot from tropica, thanks again for your support and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, some freshwater fish Arrive to My Fish Tank last week here is the list:Malawi OB PeacockSnake Skin Disc...

Hello everybody, some freshwater fish Arrive to My Fish Tank last week here is the list:

Malawi OB Peacock
Snake Skin Discus
Red Tiger Discus
White Diamond Discus
German balloon Ram
Angel Fish Zebra
Rosy Barb
Apple Snail
Tetra Cardinal
Molly Snow White Lyretail
Assorted Butterfly Koi.

Also Aquatic plants arrive, we have good stock, thanks for your business and support
and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, some fresh water fish came last week to My Fish Tank, last week, here is what we have:Amano ShrimpGeoph...

Hello everybody, some fresh water fish came last week to My Fish Tank, last week, here is what we have:
Amano Shrimp
Geophagus Red Headed Tapajos
Red Twinbar Swordtail
Rumminose Tetra
Honey Gourami
Torpedo Barb
Female Betta
Half Moon Betta
Guppy Albino Full Red (male)
Guppy Dragon Yellow (Male)
Black Phantom Tetra
Mickey Mouse Platy
Rasbora Henglii
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Fire Shrimp
Zebra snail
Yellow Glass Cat Fish
Leopard Discus
Electric Blue Ramirezi
Black and white Veiltail Angel
Albino Corydora
Sterbai Corydora
Veiltail Serpae Tetra
Platinum Red Mosaic Guppy

We are expecting more fish and some plants this week, we will keep you updated, thank you very much for your support and business and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, some freshwater and saltwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank last week here is what we have:Saltwater Fis...

Hello everybody, some freshwater and saltwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank last week here is what we have:

Saltwater Fish:
Percula Clown fish
Yellow tail Damsel
Indonesian Powder Blue Surgeonfish
Blue Tang (small)
Banggai Cardinal Fish
Skunk Cleaner Fish
Peppermint Cleaner Shrimp
Trochus Snail
Anemone Sulawesi Yellow

Fresh Water Fish:
Apistograma Agassizi fire Red
Cardinal Tetra
Micro Rasbora Galaxy
Red Melon Discus
Assorted Male Guppies
Assorted Female Guppies
Black Neon Tetra
Borneo Sucker
Corydora Julii
Garra Panda
Guppy Albino Full Red (male)
Guppy Metal Snake skin Blue
Tetra Glo Red
Tetra Rumminose
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Red Fire Shrimp
Mexican Shrimp
Botia Clown Loach.

Also we have Tropica Plants in pots and we are expecting more plants and fish on the weekend from Thailand. Thanks for your support and see you at the store.


Hello again, I just want to inform you, the store will be CLOSED today, due celebration of life, sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello everybody, finally we have a fish shipment this week, our suppliers had some problems to send us the fish, I will ...

Hello everybody, finally we have a fish shipment this week, our suppliers had some problems to send us the fish, I will give you the the new fish arrivals:

Oranda Red cap
Oranda Calico
Oranda Red
Ranchu Assorted
Ryuking Red
Black Moor
Red and White Shubunking

Angel Koi
Angel Platinum
Tiger Barb
Albino Tiger Barb
Black Ghost
Glo Tetra Green
African Dwarf Frog (Amphibian)
Catfish Corydora Albino
Catfish Corydora Julii
Catfish Corydora Venezuela
Danio Leopard
Albino Guppy
Rumminose Tetra
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Swordtail Red Blood
Mickey Mouse Platy
Santa Clause Platy
Galaxy Rasbora
Rasbora Englii
Cardinal Tetra
Ember Tetra
Assorted Mbuna Cichlid

Also some aquatic plants came from TROPICA, we are expecting more fish next week, we will keep you updated, once again thanks for your support and see you at the store, have a nice weekend.

Hello everybody some freshwater fish and saltwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank this week, here is what we have:FRESHWAT...

Hello everybody some freshwater fish and saltwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank this week, here is what we have:

Assorted Angel Fish
Super Delta Elephant Ear Betta
Assorted Peacock Cichlid
Assorted Aulonocara Peacock Cichlid
Marolboro Red Discus
Tiger Guppy
Neon Tetra
Marble Female Betta
Clown Fish
Corydora Julii
Corydora Panda
Corydora Sterbai
Kuhli Loach
Polypterus Endlicheri
Rainbow threadfin
Galaxy Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Mexican Shrimp
Blue King Tetra
Tetra Rosy Whitefin
Guppy Albino Full Red (male)

True Percula Clown Fish
Half Blue Damsel
Bicolor Angel Fish
Emperor Angel Fish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Peppermint Shrimp
Sand Cleaner Snail
Feather Duster
Hermit Crab Metallic Red

We still have some aquatic lants in pot from Tropica and Plants from Singapore, thanks again for your support, have a nice weekend and see you at the store.

Hello , everybody some freshwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank last week, here is what we have:Marble Female BettaAlbino...

Hello , everybody some freshwater fish arrived to My Fish Tank last week, here is what we have:

Marble Female Betta
Albino Corydora
Sterbai Corydora
Venezuela Corydora
Petricola Corydora
Guppy Red Dragon
Platy Santa Clause
Tetra Rumminose
Tetra Penguin
Tetra GloFish Red
Tetra GloFish Green
Mexican Shrimp
Blue Diamond Shrimp
Black Phantom Tetra
Torpedo Barb
Electric Blue Acara
Pygmy Corydora
Discuss Mozaic Red Turquoise

We are expecting plants next week, we will keep you informed, once again thanks for your support and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, some freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week, here is what we have:Veil Tail Black AngelRed Tu...

Hello everybody, some freshwater fish arrive to My Fish Tank last week, here is what we have:

Veil Tail Black Angel
Red Turquoise Discus
Pigeon Snakeskin Discus
Zebra Snail
Koi Angel Fish
Tiger Barb
Female Betta
Clown Loach
Borneo Sucker
CatFish Corydora Albino
CatFish Corydora Julii
Cichlid Green Severum
Guppy Panda
Pakistani Loach
Metynis Silver Dollar
Tetra Glo Fish Red

We still have some aquatic plants left from las shipment, thanks for your support, and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, some fresh water and salt water fish arrive to My Fish Tank this week, here is what we have:Fresh Water...

Hello everybody, some fresh water and salt water fish arrive to My Fish Tank this week, here is what we have:

Fresh Water Fish:
Dark African dwarf frog
Albino African Dwarf Frog
Black Angel
Frontosa Cichlid
Bushinose Pleco
Black Ghost Knife
Albino Corydora Catfish
Green Glo Danio
Platy Blood Red Swordtail
Pink Glo Tetra
Congo Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Rumminose Tetra
Albino Hi-Fin Red Eye Pleco
Balloon Electric Blue Ram
Assorted Aulonocara Peacock
Royal Red Gourami
Royal Blue Red Gourami
Honey Gourami
Pearl Gourami
Neon Gold Barb
Long Fin Zebra Danio
Panda Cory
Golden Electric Blue Ram
Rainbow Shark
Black and Gold Molly
Assorted Balloon Molly
Neon Tetra
Rasbora Arlequin
Amano Shrimp
Zebra Nerite Snail

Salt Water Fish
True Percula Clown Fish
Powder Blue Tang
Fox Face Rabbit Fish
Yellow Watch man Goby
Blond Naso Tang
Tomini Surgeon Fish
Orange Spotted Turbo Snail
Ritteri Anemone Purple

Also we have a good selection of aquatic plants, thanks for your support have a nice weekend and see you at the store.

Hello everybody, fresh water fish and aquatic plants arrive to My Fish Tank this weekhere is what we have:Barb Puntius D...

Hello everybody, fresh water fish and aquatic plants arrive to My Fish Tank this week
here is what we have:

Barb Puntius Dennisone
Betta Fancy Marble Female
Betta Half Moon
Catfish Corydora Julii
Tetra Glo fish Pink
Tetra Glo fish Green
Cat Fish Corydora Venezuela
Guppy Blue Koi (male)
Platy Mickey Mouse
Tetra Congo
Galaxy Rasbora
Tetra Blood Fin Glass
Tetra Blue King
Tetra Cardinal
Shrimp Red Fire
Shrimp Blue Diamond
Shrimp Yellow Fire

Oranda Calico
Assorted Ranchu
Oranda Red and White
Ryuking Long Tail
Black Moor
Assorted Ryuking Broadtail
Pearl Scale
Oranda Red

Also we have good selection of aquatic Plants, once again thanks for your support, see you at the store and have a nice weekend.


1925 Bowen Road # 32
Nanaimo, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 12pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 12pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 12pm - 5:30pm
Friday 12pm - 5:30pm
Saturday 12pm - 5pm


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