➡️ Today is National Respect Your Cat Day! So for the last post of our Pet Poison Info Series, we are going to focus on lilies and tulips, a toxicity that is fairly feline specific 🐱
🌷 Lilies and Tulips 🌷
So, how bad are lilies and tulips for cats anyway?
The Liliaceae family of flowers contains both tulips and hyacinths. Lilies and tulips produce a
toxin that can cause severe irreversible kidney damage in cats after exposure. Every part of the
plant needs to be considered toxic; petals, leaves, stems, pollen and the water they are immersed in.
Lily petals are the most toxic and even a few nibbles can cause severe kidney damage. Also, if your cat gets pollen on its coat, it can be ingested through grooming, so it is a continuous source of exposure until removed through bathing.
‼️ If you believe your cat has contacted lilies, you should seek veterinary care immediately ‼️
➡️ You can also call the Pet Poison Hotline: 1- 800-213-6680 ⬅️
Lily toxicity can be fatal, so early intervention is key for treating your feline family member. Delay
in seeking out treatment can result in permanent kidney failure and loss of life.
What symptoms could you notice if your cat has ingested lilies?
➡️ Lethargic
➡️ Vomiting➡️ Drooling
➡️ Anorexia, decreased interest in food
➡️ Increased urination or no urination➡️ Dehydration
➡️ Increased or decreased thirst➡️ Disorientation➡️ Seizures➡️ Death (can occur in 36-72 hours after ingestion without treatment)
How is lily toxicity in cats treated?
➡️ Inducing vomiting
➡️ Activated Charcoal
➡️ Gastric Lavage
➡️ Enemas
➡️ IV Fluid Therapy
➡️ Antinausea medications
➡️ Other medical treatments and medications will be determined by your veterinarian and the level of illness in your cat, and may include:
➡️ Hospitalization for 48-72 hours (about 3 days).
➡️ Bloodwork: Repeat blood work may be ordered to monitor the kidney injury during treatment.
What is the Prognosis of Lily Toxicity?
Cats that are seen within 18 hours of ingestion have a better prognosis. Prolonged wait periods
for medical attention can lead to irreversible kidney failure and death. Even with treatment there is no guarantee your cat will recover from the toxin but early intervention with veterinary care is critical in managing their illness.
Some cats can recover with minimal treatment and organ damage while others may have permanent kidney injury.
Ways to Prevent Lily and Tulip Toxicity in your Feline Companion:
The best way to prevent your cat from being exposed to lilies and tulips is by choosing not to
have them in your garden or in your home.
Accidental exposure from petals falling from a
bouquet, having a bag of purchased bulbs in the house as a potential chew toy can become
catastrophic and can be fatal to your feline companion.