Central Island Veterinary Emergency Hospital

Central Island Veterinary Emergency Hospital Open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. No appointment is needed. 24 Hour Emergency Veterinary Hospital

As we gear up for the long weekend we wanted to remind you that we are ready to provide round-the-clock care for your fu...

As we gear up for the long weekend we wanted to remind you that we are ready to provide round-the-clock care for your furry friends and family members! 🐶🐱

While we strive to give prompt attention to every fur-baby in need, please keep in mind that long weekends can get pretty busy. 🐾⏳

Wait times may be longer than usual, but rest assured, our dedicated team will do everything to ensure your pet gets the best care possible! 💙

Call our hospital at 250-933-0913 for the most up to date wait times in the ER, but please be aware that they can change very quickly based on the cases that present to the hospital.

Have a wonderful weekend with your furry friends and family members!

We are in need of towels 🐾 If you have any extras please consider donating to your local animal emergency hospital. No n...

We are in need of towels 🐾 If you have any extras please consider donating to your local animal emergency hospital. No need to call, just drop by and we would be happy to take them off your hands for our patients. Thank you!

Meet Sadie!Sadie is a lovely lady that saw Dr. Preston and his surgical team in February for a TPLO surgery - an orthope...

Meet Sadie!

Sadie is a lovely lady that saw Dr. Preston and his surgical team in February for a TPLO surgery - an orthopedic procedure to correct a torn cruciate ligament.

It was noted on her physical exam that Sadie was carrying a bit of extra weight, which would make her recovery from surgery more difficult 😔

Our good friends at Hill’s Pet Nutrition thought that Sadie would be a perfect candidate to try their Metabolic / j/d combination diet.

➡️ Metabolic food is clinically proven to help dogs quickly and naturally lose weight by activating their own metabolism. Paired with j/d, a joint and mobility diet, this will help improve mobility and decrease symptoms of arthritis as Sadie ages. ⬅️

Sadie has been on her new food for a month, and is doing fantastic! She has already lost 1kg and is looking more fit and trim every day!

Join us in congratulating her on her progress, and wishing her the best on her road to recovery 🥰🐶

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Shadow is a two year old love bug that shares her home with Melanie’s mom. She was found on a blueber...


Shadow is a two year old love bug that shares her home with Melanie’s mom.

She was found on a blueberry farm with her litter mates and was the only survivor. She was coaxed out of hiding with a can of tuna and found her furever home with Melanie and her family.

She enjoys being an only cat, and isn’t fond of other fur friends. She’s a fair weather girl, and loves sitting in an open window taking in the outdoor experiences from the safety of her home.

Her favorite thing in the entire world is food. She loves to eat all sorts of snacks, and holds the world record for fastest meal consumption! If she had a job she would be professional taste tester, or maybe her own YouTube Channel where she could travel the world competing in different food challenges 😼

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Melanie has been with the CIVEH Team for 2.5 years. She also holds the title of Aftercare Administrat...


Melanie has been with the CIVEH Team for 2.5 years. She also holds the title of Aftercare Administrator, an extremely vital role that ensures every pet that needs to cross the Rainbow Bridge, and every client that has to make that difficult decision, is taken care of.

Melanie’s husband is from Zambia, and she loves traveling home with him to explore everything Zambia has to offer. While vacationing there recently, she was able to walk six lions at one time!

Born and raised in Nanaimo, Melanie wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, so we are grateful that she has fallen in love with the veterinary industry! Her favorite part of veterinary medicine is snuggling all of the adorable animals that come through our doors, and taking in all of the puppy kisses she can.

When she isn’t at work, Melanie loves to spend time baking, exploring the West Coast, and taking photos of her adventures.

🐰🌷 Happy Easter from Rip and the CIVEH Team! 🌷🐰While we hope you and your furry friends have a wonderful holiday, we wan...

🐰🌷 Happy Easter from Rip and the CIVEH Team! 🌷🐰

While we hope you and your furry friends have a wonderful holiday, we want to remind you that emergencies can happen any time, including on Easter Sunday. Our doors are open to ensure your pets receive the care they need, but please be aware that wait times may be prolonged due to increased demand.

Rest assured, our dedicated team is here to prioritize cases on a triage basis, ensuring that patients with the most urgent needs are seen first. If your pet requires emergency care, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Wishing you a safe and joyful Easter celebration!

As we gear up for the long weekend and Easter celebrations, we wanted to remind you that we are ready to provide round-t...

As we gear up for the long weekend and Easter celebrations, we wanted to remind you that we are ready to provide round-the-clock care for your furry friends and family members! 🐶🐱

While we strive to give prompt attention to every fur-baby in need, please keep in mind that long weekends can get pretty busy. 🐾⏳

Wait times may be longer than usual, but rest assured, our dedicated team will do everything to ensure your pet gets the best care possible! 💙

Call our hospital at 250-933-0913 for the most up to date wait times in the ER, but please be aware that they can change very quickly based on the cases that present to the hospital.

Have a wonderful weekend with your furry friends and family members!

➡️ Today is National Respect Your Cat Day! So for the last post of our Pet Poison Info Series, we are going to focus on ...

➡️ Today is National Respect Your Cat Day! So for the last post of our Pet Poison Info Series, we are going to focus on lilies and tulips, a toxicity that is fairly feline specific 🐱

🌷 Lilies and Tulips 🌷

So, how bad are lilies and tulips for cats anyway?

The Liliaceae family of flowers contains both tulips and hyacinths. Lilies and tulips produce a
toxin that can cause severe irreversible kidney damage in cats after exposure. Every part of the
plant needs to be considered toxic; petals, leaves, stems, pollen and the water they are immersed in.

Lily petals are the most toxic and even a few nibbles can cause severe kidney damage. Also, if your cat gets pollen on its coat, it can be ingested through grooming, so it is a continuous source of exposure until removed through bathing.

‼️ If you believe your cat has contacted lilies, you should seek veterinary care immediately ‼️

➡️ You can also call the Pet Poison Hotline: 1- 800-213-6680 ⬅️

Lily toxicity can be fatal, so early intervention is key for treating your feline family member. Delay
in seeking out treatment can result in permanent kidney failure and loss of life.

What symptoms could you notice if your cat has ingested lilies?
➡️ Lethargic
➡️ Vomiting➡️ Drooling
➡️ Anorexia, decreased interest in food
➡️ Increased urination or no urination➡️ Dehydration
➡️ Increased or decreased thirst➡️ Disorientation➡️ Seizures➡️ Death (can occur in 36-72 hours after ingestion without treatment)

How is lily toxicity in cats treated?
➡️ Inducing vomiting
➡️ Activated Charcoal
➡️ Gastric Lavage
➡️ Enemas
➡️ IV Fluid Therapy
➡️ Antinausea medications
➡️ Other medical treatments and medications will be determined by your veterinarian and the level of illness in your cat, and may include:
➡️ Hospitalization for 48-72 hours (about 3 days).
➡️ Bloodwork: Repeat blood work may be ordered to monitor the kidney injury during treatment.

What is the Prognosis of Lily Toxicity?

Cats that are seen within 18 hours of ingestion have a better prognosis. Prolonged wait periods
for medical attention can lead to irreversible kidney failure and death. Even with treatment there is no guarantee your cat will recover from the toxin but early intervention with veterinary care is critical in managing their illness.

Some cats can recover with minimal treatment and organ damage while others may have permanent kidney injury.

Ways to Prevent Lily and Tulip Toxicity in your Feline Companion:

The best way to prevent your cat from being exposed to lilies and tulips is by choosing not to
have them in your garden or in your home.

Accidental exposure from petals falling from a
bouquet, having a bag of purchased bulbs in the house as a potential chew toy can become
catastrophic and can be fatal to your feline companion.

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on compost!🗑️ Compost 🗑️Composting is a great environmental practice, but did you k...

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on compost!

🗑️ Compost 🗑️

Composting is a great environmental practice, but did you know it can be very toxic to our furry friends. Compost, both homemade and store bought, can be detrimental to your pet's health and it is important you seek immediate veterinary attention.

If you think your pet could have gotten into the garbage/compost, here are some signs to
watch for:
➡️ Agitation
➡️ Excessive Drooling
➡️ Fever
➡️ Vomiting
➡️ Tremors
➡️ Seizures

‼️If you suspect your pet has ingested compost, please contact your veterinarian immediately‼️

There is no antidote. Supplemental treatment is key.

Your veterinary team may start by inducing vomiting, I.V. therapy, anti-nausea medication,
muscle relaxants (for tremors), and anti-seizure medications.

In some cases, it may be recommended to call the Pet Poison Hotline: 1-800-213-6680.

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on rat poison!🐀 Rat Poison 🐁Rat Poisons all have the potential to be toxic to your ...

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on rat poison!

🐀 Rat Poison 🐁

Rat Poisons all have the potential to be toxic to your pets! Treatment of rat bait ingestion can vary depending on the type of rat poison ingested, as not all rat poisons are the same.

In the event your pet has or potentially has ingested rat bait our first question will be: "Do you know the active ingredient and how much was ingested?"

This question is because we need to know how best to treat your pet! Next, our advice is to call the Pet Poison Helpline, as they will make a tailored treatment plan for your pet and the poison they have ingested.

‼️Their phone number is 1-800-213-6680‼️

Some rat poisons cause blood to not clot properly, which can lead to dangerous and deadly bleeding disorders. Some rat baits cause neurotoxin effects, that can lead to tremoring, vomiting, or even seizures.

In a known/suspected ingestion of rat bait we may:

1. Instruct you to bring you pet in to induce vomiting, to empty the stomach and rid the body of as much of the poison as we can.
2. Run a blood panel or blood clotting panel to get a baseline of values – some rat poisons work by interfering with the ability for blood to clot within the body.
3. Suggest hospitalization to monitor for any serious, immediate concerns such as seizures.
4. Administer medications such as antinauseants and activated charcoal to reduce symptoms.
5. Prescribe Vitamin K to go home, often for several weeks, that help control blood clotting factors – while on this treatment your pet may require repeat blood work to monitor blood clotting ability.

‼️The main thing to remember is that if you know or suspect your pet has ingested rat bait you should seek veterinary advice immediately.‼️

Pet Poison Helpline is the best first call to make as they will be able to direct your veterinarian on how best to treat your pet for their toxin ingestion. Rat baits can be deadly to pets so always use caution if you know or suspect your pet has ingested a rat poison.

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on rising dough and yeast!🍞 Yeast 🍞Rising doughs containing yeast are toxic to pets...

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is on rising dough and yeast!

🍞 Yeast 🍞

Rising doughs containing yeast are toxic to pets! Dogs are more likely to ingest uncooked dough, however it is also not safe for cats.

Rising doughs cause multiple problems once ingested and they are a toxin that needs immediate treatment.

‼️If you know or suspect your pet has eaten a rising dough you should seek veterinary attention immediately, time is of the essence‼️

Problems caused by rising dough:
➡️ gastric bloat
➡️ stomach stretching leading to necrosis (death) of the tissue
➡️ alcohol poisoning, leading to dangerously low blood sugar levels

Signs and symptoms:
➡️ raw dough missing from its perfect rising spot!
➡️ retching or unproductive vomiting
➡️ swollen, distended stomach that looks "bloated"
➡️ pet is acting unsteady
➡️ seizures

What to do if ingestion happens:
➡️ call your veterinarian or emergency veterinarian ASAP
➡️ you can offer your pet cool water
➡️ do not try to induce vomiting, unless directed to by a veterinarian
➡️ seek veterinary help immediately; don't call a friend or Dr. Google, call a vet!

➡️ keep rising dough in a place your pet cannot access. It is best hidden away in an oven
or microwave
➡️ never dispose of unused rising dough in a garbage/compost that your dog can access,
make sure it goes where there is a tightly sealed lid
➡️ keep pets that can't be trusted in a kennel or shut in another room while baking your
delicious homemade bread!

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is about prescription medications! This is a toxicity we commonly see in both dogs and...

➡️ Today’s Pet Poison Info Series is about prescription medications! This is a toxicity we commonly see in both dogs and cats!

💊 Prescription Medications 💊

Keeping your prescription medications far away from your pets is the best option.

Serotonin Syndrome is a common side effect of cats and dogs ingesting their owners’

Anti-depressants such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), SNRIs (Serotonin
and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors) and ADHD medications (Stimulants) can be toxic to
pets. This includes drugs such as Venlafaxine (Effexor), Fluoxetine (Prozac), Methylphenidate
(Ritalin, Concerta), Amphetamines or Dextroamphetamines (Adderall, Vyvanse).

‼️ If you suspect your pet has ingested any of these medications, please contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-888-978-9885 and contact your veterinarian or give us a call immediately ‼️

Signs your pet may be experiencing Serotonin Syndrome include:
➡️ Fever
➡️ Wobbly movements, difficulty walking
➡️ Agitation and disorientation
➡️ Dilated pupils
➡️ Increased heart rate
➡️ Vocalization
➡️ Muscle tremors
➡️ Seizures
➡️ Restlessness

Further reading:

➡️ March is Pet Poison Prevention Month, so to finish the month off we are going to post a mini-series of common toxicit...

➡️ March is Pet Poison Prevention Month, so to finish the month off we are going to post a mini-series of common toxicities we see at CIVEH.

➡️ Today is also National Puppy Day! So we are going to kick off our Pet Poison Info Series with a toxicity we commonly see in our canine friends - MUSHROOMS!

Make sure to tune in every day this week to learn some pet poison prevention tips!


🍄 Mushroom Toxicity in Dogs 🍄

While there are many kinds of edible mushrooms, there are also many toxic kinds found on
Vancouver Island to be aware of when walking your dogs or letting them into your yard
unsupervised. Dogs of all ages can be interested in having a nibble on these, and here are
some things to watch out for.

The symptoms can vary from relatively mild to life-threatening:

➡️ Gastrointestinal upset like having a painful abdomen, vomiting or diarrhea.
➡️ Lethargy or excitement
➡️ Hyper-salivation
➡️ Muscle tremors
➡️ Seizures
➡️ Coma

If you suspect your dog ingested a mushroom, please take photos of the mushrooms, whether
they are whole or in vomit. If possible, bringing a sample into the hospital with you is incredibly

We use a mycotoxin group to determine the species of mushroom which will help us
care for your pup. Even the smallest details can help in these situations.

‼️ If your pet has ingested a mushroom, or is otherwise in need of medical attention, please proceed to your nearest veterinary hospital for prompt attention ‼️

Further reading references:

At CIVEH, we love to support Animals Rescues and our Local Businesses! And who doesn't?This month Mount Arrowsmith Brewe...

At CIVEH, we love to support Animals Rescues and our Local Businesses! And who doesn't?

This month Mount Arrowsmith Brewery in Parksville is supporting the local SPCA with Music Bingo!

Music Bingo is hosted every Thursday night at MAB from 6pm- 8pm by our very own Jill Dunlop (aka Referral Coordinator Extraordinaire), which means you have two more opportunities to get in on the fun!

What is Music Bingo you may ask? It plays just like regular bingo only with music instead of numbers! There are two rounds per night, and 3 chances to win prizes per round!

Tonight, Jill will be playing country music and the best hits of the 90’s! Next week, 80’s and punk!

Bingo cards are sold for $2 each and 100% of these proceeds go to the SPCA. MAB is family friendly, served a variety of local brews and non-alcoholic options, and has a great food menu to choose from!

Join Jill for a fun night of Music Bingo and sing along in support of our local SPCA!

🌟 Happy International Day of Happiness! 🌟Today, as we celebrate joy and positivity, we wanted to share some of the thing...

🌟 Happy International Day of Happiness! 🌟

Today, as we celebrate joy and positivity, we wanted to share some of the things that make our team smile from ear to ear! 😊🐾

🐶 The wagging tails and wet noses that greet us every day.
🐱 The purrs of contentment from our feline friends.
🌈 Spending time with our loved ones.
🌿 The healing power of nature, whether it's a sunny day outside or the comforting presence of plants indoors.
✈️ Engaging in the hobbies and sports that fill our cups, like travel, hiking, or skydiving.

What brings happiness to your day? Share in the comments below!

Let's spread smiles and positivity together. 😊💖

☘️🐾 Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us at CIVEH 🐾🍀 While you're celebrating with your furry friends and family membe...

☘️🐾 Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us at CIVEH 🐾🍀

While you're celebrating with your furry friends and family members, remember to keep them safe and comfortable. 🐶🐱

If any pet emergencies arise during the festivities, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is here 24/7 to provide expert care for your beloved lucky charms. 🌈🐾

🚨🐾 Did you know that our hospital has an online store? 🛍️ Whether your furry friend needs a last-minute essential or a s...

🚨🐾 Did you know that our hospital has an online store? 🛍️

Whether your furry friend needs a last-minute essential or a special treat, you can order directly to your door or utilize us as a 24/7 pick-up point! 🚗💨

Simply visit our website for the link to our online store. Your pet's needs are just a click away! 🐶🐱

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Harley and Lou are American Bulldogs that live with Kayli and her family. They are sun loving friends...


Harley and Lou are American Bulldogs that live with Kayli and her family. They are sun loving friends, and love to have fun playing fetch and chasing each other in the summertime.

If they had human jobs, Harley would be a track star with his endurance and love of running, and Lou would be a professional foodie and snack taster.

When they aren’t frolicking outside, you can find these two relaxing together, sharing chicken treats, and playing with their favorite squeaker toys.

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Kayli has been a valuable member of our team for almost 5 months. She spends most of her time behind ...


Kayli has been a valuable member of our team for almost 5 months. She spends most of her time behind the reception desk as one of our amazing Client Service Representatives, but has also been cross trained with our Referral Coordinator, Jill, so if your pet ever needs surgery she may be the one you talk to!

Kayli’s favorite part of vet med is being there for owners during stressful times, and helping their pets during times of need. Her most memorable case so far was being invited into the surgery suite to watch Dr. Preston perform a TPLO surgery.

When she isn’t busy in the hospital, Kayli likes to travel and explore. You can often find her mountain biking or golfing, or spending time with her fur kids Harley and Lou.

💐Here’s to Strong Women.💐May we know them. 💐May we be them. 💐May we raise them.Did you know that according to a recent s...

💐Here’s to Strong Women.
💐May we know them.
💐May we be them.
💐May we raise them.

Did you know that according to a recent study by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 63% of the veterinary industry is dominated by women?

Today we recognize the hard work and dedication of the women in this challenging industry, and the accomplishments of women across the globe and throughout history.

Happy International Women’s Day!

➡️ Special shout out to Ladybug Floral in Nanaimo for putting together these beautiful bouquets for our team! ⬅️

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Now  isn’t this just the cutest thing on Facebook today?!Meet Chandler - Paige’s brand new addition t...


Now isn’t this just the cutest thing on Facebook today?!

Meet Chandler - Paige’s brand new addition to her family and household.

Named after the Friends cast, Chandler is 7 weeks old and has only spent a few days in his new home.
When Paige met him and looked into his puppy eyes, her and her husband just knew that he was the one for them!

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Paige has been a valuable member of the CIVEH team for almost 9 months. She was raised in Grande Prai...


Paige has been a valuable member of the CIVEH team for almost 9 months. She was raised in Grande Prairie, AB, but found her forever home on Vancouver Island.

Growing up, she always wanted to be a wife and a mom - she is halfway there having said “I Do” at the end of 2023. Her and her husband have just adopted an adorable puppy that you will meet tomorrow!

When she isn’t busy at work, she loves to spend her time cooking, baking, or enjoying a fresh sushi roll with her husband. Family is important to her, and she is looking forward to spending the summer outdoors with her newest addition.

🎉 Employee Appreciation Day may have been yesterday, but we couldn't let the moment pass without giving a big shoutout t...

🎉 Employee Appreciation Day may have been yesterday, but we couldn't let the moment pass without giving a big shoutout to our incredible team at Central Island Veterinary Emergency Hospital! 🌟

From late nights to early mornings, you all go above and beyond to ensure our furry friends and family members receive the best care possible.

Join Hitch and the rest of us in thanking the CIVEH team for their dedication and hard work by dropping a “THANK YOU” in the comments below! 🐾

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️JJ is a 6 year old boxer that loves to spend his time with his human and fur family. He likes to hang...


JJ is a 6 year old boxer that loves to spend his time with his human and fur family. He likes to hang upside down on the couch, and pretends to be. A husky with his whining and talking.

JJ is the best lap dog that Mike has - or so he thinks he is. He also is often found taking over the entire king size bed, however he’s too cute to really ask him to move over. He loves his new sister, Daisy Duke, and is excited to teach her proper squirrel chasing etiquette this summer!

He loves liver chews, and if he had a human job, he would be a Professional Hot Dog Eater!

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Mike entered the veterinary profession only a few short months ago, starting with our team as a Clien...


Mike entered the veterinary profession only a few short months ago, starting with our team as a Client Service Representative. He has an amazing way with animals and incredible empathy for the clients that come through our doors, making him a valuable member of our team!

Mike grew up in London, and wanted to pursue a career in finance. He has spent time in various countries throughout the years, and settled in on our beautiful island here on the west coast.

When he isn’t at work, he enjoys spending time with his family, especially his great niece, Sophie. He loves to watch Netflix and relax, and is often found with several dogs in his lap.

Happy Cupcake Day! 🧁🧁🧁We always love an excuse to spoil our team, and who doesn’t love cupcakes?! Even Rip and Hitch cou...

Happy Cupcake Day! 🧁🧁🧁

We always love an excuse to spoil our team, and who doesn’t love cupcakes?! Even Rip and Hitch couldn’t resist indulging in some sweet treats today!

If you’re looking for some sweet tooth satisfaction today, check out our friends at Two Sparrows Cupcakes in Woodgrove Mall!

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Scooby, named after the cartoon character Scooby Doo, is Dr. Sarah’s equine trail buddy. Scooby is a ...


Scooby, named after the cartoon character Scooby Doo, is Dr. Sarah’s equine trail buddy.

Scooby is a loveable guy, with a knack for mischief and mayhem. Although he likes to get into trouble, he’s a brave and loyal trail buddy, and very brave when he takes his people out in the back country.

He loves his Scooby Snacks - equine approved of course - and loves to play with his Jolly Ball! Just like Scooby Doo in the movies and TV series, he’s just a “big, silly dog!”

➡️ MEET THE TEAM ⬅️Dr. Sarah has been in the veterinary industry for 14 years, has been a doctor for 3 years, and a valu...


Dr. Sarah has been in the veterinary industry for 14 years, has been a doctor for 3 years, and a valuable member of our team for almost 2 years!

She always knew she wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up, and loves being able to make a difference in the lives of her patients and their people. A self professed coffee connoisseur, her hidden talent is drinking excessive amounts of caffeine, which can be extremely helpful on busy overnight shifts.

When Dr. Sarah isn’t in the emergency room saving lives, you can find her in the back country horse camping on northern Vancouver Island. She is a talented endurance rider, and you’ll get to meet her equine friend in tomorrow’s post!

➡️ Ultrasound Referral Appointments Available! ⬅️We currently have openings for abdominal and cardiac ultrasound scans o...

➡️ Ultrasound Referral Appointments Available! ⬅️

We currently have openings for abdominal and cardiac ultrasound scans on February 29!

If your pet could benefit from this service, or to learn more about the Ultrasound Referral Service at our hospital, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 250-933-0913 ext 4!

🐾🦷 It’s Dental Month! 🦷🐾At CIVEH we understand the importance of good dental hygiene for our furry friends and family me...

🐾🦷 It’s Dental Month! 🦷🐾

At CIVEH we understand the importance of good dental hygiene for our furry friends and family members. That's why, even though we specialize in emergency care, we're excited to participate in Dental Month (February 15 - March 15) through Dr. Bell's General Surgery Referral Service.

Proper dental care is crucial for your pet's overall health and wellbeing. If you're concerned about your pet's dental health or want to learn more about our participation in Dental Month, feel free to contact us for more information.

Your pet's smile (and health) is our priority! 😊🐾


6550 Metral Drive
Nanaimo, BC


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