Visiting with a friend in a nearby city the other day made me think of how fortunate I am to be able to grow most of my own food. In my small homestead world, the answer to "What's for dinner?" is generally "Whatever's ready in the garden today". And if I don't grow it, I can be pretty much guaranteed that one of my neighbours does. It's a nice life here in Greater Napanee.
What my visit with my friend reminded me though, is that not everyone knows where the good food is. That so-and-so has really great corn, and the neighbour down the road makes amazing bread. That the farm over on County Road take-your-pick has an excellent selection of veggies and that high quality beef can be found a 5 minute drive from there.
Now the best thing, of course, and I highly recommend it, is to go and visit each of the farm gate stands and home based businesses yourself. It makes for an excellent weekend drive, and some of my favourite Sundays are spent doing exactly that.
Not everyone has the time or resources to go visiting, however, or sometimes it's just a matter of knowing where to go.
So, the "Mobile Market" is born! More details to come. I'm looking forward to meeting more of my neighbours, and helping to connect people who want to eat local with the amazing folks who grow and raise great food. β€