We don’t normally do this sort of stuff on our page. However! We have been at an all time low for adoptions, successful litters, and overall funding to put towards our rescue and rabbitry! The majority of this hobby is entirely out of my own pocket. Which is entirely feasible! But, we have decided to sell our gear and put the funds ENTIRELY towards our rescues, and our rabbitry, to help make our buns more attractive for adoption (spay/neuter funds). While not asking for donations* We are not an established rescue. We simply take in buns who have absolutely no choice, and we run a rabbitry. We’ve taken in 40-50 rescues in the last 13 months, which has been a HUGE strain on our rabbitry financially.
This is our productive, proactive, and ethical way of raising more money for our rescues and retirees- to help get everyone fixed, adopted, and in their forever homes!
This by any means do not mean we cannot afford our hobby*** It just means that we do not have the funding for added necessities like spaying/neutering, since all of it is out of pocket, and goes towards their care and feed.
Please share this post and help us raise some money for the rescues, and retirees! Every bun deserves an amazing home. ❤️ Thank you for reading and Thank you all for the continuous support of our rabbitry. We wouldn’t be able to do it without all of our supporters and BRB lovers! ❤️